APUSH ch.19

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Published Uncle Toms Cabin in 1852, led to the beginning of the Civil War and helped to end it

Uncle Tom's Cabin

a novel about the evils of slavery an injustice of the Fugitive Slave Law

The Impending Crisis of the South

written by Hinton R. Helper, a non-aristocratic white from NC who hated slavery and blacks. tried to convince people that non-slaveholding whites were the ones who suffered most from the millstore of slavey.

New England Emigrant Aid Company

a northern abolitionist group that helped to finance the movement of people to Kansas

John Brown

abolitionist who, in May of 1856 in response to the pro-slavery events in Lawrence, hacked to death 5 presumed pro-slavery men at Pottawatomie Cre

Lecompton Constitution

stated that the people were not allowed to vote for or against the constitution as a whole, rather, they could vote on whether the constitution would be with slavery or without slavery. If slavery was voted against, then one of the provisions in the const

Charles Sumner

senator of Massachusetts. made an intense speech condemning pro-slavery men, also insulting Sou

Preston Brooks

in response to the to speech made by Sumner, he beat him with a cane till he died, on May 22,1856. The clash between Sumner and Butler showed how violent and impassioned the Northerners and Southerners were for their cause.

James Buchanan

democrats presidential candidate to run in the election of 1856 because he wasn't influenced by the Kansas-Nebraska Act as Pierce and Douglas had been

Know-Nothing Party

also known as the American party, formed by Protestants who were alarmed by the increase of immigrants from Ireland and Germany

Dred Scott Decision

a slave who had lived with his master for 5 years in Illinois and Wisconsin Territory, sued for his freedom on the basis of his long residence on free soil.The Supreme Court ruled that because a slave was private property, he could be taken into any terri

Justice Roger B. Taney

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who ruled on the Dred Scott decision and made it politicized

Panic of 1857

broke out due to California gold inflating the currency and over-speculation in land and railroads. It impacted the North the most and since the South had their cotton, they continued to flourish.

Abraham Lincoln

was first the Republican candidate for the Illinois senatorial election of 1858 against Stephen Douglas. Was then nominated for the Republican presidential candidate. Won the election of 1860 but did not win the popular vote.

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of seven debates that were arranged from August to October 1858.

Confederate States of America

the name made by South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Texas that seceded from the Union during the Civil War

Jefferson Davis

a recent member of the U.S. Senate from Mississippi that was chosen to be the President of the Confederate States of America

James Henry Crittenden

A senator from kentucky, who attempted to form a compromise to bring the southern states back to the union.

Crittenden Amendment

designed to appease the South,said that slavery in the territories was to be prohibited north of the 36 degree 30states north of the line could come into the Union with or without slavery, depending on what they chose, but below that line, there would alw