APUSH Game Period 7

Which of the following best characterizes American foreign policies from 1921 until 1925?
Active international involvement through international bodies such as the League of Nations.
Political and economic isolation from other nations.
Efforts to maintain

Efforts to prevent future conflicts while maintaining American freedom of action.

President Hoover and secretary of state Henry Stimson responded to Japanese aggression in Asia with
A vigorous appeal to the League of Nations to punish Japan for its actions.
A threat of using American troops to remove Japan from Manchuria.
A refusal to

A refusal to grant diplomatic recognition to Japanese territories acquired by force.

The public response to Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech in 1937 indicate that
The American people were growing increasingly concerned about the world crisis.
There existed a very strong fear of any steps that might commit the United States to action abroad.

There existed a very strong fear of any steps that might commit the United States to action abroad.

A major conclusion of the Nye Committee was that
The United States had entered World War I because of legitimate threats to American national security.
Pressure from American bankers and businessmen had been a primary factor pushing the United States to e

Pressure from American bankers and businessmen had been a primary factor pushing the United States to enter World War I.

In comparison to Wilson, FDR responded to the outbreak of hostilities in Europe in 1939
By calling on Americans to take an even more truly neutral stance than they had in response to WWI.
By urging Congress to put the nation on a full war footing in prepa

By declaring American neutrality, but also noting that not all Americans would be neutral in their thoughts.

The impact of the Dawes Plan was to
Use American aid to promote European economic recovering following World War I.
Provide European nations with assurances of American assistance in cases of fascist aggression.
Create a precarious trans-Atlantic economic

Create a precarious trans-Atlantic economic balance based on accumulation of enormous German and European debts to United States banks.

All of the following are evidence of American isolationism prior to December 1941 except
The results of the Senate vote on World Court membership.
The finding of the Nye Committee.
The popularity of the America First Committee.
The response to the Panay i

The policy of lend-lease.

What was the impact of FDR's Good Neighbor policy?
It reduced political tensions between the United States and Latin America, while increasing American economic dominance over the religion.
It continued the American commitment to upholding the Roosevelt C

It reduced political tensions between the United States and Latin America, while increasing American economic dominance over the religion.

The agreements reached at the Washington Naval Conference represented
A lasting effort to maintain international peace stability.
The culmination of Woodrow Wilson's international vision.
A well-intentional effort to maintain peace that lasted less than a

A well-intentional effort to maintain peace that lasted less than a decade.

The official American policy of neutrality during the Spanish Civil War served to
Provide a major advantage to the fascists, who received aid from Germany and Italy.
Assist the sitting Republican government in its struggles against the fascists.
Give the

Provide a major advantage to the fascists, who received aid from Germany and Italy.

Revisionist" accounts of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor argue that
The Roosevelt administration failed to correctly interpret intelligence indicating a Japanese attack on Hawaii.
The Roosevelt administration deliberately withheld information about t

The Roosevelt administration deliberately withheld information about the planned Japanese attack in order to maneuver the United States into war against Japan.

During the First New Deal, the Supreme Court
Upheld Roosevelt's programs expanding federal power.
Played little role in addressing controversial issues.
Struck down several key New Deal measures.
Sought to promote minority rights.
Issued decisions restric

Struck down several key New Deal measures.

The biggest threat to Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal during FDR's first administration came from
Conservative groups such as the Liberty League.
Left-wing group such as the Communist and Socialist Parties.
Groups on the far-right including the Americ

Populist critics such as Charles Coughlin and Huey Long.

All of the following groups were part of the New Deal Coalition except
Urban workers.
Southern farmers.
African Americans.
Business leaders.
Traditional progressives.

Business leaders.

Which of the following characterizes the New Deal by 1938?
Having achieved economic recovery, Roosevelt halted further reform efforts.
Concerned about criticism from the left, Roosevelt sought deeper changes in the American economy in order to bring about

Facing conservative opposition and growing international tensions, Roosevelt's priorities shifted away from seeking to implement more New Deal measures.

During the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) sought to
Gain practical improvements such as shorter hours and better pay.
Organize workers along craft lines.
Work closely with corporate leaders to avoid labor strife.
Organize previously

Organize previously unprotected workers into industrial unions.

Which of the following best characterizes New Deal policies toward women and African Americans?
The New Deal was not actively hostile to their aspirations, and was in many ways supportive, but failed to challenge existing cultural norms.
The New Deal paye

The New Deal was not actively hostile to their aspirations, and was in many ways supportive, but failed to challenge existing cultural norms.

