History 2010 Exam 1

Which of the following describes the first ancestors of the Native American peoples?

D) They were migrants who came over land from northeastern Asia.

What was the foundation for the prosperous Native American societies in Mexico, Peru, and the Mississippi River Valley?

C) The cultivation of maize

Which of the following statements describes Native American peoples east of the Mississippi River?

A) They had no single style of political organization.

Which of the following describes trading relationships among Native Americans in the period before European contact?

D) Native Americans developed expansive trade networks that spanned great distances.

Which of the following features characterized most Native North Americans' spiritual views and practices?

C) Animism

The social order in Europe around 1450 can be described as

B) hierarchical and authoritarian

In 1450, the majority of European men were which of the following?

B) Peasants

Which European nation was the first to involve itself in exploration of the Atlantic as a route to Asia and the African slave trade?

D) Portugal

The rise of commerce in most of Europe in the fifteenth century shifted the balance of power by favoring which of the following groups?

A) Monarchs

Why was the fifteenth-century marriage of Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand of Spain significant?

A) Together they completed Spain's long campaign to oust Muslims.

On October 12, 1492, Columbus, his men, and his ships reached

D) an island in the Bahamas.

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas in the early sixteenth century?

D) Their thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Columbian Exchange?

B) It transported livestock, crops, and diseases among Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

Why did the number of Indians living in Mesoamerica decline from about 30 million in the fifteenth century to approximately 3 million by 1650?

D) Disease carried by Europeans decimated most Indian tribes who came into contact with them.

During most of the sixteenth century, which of the following was the wealthiest nation in Europe?


During most of the sixteenth century, which of the following was the wealthiest nation in Europe?


Why was the influx of American gold and silver into the English economy during the sixteenth century significant?

B) It stimulated further economic expansion.

Portuguese colonists in Brazil in the sixteenth century created an industry based on which of these resources?

C) Sugar

Which of the following groups provided the labor for Brazil's profitable plantations in 1620?

B) African slaves

Which of the following statements describes the English migrants who initially settled in the Jamestown colony in the early 1600s?

B) Early Jamestown settlers expected to profit from gold and Indian labor.

The economic livelihood of the Virginia colony in the 1700s depended on which of the following products?

A) Tobacco

Which of the following characteristics was a common feature of royal colonies throughout English America in the seventeenth century?

C) An elected assembly

In North America's plantation colonies, most indentured servants

D) did not escape from poverty

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century?

C) The Chesapeake adopted slavery gradually and Barbados did so quickly.

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years?

B) The religious discipline of the Plymouth settlers encouraged their stronger work ethic.

When they settled in the New World in 1630, the Puritans' first priority was to

C) create a reformed society that would model true Christianity in America

Which of the following was characteristic of both the Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut colonies?

A) Their governments were controlled by the landholding aristocracy.

Which of the following statements is true of Metacom's War (King Philip's War), which took place in 1675-1676?

D) The war was a last-ditch attempt to save Indian lands and culture in New England.

Which of the following was a consequence of Bacon's Rebellion of the 1670s?

A) Slavery began to replace indentured servitude.

How were the Indian uprising in 1622 and Bacon's Rebellion in 1675-1676 similar?

D) The rebellions led to changes in the structure of the colony's government

Which of the following describes the character of Britain's empire in America before 1660?

D) The British ruled their American colonies in a haphazard and lax manner

Where did the first colonists who settled South Carolina and introduced racial slavery in the 1660s come from?

C) Barbados

Which American colony was established in the 1660s as a haven for Quakers?

D) Pennsylvania

The Navigation Acts, implemented in the American colonies by Britain in the mid-seventeenth century, were originally intended to

B) cut the Dutch and French out of the colonial trade.

As part of its mercantilist policy in the late seventeenth century, England committed which of the following actions?

C) Drove the Dutch from New Netherland

For which of the following reasons did Britain's King James II create the Dominion of New England in 1686?

A) He aimed to strengthen royal control of the American colonies.

Which of the following describes the significance of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England and America?

B) The event led to a period of lax British rule of its American colonies, with few new laws or taxes.

Which of the following areas imported the smallest number of slaves in the early eighteenth century?

D) North America

The term Middle Passage refers to which of the following?

C) African slaves' perilous trans-Atlantic journey to the Americas

Which of the following statements characterizes life for slaves in the West Indies in the 1700s?

C) Because the price of slaves was low and the price of sugar was high, slave owners worked their slaves to death and then replaced them with new slaves.

Which of the following occurred as a consequence of the "tobacco revolution" in Virginia and Maryland in the late seventeenth century?

D) The creation of a slave-based plantation economy

Which of the following characterized tobacco, rice, and sugar production in eighteenth-century America?

A) Each drove the expansion of the slave trade for a time.

Which of the following explains why Chesapeake planters treated their slaves less harshly than West Indian planters in the eighteenth century?

D) Profits on sugar were considerably higher than those made through tobacco production.

What spurred slaves to organize the Stono Rebellion in South Carolina in 1739?

D) The Spanish governor in Florida had promised freedom to fugitive slaves.

Which of the following was true of slavery in the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

D) Slaves created a sophisticated culture with extended kin relationships and traditions.

Which of the following changes occurred in white society in the Chesapeake colonies at the same time that slavery was being forced on Africans?

C) A more rigid class structure with a well-defined and highly visible economic and political elite began to emerge

In the mid-1700s, how were the English colonies throughout the British Atlantic empire primarily linked?

A) Trade relationships promoted ties between the English colonies.

What did the British policy of salutary neglect of the American colonies in the early eighteenth century mean?

A) The British relaxed their supervision of the colonies' internal affairs while concentrating on defense and trade policies.

Which of the following developments created a crisis for New England Puritan society in the eighteenth century?

