Apush Chapters 7-12

The founding of American colonies by the British was

Undertaken in a haphazard manner

Virtual representation meant that

Every member or Parliament represented all British subjects everywhere

The first Navigational Laws were designed to

Eliminate Dutch shippers from American carrying trade.

As a result of Parliament's rejection of the petitions of the Continental Congress

Fighting and bloodshed took place, and war began.

The colonists faced all of the following weaknesses in the War for Independence except

The use of numerous European officers.

The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit

British merchants.

Under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to do all of the following except

Become economically self-sufficient as soon as possible.

When colonists shouted "No taxation without representation," they were denying Parliament's power to

Levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies.

Colonists responded to the hated Stamp Act in all of the followings ways except

Having colonial legislatures issue a court mandate forbidding the enforcement of the act.

The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was

Not the only protest to occur.

Regarding American independence

Only a select minority supported independence with selfless devotion.

Not one of the original thirteen colonies except ___ was formally planted by British government


The British Crown's royal veto of colonial legislation

Was used sparingly by the British Parliament.

Which of the following is not a true statement about women's roles during the Revolution?

Many women urged husbands and sons to stay home and safeguard their families and property

Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act

convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty.

As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of

many outstanding civilian and military leaders,

Mercantilists believed that

a country's economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury.

The most drastic measure of the Intolerable Acts was the

Boston Port Act.

Most Americans considered which of the following to be fundamental for any successful republican government?

Civic virtue

Many Americans remained loyalists during the Revolution for all the following reasons except

fear of retribution.

The Revolutionary War began with fighting in _______; then in 1777-1778, fighting was concentrated in _____; and the fighting concluded in _____.

New England, the middle colonies, the South

Which individual privately advocated equality for women?

Abigail Adams

One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to

explain to the rest of the world why the colonies had revolted.

After the British defeat at Yorktown

the fighting continued for more than a year.

The resolution that "These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states..." was introduced into the Second Continental Congress by Virginia delegate

Richard Henry Lee

In 1775, once fighting between the colonies and Great Britain began

the colonists affirmed their loyalty to the King.

The Olive Branch Petition

professed American loyalty to the crown.

King George III officially declared the colonies in rebellion just after

the Battle of Bunker Hill.

After the defeat at the Battle of Long Island (Brooklyn Heights), Washington's forces importantly escaped to

fight another day.

During the Revolution, the frontier saw much fighting, which

failed to stem the tide of westward-moving pioneers.

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except

offer the British one last chance at reconciliation.

The feasibility of representative government had been demonstrated in the

committees of correspondence.

In a republic, power

comes from the people themselves.

To help the British, colonial Loyalists did all of the following except

pay extra taxes to fund the war.

Patriots responded to Paine's vision of an ultra democratic republic in all of the following ways except

some wanted to see only the lower orders of farmers and worker as the base of political power

Jefferson was selected to draft the Declaration of Independence because

he was already recognized as a brilliant writer.

When it came to supporting the Revolution, most colonists were

neutral or apathetic.

When the Second Continental Congress met in 1775

there was no well-defined sentiment for independence.

The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it

brought the colonists much-needed aid and a formal alliance with France.

In May 1775, a tiny American force under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured the British garrisons at Ft. Ticonderoga and Crown Point in upper New York. What did the Americans secure as a result of this victory?

A priceless store of gunpowder and artillery for the siege of Boston was secured.

Americans who opposed independence for the colonies were labeled ____ or ____, and the independence-seeking Patriots were also known as ____.

Loyalists, Tories, Whigs

General William Howe did not pursue and defeat George Washington's army after the Battle of Long Island for all the following reasons except

he lacked sufficient naval support.

Regarding the provisions of the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the Revolution

America broke the assurances regarding treatment of the Loyalists.

Like many revolutions, the American Revolution was

a minority movement.

French aid to the colonies did all of the following except

allowed American forces to focus only on the southern theater.

Identify the following statement that is false.

The U.S Constitution can be described as an elaborate legal code, common to other foreign countries constitutions, like India.

Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?


Among other views, The Federalist, written during the ratification debate, argued that it was

possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory.

The debate between the supporters and critics of the Articles of Confederation centered on how to

reconcile states' rights with strong national government.

One of the most farsighted provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787

prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest.

The struggle of divorce between religion and government, in the post-revolutionary period, proved fiercest in


The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

apportioning congressional representation.

