AP US ch.12

A leading feminist addressing the problems of gender roles was transcendentalist

Margaret Fuller

The Oneida Community became controversial because of its rejection of what it called the

demands of male lust

Shakers advocated

celibacy and equality of the sexes

Founder of the Mormon Faith

Joseph Smith

The Mormons responded to the hostility they encountered by

migrating to the West

The Mormons based their ideas for society on the importance of the


Members of the temperance movement agreed

abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals.

Nonscientific theories for improving mental and physical health did not include


Oliver Wendell Holmes and Ignaz Semmelweiss believed that

diseases could be transmitted from one person to another

Before the civil war, the US education system had

helped to achieve one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

Horace Mann was the chief leader in the movement for

public education

The asylum movement incorporated the principle of

firm, yet humane, treatment to rehabilitate the criminal and insane

Reformers believed the future of Native Americans was


Antebellum feminists were generally

active in other reforms too

The Seneca Falls convention of 1848 promoted

women's rights

Antislavery movement plan called for the

colonization of freed slaves in Africa

William Lloyd Garrison urged

immediate, unconditional abolition of slavery, without compensation to slaveowners.

Before the civil war, Northern blacks

were generally limited to the most menial jobs

In North, majority population reacted to abolitionists by

treating them as a threat to society, even doing them bodily harm

In antebellum North, the abolotionist movement

attracted some support, but also some frequent mob violence

Northerners regarded abolitionists as

dangerous, fanatical revolutionaries

William Llyod Garrison alienated his supporters by

adopting radical positions on many issues

Antislavery sentiment underlay the formation in 1840 of the

liberty party

chief objective of "free soil

to keep slavery and blacks out of the federal territories

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin

inflamed passions over sectional differences regarding slavery

Slavery question became more important because the

nation was expanding to the West

Manifest Dynasty motive for expansion was to

extend American liberty to new territories

In the mid-1800s, the reform impulse in US included the idea that

man is essentially good and capable of positive change.

The cultural nationalism of American intellectuals of the 1800s generally

celebrated the uniqueness of the American democratic spirit.

The best-known novels of James Fenimore Cooper featured tales of the

frontiersmen in the American wilderness

Walt Whitman expressed his love of American democracy and individuality by means of


Herman Melville

Moby Dick

Edgar Allen Poe's works emphasized the theme of the

significance of pain and horror

The leading Southern novelists of the 1830s and 1840s wrote

romantic eulogies of the plantation system

The transcendentalists called for

the use of emotion and intuition to go beyond the confines of understanding

Ralph Waldo Emerson's transcendentalist philosophy did not include

rejection of the existence of God

American writer who suggested that American culture and artistic development could come from the instinctive creative genius was

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Henry David Thoreau argued that it was necessary for individuals to

practice civil disobedience when laws were unjust.

Book Farm was noted for its

attempt at utopian communal living