lame-duck" period

Period between Lincoln's election and his inauguration, during which the ineffectual President Buchanan remianed in office

Election of 1860

Four-way race for the presidency that resulted in the election of a sectional minority president

Crittenden Compromise

A last-ditch plan to save the Union by providing guarantees for slavery in the territories

Confederate States of America

A new nation that proclaimed its independence in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1861

South Caroline

First state to secede from the Union in December 1860

Constitutional Union Party

Newly formed middle-of-the-road party of elderly politicians that sought compromise in 1860, but carried only three border states

Lincoln-Douglas debates

Thoughtful political discussions during an Illinois Senate campaign that sharply defined national issues concerning slavery

Panic of 1857

Sharp economic decline that increased northern demands for a high tariff and convinced southerners that the North was economically vulnerable

Dred Scott Case

Controversial Supreme Court ruling that blacks had no civil or human rights and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories

Know-Nothing Party

Anti-immigrant party headed by former President Fillmore that competed with Republicans and Democrats in the election of 1856

Lecompton Constitution

Tricky proslavery document designed to bring Kansas into the Union but blocked by Stephen A. Douglas

Bleeding Kansas

Term that described the praire territory where a small-scale civil war erupted in 1856

Beecher's Bible

Rifles paid for by New England abolitionists and brought to Kansas by antislavery pioneers

The Impending Crisis of the South

A book by a southern white that argued that slavery especially opressed poor whites

Uncle Tom's Cabin

A powerful, personal novel that altered the course of American politics