The one branch of the government elected directly by the people is the

House of Representatives.

The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when

all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government.

The fifty-five delegates to the Constitutional Convention shared all of the following qualities except

they were more interested in strengthening the young Republic and tapping Revolutionary idealism.

Immediately after the Revolution, the new American nation's greatest strength lay in its

excellent political leadership.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the relationship between the thirteen states

convinced many that a stronger central government was needed.

One reason that the United States avoided the frightful excesses of the French Revolution is that

cheap land was easily available and America had few landed aristocrats.

The new Constitution established the idea that the only legitimate government was one based on

the consent of the governed.

Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention could best be labeled


As written documents, the state constitutions functioned in all of the following ways except

as an accumulation of laws, customs and precedents.

By their actions, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention manifested their common beliefs in all of the following except

manhood-suffrage democracy.

The large-state plan, put forward in the Constitutional Convention

based representation in the House and Senate on population.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

established a procedure for governing the Old Northwest territory.

A. Britain
B. France
C. Spain
D. Barbary Coast
1. threatened American commerce in the Mediterranean
2. demanded repayment of wartime loans
3. occupied a chain of trading forts in the Old Northwest
4. controlled important trade routes from the interior of


Early signs of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the

emancipation of some slaves.

The world's first antislavery society was founded by

Quakers in Philadelphia

The new Republic passed a major test when

power was peacefully transferred from the conservative Federalists to the more liberal Jeffersonians in the election of 1800.

The Neutrality Proclamation in 1793

officially proclaimed America's neutrality in Old World quarrels.

The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 arose in southwestern Pennsylvania when the federal government

levied an excise tax on whiskey.

Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from

customs duties and excise tax.

Regarding central authority, early Americans saw it as all of the following except

something to be ultimately eliminated.

When the French Revolution developed into a war with Britain, George Washington and the American government

remained neutral.

According to the compact theory advocated by Jefferson and Madison

the national government was the creation of the thirteen sovereign states.

One of George Washington's major contributions as president was

keeping the nation out of foreign wars.

Despite the flourishing cities, America's population was still about ____ percent rural.


All of the following are true statements about the Whiskey Rebellion except

Washington responded to the Whiskey Rebellion by negotiating with the protestors.

Hamilton believed that, together, his funding and assumption programs would

gain the monetary and political support of the rich for the federal government.

All of the following were part of Alexander Hamilton's economic program except

paying only domestic debts but not foreign debts.

When the new government was launched in 1789

the nation's population was doubling about every 25 years.

The immediate cause of the undeclared war between the United States and France was

the XYZ affair.

Foreign relations between the United States and France deteriorated in the late 1790s over

French seizure of American merchant ships.

All of the following are guarantees provided by the Bill of Rights except

the right to vote for all citizens.

One of the first jobs facing the new government, formed under the Constitution, was to

draw up and pass a bill of rights.

Thomas Jefferson argued that a landless class of voters could be avoided in part by

continuing slavery.

Federalists advocated rule by

the best people.

Washington's Farewell Address in 1796

warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances.

In Jay's Treaty, the British

promise to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest.

All of the following were true of Alexander Hamilton except

his intelligence was constantly under question, but his loyalty to the republican experiment never wavered.

The new Constitution did not provide for the creation of a(n)


Hamiltonian Federalists advocated

a strong central government.

To the Jeffersonian Republicans, the ideal citizen of a republic was an

independent farmer.

A. Hamilton
B. Jefferson
1. privileges for the upper class
2. pro-British
3. sympathy for the common people
4. potent central government
5. pay off national debt
6. government support for business
7. pro-French
8. universal education

A- 1, 2, 4, 6
B- 3, 5, 7, 8

The Sedition Act

threatened First Amendment freedoms.

Alexander Hamilton's proposed bank of the United States was

based on the "necessary and proper," or "elastic," clause in the Constitution.

As a result of the Sedition Acts

newspaper editors critical of the Adams Administration were indicted, tried and sent to jail.

Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt

was beneficial, because people to whom the government owed money would work hard to make the nation a success.

Jefferson said landlessness threatened democracy as much as illiteracy because

he feared that those without property could become political pawn of those who owned land.

Thomas Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his

moderation in the administration of public policy.

To guard American shores, Thomas Jefferson

constructed two hundred tiny gunboats.

Thomas Jefferson saw his election and his mission as president to include all of the following except

support the establishment of a strong army.

