APUSH Chapter 5 and 6 Review

emotionalism and enthusiasm

the great awakening refers to a relious revival that stressed...

government tax support for churches

the main connection between church and state in most colonies was...

conversion experience

the religious mesage of the Great Awakening can be best describes as the idea that a____ ____ was essential to salvation

Jonathan Edwards

the author of "sinners in the hands of an Angry God" was...

Anglican, Congregational

the two churches that were officially "established" in the British North American colonies during the 18th century were _____ and ______

paxton boys

this group of fiery Scots Irish angrily marched to Philadelphia to protest the government treatment of the indians

the Acadians

French settlers expelled from Nova Scotia after the British takeover, some of which eventually made their way to Louisiana

Ohio Valley

the center of British French conflict on the North American continent in the mid 1750s was the...

fur trapping

the primary economic pursuit of early settlers in New France was...


the enormous distances between the colonies, geographical barriers like rivers, conflicting relgions caused ____ that existed in the colonies before the French and indian War


which of the following posed the greatest threat to the British colonies in North America i nthe early 18th century

Albany Plane of Union

the colonies rejected this because they were afraid they would lose their independence

ohio river valley

a major goal of the french on wanting to maintain control over the ____ ___ ____ was to merge its landholding from Canada to the Mississippi River

The Albany Conference

provided a clear indication of the inability of british colonists to unite for a common cause in 1754

Battle of Quebec

ranks as one of the most significant victories i nthe French and Indian War


the key reason ___ needed to control the Ohio River Valley was to link its canadian holdings with thoseof the lower Mississippi Valley

The Proclamation Line of 1763

a temporary measure to give the English government time to make treaties with the Indians

restriction of their expansion

the amerian colonists were furious over the Proclamtion line/ act of 1763 because they saw it as a...

the regulaors in North Carolina

the problem of East West relations within each colony is demonstrated by the following...


the church founded by the Puritans became the:

the Halfway Covenant

opened up memebership in the Puritan church

the Scotch-Irish

who settled in the back country of the colonies


englands enactment of the Proc Line of 1763 was due in part to problems with the...

John Peter Zenger

whos trial established the principle that first amendment rights are to be protected


by 1775 the ___ were the largest non english ethnic group in colonial America

the ministry

the most honored profession in early colonial society was


`the most valuable resource in New France was..

coureurs de bois

french fur trappers

George Washington

in his first military command in the French and Indian war he was defeated but allowed to retreat

great britian

as a result of the French and Indian War __ ___ became the dominant power on North America

Pontiac's Rebellion

the colonists realized that the treaty ending the French and Indian War had not effectivly dealt with the Indians-- evidence shown in...