Apush ch. 31 and 32 vocab

A. Mitchell Palmer

Fighting Quaker", went a little crazy w/ "seeing red"; suspected/jailed 6,000 people, Attorney general

John Dewey

Father of progressive education, was a philosopher who believed in "learning by doing" which formed the foundation of progressive education.

John T. Scopes

Biology teacher who voluntarily tought evolution and got arrested

Clarence Darrow

John Scope's defense attorney for Scope's "Monkey Trial" vs. William Jennings Bryan

Andrew Mellon

treasury secretary, favored expansion of capital investment, tax policies, successfully pushed congress to lower taxes

Bruce Barton

wrote a book called "Man Nobody Knows" about Jesus and how he is the best "ad man".

Henry Ford

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.

Frederick Taylor

inventor, tennis player, engineer, sought to eliminate wasted motion in engine

Margaret Sanger

feminist who strongly pushed and supported the birth control movement

Sigmund Freud

Viennese doctor who said that it was "sex o'clock" in america because of all the sexual repression

H.L Mencken

bad boy of Baltimore", young author; published the monthly American Mercury; assailed marriage, patriotism, democracy, prohibition, Rotarians, and the middle class Americans; dismissed the South and attacked the Puritans

F. Scott Fitzgerald

writer of "This Side of Paradise" and "The Great Gatsby" who coined the term "Jazz Age

Ernest Hemingway

One of the most popular writers of the 1920's who wrote "A Farewell to Arms

Sinclair Lewis

United States novelist who satirized middle-class America in his novel Main Street (1885-1951)

Buying on Margin

Purchasing stock with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future

Red Scare

a period of general fear of communists, A. Mitchell Palmer convicted many during red scare, general chaos and fear of Russians

Sacco and Vanzetti Case

Italians convicted of murder, bias jury because they were anarchists and atheists

Kl Klux Klan (1920s)

nativism, only liked Anglo Saxon Protestants, American born people

Emergency Quota Act 1921

newcomers/immigrants from Europe were restricted in any given year to a quota, set at 3%

Immigration Quota Act 1924

cut quota for foreigners to 2% instead of 3%, marked end of unrestricted immigration in US

Volstead Act

specified that "no person shall manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, furnish or possess any intoxicating liquor except as authorized by this act." It did not specifically prohibit the purchase or use of intoxicating liquors


emphasis of literal reading of the bible


artists that sought to capture immediate experiences of the natural world....


Young women of the 1920s that behaved and dressed in a radical fashion

Charles Evan Hughes

new secretary of state under Harding--> masterful and brilliant, dominating leadership

Andrew Mellon

sec of treasury, multimillionaire collector of paintings

Herbert Hoover

sec of commerce, made his job important, good w/ foreign trade for US manufacturers

Albert B. Fall

scheming anti-conservationist, corrupt sec of interior

Harry M. Daugherty

big time crook in Ohio Gang, corrupt attorney general

Charles R. Forbes

head of the Veterans Bureau, was caught stealing $200 million from the government, chiefly in connection with the building of veterans' hospitals.

Robert LaFollette

pompous senator from WI- AFL endorsed his prez nominee-->headed crumbing progressive party

Alfred E. Smith

Governor of New York who ran as a Democrat for the 1928 elections

Ohio Gang

A group of poker-playing, men that were friends of President Warren Harding. Harding appointed them to offices and they used their power to gain money for themselves. They were involved in scandals that ruined Harding's reputation even though he wasn't in

Washington conference

(1921) Conference of major powers to reduce naval armaments among Great Britain, Japan, France, Italy, and the United States.

Kellogg Briand Pact

agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another

Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law

a huge tariff increase, 27-38.5%, duties on farm produce increased

Teapot Dome Scandal

senator fall convinced denby to give him control of oil fields (teapot dome). He leased this fields to sinclair (major oil company) and in return recieved bribes secretly

McNary-Haugen Bill

sought to keep agricultural prices high by authorizing the govt. to buy surpluses and sell them abroad

Dawes Plan

A plan to revive the German economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their loans from the U.S.

Hawley Smoot Tariff

reduced flow of goods into united states and prevented other countries from earning american currency to buy american goods

Black Tuesday

the day when they tried to sell millions of shares in a desperate attempt to save the economy

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

govt. lending bank, provided indirect relief by assisting insurance companies, banks, agricultural enterprises, etc.

Bonus Army

WWI veterans who marched on Washington demanding their $1,000 bonus pay before the 1945 due date

Hoover-Stimson doctrine

the US would not recognize any territorial acquistions achieved by force

American Legion

group of WWI veterans to let off steam--> demanded compensation and famous for militant patriotism

Adjusted Compensation Act

veterans finally got paid what they wanted

Railway Labor Board

successor to wartime labor board--> wage cut provoking a 2 month strike

Adkins vs. Children's Hospital

women became legal equals to men

Calvin Coolidge

Cautious Calvin", "cool calvin", president from Vermont after Harding, painfully shy and only mediocre leadership skills, rigid man in practices and personality

Dawes Plan

Charles Dawes- rescheduled German reparation payments & opened the way for further American private loans to Germany

Farm Board

lent money to farmer organizations seeking to buy, sell, and store surpluses

Muscle Shoals Bill

Bills that would allocate funds to dam the Tennessee River and provide employment, is vetoed by Hoover

Yellow Dog Contracts

Contracts that people signed that promised they would NOT join any kind of Labor Union. This protected big companies from loosing their employees

Douglas MacArthur

general who broke up the Bonus Army with bayonets and tear gas

rugged individualism

The belief that all individuals, or nearly all individuals, can succeed on their own and that government help for people should be minimal. Popularly said by Hertbert Hoover.