APUSH CHAPTER 22-Reconstruction


the south was economically devastated by the civil war


military defeat in the civil war brought white southerners to accept the reality of northern political domination.


the newly freed laves often used their liberty to travel or seek lost loved ones.


the focus of black community life after emancipation became the church


lincoln's 10 percent plan was designed to return the Southern states to the Union Quickly and with few restrictions.


southerners first feared andrew johnson because he had been one of the few elite planters who backed Lincoln.


the cause of black education was greatly advanced by white northern female teachers who came south after the civil war


the enactment of the black codes in the south strengthened those who supported a moderate approach to reconstruction


congressional republicans demanded that the southern states ratify the fourteenth amendment in order to be readmitted to the union.


radical republicans succeeded in their goal of redistributing land to the former slaves


during reconstruction, blacks controlled most of the Southern state legislatures


the republican reconstruction legislature enacted educational and other reforms in southern state government


the Ku Klux KLan largely failed in its goal of intimidating blacks and preventing them from voting.


johnson's impeachment was essentially an act of political vindictiveness by radical republicans


the moderate republican plan for reconstruction might have succeeded if the KKK had been suppressed

lost family members

After emancipation, man blacks traveled in order to find ___ ___ ___ or seek new economic opportunities

food, clothes, and education

The freedmen's bureau was originally established to provide ___ ___ and ____ for emancipated slaves


Lincoln's original plan for reconstruction in 1863 was that a state could be re-integrated into the union when ____ percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the union and pledged to abide by emancipation

labor force

the black codes passed by many of the southern state governments in 1865 aimed to ensure a stable and subservient ___ ____ under white control


the congressional elections of ___ resulted in a decisive defeat for johnson, and a veto proof republican congress

moderate republicans

in contrast to radical republicans, ____ ______ generally favored states' rights and opposed direct federal involvement in the individuals' lives

Reconstruction act of 1867

besides putting the south under the rule of federal soldiers, the Military ____ ____ ___ ____ required that southern states give blacks the vote as a condition of readmittance to the UNion

full citizenship and civil rights

The 14th amendment provided for __ ___ and __ ___ for former slaves

voting rights

the 15th amendment provided for __ __ for former slaves


women's rights leaders opposed the 14th and 15th amendments because the amendments granted citizenship and voting rights to black and white men, but not to _____

union league

The right to vote encouraged southern black men to organize a ____ _____ as a vehicle for political empowerment and self-defense

white northerners, white southerners, blacks

the radical reconstruction regimes in the southern states included ___ ___, __ ____, and ______

union soldiers, businessmen, professionals

most of the Northern "carpetbaggers" were actually former __ ___, ___, or ____

failure, one

the radical republicans' impeachment of president andrew johnson resulted in: a ____ to convict and remove johnson by only ___ vote


the skeptical public finally accepted seward's purchase of alaska because ______ had been the only great power friendly to the union during the civil war


common term for the blacks newly liberated from slavery

freedmen's bureau

federal agency that greatly assisted blacks educationally but failed in other aid efforts


largest african american church after slavery

ten percent

lincoln's 1863 program for a rapid reconstruction of the South


constitutional amendment that freed all of the slaves

black code

the harsh southern state laws of 1865 that limited black rights and imposed restrictions to ensure a stable black labor supply


the constitutional amendment granting civil rights to freed slaves and barring former confederates from office


republican reconstructionists who favored a more rapid restoration of Southern state governments and opposed radical plans for drastic economic transformation of the south


republican reconstructionists who favored keeping the south out of the federal government until a complete social and economic revolution was accomplished in the region

union league

the black political organization that promoted self-help and defense of political rights

ex parte milligan

supreme court ruling that miitary tribunals could not try civilians when the civil courts were open


derogatory terms for white southerners who cooperated with the republican reconstruction governments


deragotory term for northerners who came to the south during reconstruction and sometimes took part in republican state governments


constitutional amendment guaranteeing blacks the right to vote


blacks who left the south for kansas and elsewhere during reconstruction

oliver howard

problack general who led an agency that tried to assist the freedmen

andrew johnson

born a white southerner, he became the white south's champion against radical reconstruction

abraham lincoln

author of moderate "10%" reconstruction plan that ran into congressional opposition

civil rights bill of 1866

first congressional attempt to guarantee black rights in the south, passed over johnson's veto

charles sumner

beaten in the senate chamber b4 civil war, he became the leader of the senate republican radicals during reconstruction.

thaddeus stevens

leader of radical republicans in the House of Reps

military reconstruction act of 1867

congressional law that imposed military rule on the south and demanded harsh conditions fore readmission of the seceded states

hiram revels

black republican senator from Mississippi during reconstruction

Ku Klux Klan

secret organization that intimidated blacks and worked to restore white supremacy

force acts of 1870 and 1871

laws designed to stamp out Ku Klux KLan terrorism in the south

tenure of office act

constitutionally questionable law whose violation by president johnson formed the basis for his impeachment

union league

leading black political organization during reconstruction

benjamin wade

president pro tempore of the sunate who hoped to become president of the US after johnson's impeachment conviction

william seward

secretary of state who arranged an initially unpopular but valuable land deal in 1867