APUSH Chapter 4 Study Guide

What was the principal crop in the Chesapeake region?

most planters grew tobacco because it was easy to grow and profitable- but it seriously depleted the soil

Unhealthy Chesapeake

life in the American wilderness was harsh, disease killed many, few died to live to 40 or 50 years, women were very scarce, few people knew grandparents

Indentured Servants

could come to the New World for free and then usually worked 7 years to pay off travel debt, life for them was hard, freedom after 7 years, harsh awful conditions

Headright System

Virginia and Maryland used this to encourage workers- whoever paid the passage of a laborer received the rights to 50 acres of land, benefited master not servant

Freedom Dues

the work that indentured servants had to pay in order to become free of debt and reap the benefits of freedom

Governor William Berkeley

gave tax free land grants to himself and to his friends, royal governor, began going against his own people and helped Indians so he could make personal profit, hated by people

Nathaniel Bacon

member of the governing council, protested and killed some peaceful Indians, arrested by Berkeley

Bacon's Rebellion (1676)

When Bacon was arrested, Bacon's men threatend to use force to get him out, Berkeley gave landless freemen a vote to mantain peace, Bacon's men still burned Jamestown and issued a "Manifesto and Declaration of the People" to end the rule of the wealthy, rebellion eventually lowered taxes and took Indian land, accelerated interest in African slaves as alternate labor force, against gov. now

Why did the Chesapeake farmers switch from indentured servants to slaves in the 1660s?

indentured servants were too much work and could think for themselves and start revolt (Bacon), indentured servants were also running low,

Middle Passage

Slaves would go from Africa to West Indies to America, trade would also occur along this pasage

From what part of africa did most North American slaves come?

most of the slaves were from West Africa from places like Senegal and Angola

Slave Codes

Laws that clarified the social places of slaves, started and brought to America from Barbados, slaves became property with no rights or education and were hereditary

What were the principle crops in the South Carolina colony?

rice and indigo

Stono Rebellion

1739, South Carolina blacks along the Stono River revolted and tried to march to Spanish Florida but failed


In Virginia, a clutch of extended family clans owned tracts and tracts of real estate and dominated the House of Burgesses, they were known as the First Families of Virginia

Why did so few large cities develop in the South?

the majority of the population was farmers

Royal African Company

originally had a crown-granted monopoly on carrying slaves to colonies, lost it in 1698 causing others to rush to Africa for slave trade and the number of slaves rose drastically


slavery and House of Burgesses started


language of blacks on South Carolina coast


a dance, music thing that developed into jazz

5 Levels of Society in Southern Colonies

1) planters, 2) small farmers, 3) landless whites, 4) persons serving out the term of their indenture, 5) oppressed black slaves

What were the natural advantages of the New England colonies?

clean water and cooler temperatures


a new form of sermon, preachers scolded parishioners for waning piety

The Half-Way Covenant

to grow church popularity because members were decreasing, modified the "covenenant" or the agreement between the church and its adherents to admit to baptism- but not "full communion"- the unconverted children of existing members. By conferring partial membership rights in the once exclusive Puritan congretions, the Half-Way covenant weakened the distinction between the "elect" and others, eventually anyone was let in Puritan congregations

Salem Witch Hunts

1692, a group of young girls in Salem, Massachusetts claimed that they were bewtiched by an older group of women, this caused witch hunts to go on all over legally killing more than 20 women and 2 dogs, the girls most likely lied due to social, economic, and religious differences

How did New England settlers differ from the Indians in the way they viewed how land should be used?

the settlers thought that it is good to own land and do as you please to make a profit, the indians thought it was Gods land that he gave to everyone and that no one can own

Worth a candle

things that can only be performed at night

Dukes don't emigrate

if people are enjoying wealth and security they are not likely to risk it in the wilderness

Leisler's Rebellion

A rebellion in New York between lordly landholders and aspiring merchants, an illstarred and bloody insurgence that rocked NYC from 1689-1691

What farming techinques did Africans bring to the Carolinas?

rice farming

How were slaves able to form a common culture in spite of their own diversity?

they were now all slaves together working and living together all the time

How did the Christianity of the slaves come to reflect African heritage?

Christian songs could be code for announcement of the arribal of a guide to freedom