D) Population growth made freehold land scarce.

Which of the following features characterized the Middle Atlantic colonies of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

B) Cultural diversity

Why was the print revolution that occurred in the colonies during the early eighteenth century significant?

C) Printing allowed for the broad transmission of new ideas.

The English philosopher John Locke believed which of the following ideas?

A) People had natural rights such as life, liberty, and property

The power of human reason, a world ordered by natural laws, and the progressive improvement of society are associated with which of the following movements?

A) The Enlightenment

Which of these religious denominations successfully converted many slaves in the mid-eighteenth-century southern colonies?

C) Baptists

Which of the following consequences of the eighteenth-century Great Awakening made it historically significant?

C) Americans' new freedom to challenge authority within and outside the church

Which of the following eighteenth-century movements posed a significant challenge to traditional assumptions about race, gender, and class in American society?

D) The Great Awakening

The French and Indian War started as a result of disputed land claims regarding

A) the Ohio River Valley.

Hostilities between French troops and Virginians led by Colonel George Washington began in 1754 at which of the following locations?

A) Fort Duquesne

Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

D) France lost all of her North American territory east of the Mississippi River.

In the mid-1700s, which industrializing nation was the dominant commercial power in the Atlantic Ocean?

B) England

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

B) Britain's new ability to produce more and cheaper goods than ever before transformed American markets and raised most colonists' standard of living.

Pontiac's uprising in Detroit in 1763 was a direct cause of which of the following events?

C) The Royal Proclamation of 1763

Which of the following problems troubled both eastern migrants and western settlers in the American colonies in the mid-1700s?

A) Competition for land

Which of the following statements characterizes the British government's attempts to meet its war debt following the Great War for Empire?

D) Parliament increased import taxes on items used by the poor and middling classes such as sugar and beer.

ow did Britain's skyrocketing national debt affect its government in England and America in the 1760s?

A) The need for higher taxes spurred Britain to increase the size and power of its bureaucracy in England and America.

Which of the following was one reason the British sent 7,500 troops to North America after the end of the Great War for Empire in 1763?

B) The British government sought to prevent future Indian uprisings on the frontier.

The colonists' real objections to the Sugar Act stemmed from which of the following?

C) The growing administrative power of the British government over the colonies.

On what basis did the American colonists object to the vice-admiralty courts in which violators of the Sugar Act were tried?

C) The courts were run by British-appointed judges and did not involve juries

How did British politicians respond to the American's cry of "no taxation without representation"?

C) Politicians argued that the colonists already had virtual representation.

At the same time that Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required

A) Americans to vacate their houses or take in British troops on the demand of any commander.

Which of the following statements describes the Stamp Act Congress, which was held in New York in 1765?

B) The delegates protested loss of American liberties and challenged the act's constitutionality.

Members of activist groups, such as the Sons of Liberty, were typically which of the following?

C) Artisans, shopkeepers, poor laborers, and seamen

Which of the following factors was among those that motivated many merchants, artisans, and journeymen to protest against the Stamp Act?

B) Fear that their personal liberty would be undermined

In the decade before the American Revolution, the colonists' achieved the greatest effect by using which of the following means of protest?

A) Boycotts

Which of the following statements describes the Boston Massacre, which took place on March 5, 1770?

D) Five Bostonians were shot and killed by British troops who were later exonerated of the crime.

Which of the following was the purpose of the Tea Act imposed by Parliament on the colonies in May 1773?

C) The British needed to bail out the financially strapped British East India Company

The 1774 Coercive Acts applied to which of the following colonies?

D) Massachusetts only

Which of the following describes the First Continental Congress of 1774?

B) The group united representatives from all of the British colonies in North America

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of the April 1776 Battle of Lexington and Concord?

A) The bloodshed that took place made further compromise impossible.

Why was the popular pamphlet entitled Common Sense significant?

A) It called for republicanism and convinced many colonists of the need to fight for American independence.

England had a clear advantage at the outset of the Revolutionary War, but Americans had which of the following factors operating in their favor?

B) A more motivated military

Which of the following statements characterizes the relative military strengths of the British and Patriot forces during the Revolutionary War?

D) The British could expect support from thousands of Loyalists in the colonies and many Indian tribes.

What was significant about George Washington's leading of his troops across the Delaware River on Christmas night in 1776?

B) Washington's action surprised the enemy and gave the Americans their first real victory.

Why was the Battle of Saratoga historically significant?

B) The victory ensured the French would join in an alliance with the Americans.

Which of the following statements characterizes events at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778?

B) Through the training of Baron von Steuben, the Continental army emerged as a much tougher and better-disciplined force.

France gave serious consideration to an alliance with the rebel colonies primarily because it regarded the war as an opportunity to

A) exact revenge on Britain for defeat in the French and Indian War and the loss of Canada.

Which of the following battles marked the end of the American Revolution in 1781?

C) Yorktown

Why did the British surrender to the Americans in the Battle of Yorktown in 1781?

A) The British were outnumbered and cut off from reinforcement or retreat by sea.

Despite the favorable terms Americans achieved in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, they could not ultimately secure which of the following?

D) Forgiveness of their debts to British merchants

Why was Abigail Adams a notable figure in the Revolutionary era?

C) She criticized Patriots like her husband John and insisted on equal legal rights for married women.

Which of the following was true under the Articles of Confederation?

D) Most of the power remained with the states.

Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant?

C) It prohibited slavery in the territory and earmarked funds from land sales for public schools.

Which of the following states were eventually created out of the Northwest Territory?

B) Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana

Why were the land ordinances of the 1780s considered a great accomplishment of the Confederation Congress?

A) The ordinances provided for orderly settlement and created a fair process for those areas to eventually become fully equal states.