The largest and most effective New Deal relief program was
The Civil Works Administration
The Public Works Administration
The Works Progress Administration
The Civilian Conservation Corps
The Survey Corps

The Works Progress Administration

Which of the following legalized collective bargaining by unions and provided an enforcement mechanism through the National Labor Relations board?
Section 7A of the National Industrial Recovery Act
The Works Progress Administration
The Wagner Act
The Whit

The Wagner Act

Federal Native American policy during the New Deal sought to
Promote the assimilation of Native Americans into white culture.
Eliminate collective tribal land ownership.
Withdraw official recognition of tribes as legal entities.
Promote tribal autonomy by

Promote tribal autonomy by restoring collective land ownership rights.

A key difference between the labor strife of 1919 and 1937, each of which witnessed over 4,000 strikes, was
The conciliatory attitude of business leaders toward labor demands in 1937.
The lack of violence in the 1937 strikes.
The more favorable public att

The fact that a vast majority of the 1937 strikes were settled in workers' favor.

Which of the following best characterizes America's position in the international economy on the eve of the Great Depression?
American leaders sought to forgive European war debts as a way to help promote European economic recovery.
The United States prov

The United States refused to forgive European war debts while also maintaining high tariff levels that restricted the entry of European goods into American markets.

President Hoover promoted all the following to help all alleviate the Great Depression except
Voluntary cooperation by business and labor leaders to restore public confidence in the economy.
A program of public works programs in an effort to stimulate the

A large-scale program of federal deficit spending in an effort to stimulate the economy.

President Hoover responded to the Bonus Army's encampment in Washington, D.C., by
Agreeing to meet privately with its leaders to address their concerns.
Ordering police to clear the veterans from their camps.
Urging Congress to pass legislation providing

Ordering police to clear the veterans from their camps.

Which of the following best characterizes the efforts of the American Communist Party between 1935 and 1939?
It openly stressed patriotism and cooperation with other groups on the left, while remaining closely tied to the Soviet Union.
It disavowed its co

It openly stressed patriotism and cooperation with other groups on the left, while remaining closely tied to the Soviet Union.

A key to FDR's success in his 1932 bid for the presidency was his
Emphasis on Prohibition and other cultural issues.
Well-defined program for combating the Depression.
Promise, if elected, to cooperate with
Hoover in the period between the general electio

Ability to unite Democrats on the basis of their economic grievances.

During the Great Depression, the films of Frank Capra
Emphasized the glamor of urban life.
Provided a harsh critique of American society and culture.
Offered a form of escape with little social message.
Celebrated small-town America and the democratic ind

Celebrated small-town America and the democratic individual.

The Scottsboro case brought attention to
The continued presence of nativity sentiment in the United States.
The high degree of racial tensions in the South.
The federal government's intolerance of dissent.
The anti-union tenor of the Supreme Court.
The Su

The high degree of racial tensions in the South.

Which of the following is not correctly matched with the literary work?
John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath
Richard Wright- Native Son
Erskine Caldwell's- Tobacco Road
Dale Carnegie- Studs Lonigan
John Dos Pasos- U.S.A.

Dale Carnegie- Studs Lonigan

Which of the following is true of American families during the Depression?
Divorce rates increased, but overall family size decreased.
Both marriage and birth rates fell.
Marriage rates increased, but birth rates fell.
Marriage rates fell, but birth rates

Both marriage and birth rates fell.

The stock market crash of October 1929 was immediately followed by
The collapse of several European central banks, leading to a deepening of the global depression.
The collapse of the American farm sector, causing a mass exodus of farmers from the Great P

The collapse of the American banking system, which triggered a significant contraction of the money supply.

The Federal Reserve Board's response to the Depression was to
Lower interest rates in an effort to increase the nation's money supply.
Urge the Hoover administration to take the nation off the gold standard.
Urge the Hoover administration to undertake a p

Raise interest rates in an effort to protect its own solvency.

Which of the following best characterizes the experiences of the majority of industrial workers in the United States between 1921 and 1929?
They experienced wage increases commensurate with the levels of growth in their industries.
The prospered due to th

They experienced increases in their standards of living far below increases in corporate production and profits.

The "American Plan" received the majority of its support from
Members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Organized labor.
Business leaders.
Progressive reformers.
Recent immigrants.

Business leaders.