AP U.S. History Chapter 13 Terms

Andrew Jackson

John C. Calhoun

Henry Clay

Martin Van Buren

John Quincy Adams

Secretary of State, He served as sixth president under Monroe. In 1819, he drew up the Adams-Onis Treaty in which Spain gave the United States Florida in exchange for the United States dropping its claims to Texas. The Monroe Doctrine was mostly Adams' wo

Daniel Webster

Nicholas Biddle

President of the Second Bank of the United States; he struggled to keep the bank functioning when President Jackson tried to destroy it.


Stephen Austin

Sam Houston

John Tyler

Santa Anna

Black Hawk


the formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or occupation


common man

The "average" American citizen, whose concerns are represented in government.


Spoils System


Anti-Masonic party

Revolution of 1828

Twelfth Amendment

Corrupt Bargain

Tariff of Abominations

South Carolina Exposition

Tariff of 1832

Specie Circular


Tariff of 1833

Trail of Tears

Panic of 1837

Force Bill

Bank of the United States

Pet Banks

Democratic Party

Whig Party