APUSH Unit 9

Richard Nixon

Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter

(1977-1981), Created the Department of Energy and the Depatment of Education. He was criticized for his return of the Panama Canal Zone, and because of the Soviet war in Afghanistan, he enacted an embargo on grain shipments to USSR and boycotted the 1980

Ronald Reagan

George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton

George W. Bush

Equal Pay Act

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

Watergate Scandal

A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees. Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Roe v. Wade (1973)

National Organization for Women (NOW)

Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) called for equal employment opportunity and equal pay for women. NOW also championed the legalization of abortion and passage of an equal rights amendment to the Constitution.

Water Quality Act

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

The US federal agency with a mission to protect human health and the environment.

Phyllis Schlafly

Helsinki Accords

Camp David Accords (1978)

Iranian Revolution

Iranian Hostage Crisis

3 Mile Island


A period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation).

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)



Sandra Day O'Connor

First woman supreme court justice. appointed by Reagan.

Thurgood Marshall

American civil rights lawyer, first black justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall was a tireless advocate for the rights of minorities and the poor.


Iran-Contra Scandal

Mikhail Gorbachev

The World Wide Web

Don't Ask Don't Tell


Al Qaeda

Oklahoma City Bombing

Al Gore



Bush Doctrine

Axis of Evil

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Great Recession

Colin Powell

Sonia Sotomayor