Tecumseh argued that Indians should

not cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agreed.

Jefferson complained to his friend John Adams about what aspect of his life?

Responding to the many letters he received - 1267 in 1820 alone.

Though Jefferson won the popular and electoral vote, a strange deadlock led to the election being decided

in the House of Representatives.

Once begun, the War of 1812 was supported strongly by

the West and South.

To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson

enacted an economic embargo.

Lewis and Clark's expedition through the Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following except

treaties with several Indian nations.

In the 1800 election, Thomas Jefferson won the state of New York because

Aaron Burr used his influence to turn the state to Jefferson.

The British impressed American sailors into the British navy because

they needed more men.

The battle of Tippecanoe resulted in

the death of the dream of an Indian confederacy.

Jefferson had authorized American negotiators to purchase only ____ from France.

New Orleans and Florida

The case of Marbury v. Madison involved the question of who had the right to

determine the meaning of the Constitution.

The American naval war with Tripoli ended with

a peace treaty in 1805.

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the Louisiana Purchase?

It more than tripled the size of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson and his followers opposed John Adam's last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because

it was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in the government.

Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States for all of the following reasons except

he was afraid that the Spanish might seize Louisiana in a new war.

Which of these does not describe the ways in which Americans responded to Jefferson's embargo?

Southern states promised not to enforce it and to break away from the Union.

Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because

he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional.

Thomas Jefferson distrusted large standing armies because they

could be used to establish a dictaorship.

One of the first lessons learned by the Jeffersonians after their victory in the 1800 presidential election was

that it is easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently.

The chief justice who carried out, more than any other federal official, the ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning a powerful federal government was

John Marshall.

As a chief justice of the United States, John Marshall helped to ensure that

the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government.

Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of

an overland trail to the Pacific.

For Native Americans, the War of 1812 meant

treaties which they reluctantly relinquished lands north of the Ohio River.

The United Sates' most successful diplomat in the Era of Good Feelings was

John Quincy Adams.

After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815, Europe

turned toward conservatism, liberalism, and reaction.

Andrew Jackson sought to recruit free blacks to defend New Orleans by appealing to the governor of Louisiana using all of the following arguments except

many of the free men are idle and would benefit from a term of military service.

One result of the American naval victories on the Great Lakes during the War of 1812 was

a British naval blockade of the American coast.

In the North, the admission of Missouri as a state

inspired a small but growing group of antislavery advocates to speak out against the evils of slavery.

In interpreting the Constitution, John Marshall

favored loose construction.

As a result of the Missouri Compromise

slavery was banned north of 36'30' in the the Louisiana Purchase territory.

With the demise of the Federalist party

the Democratic-Republicans established one-party rule.

From a global perspective, the War of 1812 was

of little importance.

John Marshall's rulings upheld a defense of property rights against public pressure in

Fletcher v. Peck.

The outcome of the War of 1812 was a

stimulus to patriotic nationalism in the United States.

The War of 1812 was one of the worst fought wars in American history for all of the following reasons except that

the militia was never called up to supplement the regular army.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v. Virginia, and Gibbons v. Ogden, Chief Justice Marshall's rulings limited the extent of

states' rights.

People moved into the Old Northwest for all of the following reasons except

to expand the territory where slavery was legal.

By 1814, the British strategy included all of the following except

invading the Delaware and Hudson Valleys.

Canada became an important battleground in the War of 1812 because

British forces were weakest there.

At the time it was issued, the Monroe Doctrine was

incapable of being enforced by the United States.

Britain opposed Spain's reestablishing its authority in Latin American countries that had successfully revolted because

the ports of these nations were now open to lucrative trade.

The western land boom resulted from all of the following except

the construction of the railroad lines west of the Mississippi River.

The British attack on Fort McHenry

inspired the writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner.

The Rush-Bagot agreement

limited naval armaments on the Great Lakes.

Post-War of 1812, nationalism could be seen in all of the following except

a revival of American religion.

The Monroe Doctrine was

an expression of the illusion of deepening American isolationism from world affairs.

When moving to the Old Northwest, settlers from the North wanted to do all of the following except

support an educated clergy.

At the peace conference at Ghent, the British began to withdraw many of its earlier demands for all of the following reasons except

the American victory at New Orleans.

John Marshall uttered his famous legal dictum that "the power to tax involves the power to destroy" in

McCulloch v. Maryland.