APUSH Unit 1

L'Anse Aux Meadows

Site where Viking artifacts were found, indicating their presence around 1000 A.D.

John Winthrop

First governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony (1630-1649).

Church of England

Founded by King Henry VIII - the state religion England.


French Protestants

Triangle Trade

The pattern of trade between the Americas, Europe and Africa

Albany Plan of Union

1754 - Early attempt to unite the colonies by Ben Franklin - proposal failed

French and Indian War

1754-1763 The war between Great Britain and France in North America. Britain became the dominant colonial power in the eastern half of North America.


The theory that a nation should export more than they import.

Sir Edmund Andros

Governor of the Dominion of New England hated by colonists

Eunice Williams

Captured as a child in Deerfield Raid, refused to return to her Puritan family

Lord Baltimore

created Colony of Maryland based on religious freedom, primarily for Catholics

Reasons for Spanish colonization

Gold, converting natives to Christianity and land.

Pontiac Rebellion

1763 -1766 Native American uprising against English at the end of French and Indian war was named after Indian leader, Pontiac.

Bacon's Rebellion

An uprising of discontented backcountry settlers in 1676 in the Virginia Colony - Protesting lack of protection by colonial government

George Whitefield

An evangelical Anglican minster from England who took part in the Great Awakening in Massachussetts in 1738. He made the first of many tours of the colonies.

Nathaniel Bacon

A wealthy backcountry settler who led a rebellion against Virginia's governor

Stono Rebellion

The most serious slave rebellion in the the colonial period which occurred in 1739 in South Carolina.


Came to America to practice their religion and settled Massachusetts Bay.

John Peter Zenger

Trial set precedent for freedom of the press during colonial times

Staple crops of the South

Tobacco, rice, indigo

Dominion of New England

Attempt by the British to gain more control of New England colonies by uniting them under one royal governor


Question the strict Calvinist theology of predestination. Members of Puritan churches.

Jacques Cartier

Explored the St. Lawrence River and laid claim to the region for France

Poor Richard's Almanack

Written by Ben Franklin in (1732-57) - emphasized useful and practical knowledge.

William Penn

Quaker who founded the colony of Pennsylvania

What colonial regions benefits most from slave trade? Why?

New England because they supplied the captains and the ships


Chief Powhatan's daughter, later married John Rolfe of Virginia

Indentured Servant

Contracted worker in exchange for transport, food, clothing, lodging, and other necessities.

Columbian Exchange

Widespread exchange of animals, plants, cultures, diseases, and ideas between the western and eastern hemispheres.

Deerfield Raid

1704 - French & Native Americans attacked Deerfield, Massachusetts. 112 captives were taken to Canada. One third chose not to return

James Oglethorpe

Founded the colony of Georgia as a buffer - settlers came from debtors' prisons

Prince Henry the Navigator

Portuguese navigator & map-maker - he spurred exploration

Spanish Armada 1588

Went to attack England and failed


Grant to a Spanish colonist that a certain number on Indians will pay tribute to him in the way of labor or goods

Reasons for English Colonization

Religious freedom, profit (gold, raw materials, cash crops)

Admiralty & Vice Admiralty Courts

1760s British Military courts used to try colonists for smuggling

Salem Witch Trials

1692 - 1693, twenty accused witches were killed mostly by hanging

Free Blacks in Colonial Times

relatively few - didn't have the same rights as white people.


A law stated that the entire estate of a man would be passed to his first-born son when he died.


Possessions of a man could only be passed on to a certain successor when he died.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Established in 1630 by Puritans - eventually combined with Plymouth and became Massachusetts.

Holy Experiment

William Penn's plan to treat Indians fairly

Massachusetts General Court

The legislature in Massachusetts

French and Indian War- Causes

Competition for resources, power & expansion in the New World.

Middling Sort

economic middle class

French & Indian War effects on colonists

English debt causes crack down on collecting taxes - end of salutary neglect

Mayflower Compact

The governing document of the Plymouth colony

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer of St. Lawrence River - "father" of New France

Treaty of Paris 1763

Treaty that ends the French and Indian War (Seven Year War)

Pequot War

1637 - example of early conflict - Narragansett and Mohegan tribes join with Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay colonies to fight the Pequots

Henry Hudson

Explored northeastern North America and claimed NY area for the Dutch

Chesapeake colonies-why slow growth?

Colony mostly populated by men, swampy, diseases


Separatists - believed the Church of England was corrupt and needed to start a new Church - founded Plymouth

Salutary Neglect

A period of time when the British did not enforce the Navigation Acts

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

the first formal constitution in the colonies

Georgia- why founded?

To resettle people from debtors prison in England and form a buffer against Spanish & Seminole attacks

Navigation Acts (1651, 1673, 1696)

A series of laws restricting trade between England and it's colonies in America

Sugar Islands- Barbados, Jamaica, Haiti

Most African slaves went to this region


Small wooden shacks where slaves were kept before arrival of slaves ships

Maryland- why founded?

