AP U.S. history

Prior to the arrival of Columbus, the peoples if the present united states had

Less elaborate political systems than the peoples in Central and South America

Before the coming of Europeans, civilizations in Central and South America had developed all of the following cultural achievements except

Wheeled vehicles

Before the arrival of Columbus, all Native American tribes assigned women the tasks of

Caring for children

By 1500, the incentives for Europeans to engage in overseas exploration included all of the following except

The return of the bubonic plague

The first European country to launch long ocean voyages of exploration was


When Christopher Columbus made his famous voyages to the New World, he

Believed that he had reached the Far East

By 1550, Spanish explorers had achieved all of the following objectives except

Discovering Brazil

Between 1500 and 1550, exploration of the New World was dominated by the


The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs was, in part, due to

The diseases the Spaniards had given the Indians

One result of the contact between the Spanish and the Pueblos from 1550 to 1650 was

A vast decline in the Pueblo population

Spanish colonial enterprises exhibited all of the following characteristics except

Missionaries were among the least successful Spanish colonial adventures

The European nation that, unlike other colonizers, did not "people" it's colonies but instead imposed over them a European ruling class was


When the Europeans arrived in the Americas, they brought with them all of the following except

The practice of human sacrifice for religious practices that the natives had not known before

In an effort to subjugate the Native Americans, the Spanish engaged in all of the following except

Prohibiting marriage between Spanish men and Indian women

According to the principles of mercantilism

A successful nation should export it's own goods in exchange for gold and silver

The religious dissatisfactions that ultimately propelled English "Separatists" into the New World can be traced to the 1517 protests of the German priest

Martin Luther

Henry VIII started the English Reformation because he

Required a divorce in order to remarry

The majority of English Puritans were religious dissenters who

Wished to purify Anglican forms of worship

Because of their experiences in Ireland, most English colonists came to believe that they should

Establish an English society separate from the native population

All of the following statements are true of the French colonists in North America except

Their numbers grew rapidly because of their success in building industries

The Dutch established their claims in North America through the efforts of the explorer

Henry Hudson

The most important single event influencing England's decision to begin New World colonizations was the

Defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was established at


The first few British expeditions to North America resulted in

The failure to establish successful permanent settlements

The first American-born child of an English settler was

Virginia Dare

The cryptic message "CROATOAN" is related to

a failed attempt to settle in Roanoke

Over the past century, when historians have estimated the population of Indians in North America before Columbus, they

have generally increased the estimates of the native population

The anthropologist Henry Dobyns believed that

there were 10 to 12 million natives living in North America before the arrival of Columbus

In the early 1600s, the common characteristics of the English colonies included all of the following except

they made efforts to blend English society with native societies

During its first few years, Jamestown suffered from

the debilitating effects of malaria

Virginia began to prosper when the governor changed from

a communal system of labor to private ownership of land

The survival and expansion of Virginia were due, in part, to

the discovery that tobacco grew well there

The first successfully marketed colonial crop from the English colonies in North America was


The eastern region of the Virginia colony was finally saved from Indian attack after

the colonists suppressed the uprising of 1644

All of the following statements are true of the Maryland colony except

it was attacked early and often by neighboring Indians

When the Calverts passed the "Act Concerning Religion" for Maryland in 1649, it began an era of

religious turmoil between Catholics and Protestants

Bacon's rebellion began as

a fight between Indians and frontiersman over western lands

William Berkeley came to be seen as an autocratic ruler of Virginia when he

restricted the right to vote to wealthy landowners

The first enduring European settlement in New England was established by

a congregation of Puritan Separatists

The Massachusetts Bay colony was founded as

a business venture

The Massachusetts Bay colony exhibited all of the following characteristics except

it was granted less local autonomy than other colonial experiments

Of the following settlements, the one that was not established by dissenters leaving the Massachusetts Bay colony was


Anne Hutchinson ran afoul of the Massachusetts clergy for all of the following dissenting views except

the church and the government should be completely separate

The longest and bloodiest war between whites and Indians in the 1600s was

King Philip's was

Prior to 1640, the English had settled all of the following except

New York

Following the Stewart Restoration, Charles II

issued charters for four new colonies in North America

After James received the charter for New York, he split off part of it to create a new colony that became

New Jersey

The Quakers rejected all of the following religious and philosophic concepts except

sexual equality