APUSH Chapter 35 test review

Once at war, America's first great challenge was to

retool its industry for all-out war production

Japanese Americans were placed in concentration camps during World War II

as a result of anti-Japanese prejudice and fear

The employment of more than six million women in American industry during World War II led to

the establishment of day-care centers by the government

The general American attitude toward World War II was

less idealistic and ideological and more practical than the outlook in World War I.

While most American workers were strongly committed to the war effort, wartime production was disrupted by strikes led by the

United Mine Workers

In the period from 1885 to 1924, Japanese immigrants to the United States were

a select group who was better educated than most European Immigrants

The main reason the majority, or half of women war workers left the labor force at the end of World War II was

family obligations

The fundamental strategic decision of World War II made by President Roosevelt and the British at the very beginning was

to concentrate first on the war in Europe and to place the Pacific war against Japan on the back burner

Which one of the following is LEAST related to the other three?

Smith-Connally Act

The minority group most adversely affected by Washington's wartime policies was

Japanese Americans

Overall, most ethnic groups in the United States during World War II

were further assimilated into American society

When the United States entered World War II in December 1941,

a majority of Americans had no clear idea of what the war was about.

African Americans did all of the following during World War II EXCEPT

fight in integrated combat units

Match each of the wartime agencies below with its correct function
A. War Production Board 1. assigned priorities with respect to the use of raw materials and transportation facilities.
B. Office of Price Administration 2. controlled inflation by rationin

A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4

During World War II,

labor unions substantially increased their membership

During World War II, the United States government commissioned the production of synthetic _________________ in order to offset the loss of access to prewar supplies in East Asia.


Hitler's advances in the European theater of war crested in late 1942 at the Battle of _______________, after which his fortunes gradually declined


The conquest of _________________ in 1944 was especially critical, because from there Americans could conduct round-trip bombing raids on the Japanese home islands


The national debt increased most during

World War II

By the end of World War II, the heart of the United States' African American community had shifted to

northern cities

The northward migration of African Americans accelerated after World War II because

mechanical cotton pickers came into use

Most of the money raised to finance World War II came through


The Japanese made a crucial mistake in 1942 in their attempt to control much of the Pacific when they

overextended themselves instead of digging in and consolidating their gains

During World War II, most Americans economically experienced

prosperity and a doubling of personal income

The Allies postponed opening a second front in Europe until 1944 because

of British reluctance and lack of adequate resources

The tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific was turned following the Battle of


Until Spring 1943, perhaps Hitler's greatest opportunities of defeating Britain and winning the war was

the German U-boats would destroy Allied shipping

Roosevelt's and Churchill's insistence of the absolute and "unconditional surrender" of Germany

eventually complicated the problems of postwar reconstruction

The first naval battle in history in which all the fighting was done by carrier-based aircraft was the Battle of

the Coral Sea

During World War II, American Indians

moved off reservations in large numbers

In waging war against Japan, the United States relied mainly on a strategy of

island hopping" across the South pacific while bypassing Japanese strongholds

Arrange these wartime conferences in chronological order: (A) Potsdam, (B) Casablanca, (C) Teheran

B, C, A

After the Italian surrender in August 1943

the German army poured into Italy and stalled the Allied advance

As a result of the Battle of Leyte Gulf

Japan was finished as a naval power

Where was the final Japanese surrender conducted on September 2, 1945?

On the USS Missouri

The real impact of the Italian front on World War II may have been that it

delayed the D-Day invasion and allowed the Soviet Union to advance further into Eastern Europe

The Potsdam conference

issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender or be destroyed.

At the wartime Teheran Conference

plans were made for the opening of a second front in Europe

What two cities in Japan were atomic bombs dropped on by the United States?

None of the choices are correct

Franklin Roosevelt won the election in 1944 primarily because

the war was going well

The major consequence of the Allied conquest of Sicily in August 1943 was

the overthrow of Mussolini and Italy's unconditional surrender

Who died on April 30, 1945?

Adolf Hitler

President Roosevelt's promise to the Soviets to open a second front in western Europe by the end of 1942

was utterly impossible to keep

Hitler's last ditch attempt to achieve a victory against the Americans and British came in

the Battle of the Bulge

The spending of enormous sums on the original atomic bomb project was spurred by the belief that

a nuclear weapon was the only way to win the war

Which of the following was NOT among the qualities of the American participation in World War II?

a higher percentage of military casualties than any other Allied nation

The cross-channel invasion of Normandy to open a second front in Europe was commanded by General

Dwight Eisenhower

Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) V-J Day, (B) V-E Day, (C) D Day, (D) Invasion of Italy

D, C, B, A

Who died on April 12, 1945?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In a sense, Franklin Roosevelt was the "forgotten man" at the Democratic Convention in 1944 because

so much attention was focused on who would gain the vice presidency

The "unconditional surrender" policy toward Japan was finally modified by

agreeing to let the Japanese keep Emperor Hirohito on the throne

Island Hopping

The United States military strategy in the Pacific which captured small islands and set up air strips on them while skipping more fortified Japanese held islands