As a refuge for Catholics in the colonies

Proclamation of 1763

Prohibited American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

First Great Awakening

A colonial religious revival that led people to question traditional religious authorities

Roanoke Colony

Lost Colony - disappeared while waiting for a resupply ship from England

Benjamin Franklin

A founding father. Published Poor Richards Almanack.

Halfway Covenant

Offered partial membership rights to people who have not yet converted.

New Inventions for Exploration

Compass, sextant, caravel

The "Starving Time

The first winter in Jamestown.

Anne Hutchinson

banished from Boston; helped founded Rhode Island

Methodist Religion

founded by John Wesley. Believed in no evil, practicing kindness, and God's word as law

Frontier of Inclusion/Exclusion

natives part of society: natives not part of society

Fictive Kin

referring to someone as family (gramp, auntie), though they share no blood relation

Blended Culture

The blending of African culture with Colonial culture to create African American Culture


Religious belief that says God created the world and lets it run itself by natural law

John Locke

English philosopher - believed government should derive its power from the people whom it governed.

Pueblo Revolt

Ongoing rebellion to limit the Spanish expanding, longest lasting Native American revolt in American History

Christopher Columbus

Explorer trying to get to Asia landed in the West Indies

Peter Stuyvesant

Served as the last dutch director general in the colony of New Netherland form 1647-1664.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Treaty singed by Spain and Portugal, that divided the new world.

House of Burgesses

First legislature established in Virginia.

The Scramble

A way of choosing slaves newly arrived in the Americas - Owners would rush to choose the best from slaves in an enclosure

Fort Duquesne

Strategic French stronghold - Important in French & Indian War

Maryland Act of Toleration

granted religious freedom and allowed one to worship as they pleased

Roger Williams

Founder of Rhode Island - banished from Massachusetts

Massachusetts School Law

every township that has 50 or more households must provide the community with a school house and school master

St. Augustine

First permanent European settlement in North America


Indian who helped the Pilgrims during their first winter in Plymouth

Middle passage

part of Triangle Trade when slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas


asserting that inner grace was sufficient to achieve salvation and that church ministers were unnecessary for that goal

Salutary Neglect

An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies

Bartolomeo de las Casas

a Spanish priest who was harshly critical of the Spanish treatment of Indians

Great Migration

Settlement of over twenty thousand Puritans in Massachusetts Bay and other parts of New England between 1630 and 1642.

New England town meetings

pure democracy"; meetings held congregational-style in churches to discuss politics and town matters.

task system

usually for rice cultivation, a task is assigned to the slave, and when they finish it the rest of the day is theirs

gang system

enslaved people were organized into work gangs that labored from sunup to sundown


religious settlements run by Catholic Priests and friars.


a Spanish fort built to protect the missions and other colonists.


a movement in the 18th century that advocated the use of reason in the reappraisal of accepted ideas and social institutions

King Philip's War

1675-1676 coordinated assaults on New England villages, The last major Indian effort to halt New Englander's encroachment on their lands

Plains of Abraham

a field near Quebec; the site of a major British victory over the French in the French and Indian War

Reasons for French colonization

Fur trade and to convert Indians to Catholicism


Major Southern colonial port


First permanent English settlement in North America

New England Confederation

1643 - Formed to provide for the defense of the four New England colonies, and also acted as a court in disputes between colonies.

City upon a hill

Winthrop's name for Massachusetts Bay Colony symbolizing how it will be a Puritan example that others will look up to

Plymouth Colony

colony formed by the Pilgrims when they arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620

War of Jenkins Ear

1739, between British and the Spanish. Began because of Spanish attacks on British merchants in the West Indies

Glorious Revolution, effect on colonies

English overthrow of James II in 1688; Parliament gained more power than the king - will lead to conflict in the future

John Rolfe

Discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia and cure it for export, which made Virginia an economically successful colony & he married Pocahontas


Religious group that settled Pennsylvania - believed in pacifism and equality for all.

Bering Strait

what people crossed when migrating to the Americas; land bridge


The oldest college in America, which reflected Puritan commitment to an educated ministry

Old Lights and New Lights

Old Lights supported the traditional churches before the Great Awakening, while New Lights broke with those traditions.

Thomas Hooker

Puritan minister who founded the colony of Connecticut in 1639

Captain John Smith

Organized Jamestown and imposed a harsh law "He who will not work shall not eat".

Headright system

Parcels of land (about 50 acres) given to colonists who brought indentured servants into America.

Pennsylvania "Dutch

German-speaking Protestants who settled in Pennsylvania

Tobacco, rice, indigo

Cash crops in Southern colonies

English Reformation

Created the Church of England or Anglican Church as the official religion, still left little room for religious freedom

Jonathan Edwards

Preacher of the Great Awakening. His most popular sermon titled, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," appealed to thousands of re-awakened Christians.

Reason for exploration

find a new route to Asia for trade