Apush midterm

Which statement is the most accurate concerning the North American colonies

Most of the colonies started as propiery but became a royal colonies by the mid 18th century

The middle passage refers to which of the following

The passage of African people across the Atlantic to the Americas

Which of the following statements does not describe slavery in the north American colonies

Straight slave laws prevented slave revolts through the 1700s

The land explored by Sir Walton Raleigh was named Virginia in honor of

Queen Elizabeth

The purpose of the head right system was to

Encourage increased migration to the Virginia colony

Which of the following is true concerning the first great awakening

The first Great awakening creating greater appreciation for the emotional experiences of faith

Which of the following changes was a direct result of Bacon's rebellion

Southern labor moved away from indentured servant again to rely more on African slaves

John Rolfes main contribution to Jamestown settlement

Introducing tobacco as colonies for a staple crop OK got it I know my shit

In what way did Jamestown colony and The Massachusetts Bay colony differ greatly

Massachusetts Bay did not suffer from the same hardships as Jamestown during its first years

Which of the following individuals was not involved in the religious revivals in the colonies

John peter Zenger

All of the following innovations and discoveries are associated with Benjamin Franklin except

Interchangeable parts

Which of the following statements is not true about the colony of Pennsylvania

It allowed Catholics and Jews to vote and hold public office

Which of the following terms best describes colonies such as Pennsylvania and Maryland that were granted to regroup by the English monarchy and given the rights of self government

Proprietry colonies

Which North American colony was intended to serve as a penal colony for debtors


Which of the following statements is not true watch Cayson and new England colonies prior to the American Revolution

New England school served as an early example of true secular education

American colonies began to use African slaves primarily because

The Native Americans were decimated by European disease while the Africans developed immunity

What is the African Diaspora

The dispersal of Africans throughout the Americas under the system of slavery

What was the major reason for Catholics migrating to the Americas from England during the 1600s

English Catholics wanted to escape the persecution the feast under Anglican rule

The Puritans of new England felt the freedom to practice religion should be extended to

Only Puritans

John Wynthrop referred to Massachusetts colony as a city on the Hill because

The colony was to serve as an example of Christian virtue and charity

Which of the following statements best describes women in the colony New England

They could own property in formal contracts if they were widowed

What was the major purpose of toleration act of 1649

It protected Catholic rights in Maryland from the influx of Protestant colonists

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the southern colonies during the late 17th century

Tobacco rice and indigo served as the major staple crops

Which of the following statements best describes Roger Williams view of "liberty of conscience

Religious freedom requires you separation of church and state

Which of the following statements best describes idea that cause the division between Anne Hutchinson and Puritan church

Hutchison open we promoted the idea of an individual personal relationship with God without guidance of church leaders

The primary staple crops produced in the middle colonies included which of the following

Wheat oats and barley

The majority of colonist who migrated to Maryland and Virginia during the 17th century would be best described as

Indentured servants

What advantage of colonies and south was not shared by new England farmers

Unlike the south, new England soil did not permit for growth of large quantities of cash crops

Bacon's rebellion is most associated with which early colony


And colonial Virginia the piedmont referred to

Foothills of the Appachian Mountains in Western Virginia

Which of the following statements is not true of the Tidewater in colonial Virginia

Many poor farmers and former indentured servant's were forced to locate in the Tidewater

Which of the following statements is not true of the house of burgesses in colonial Virginia

It was responsible for electing the governor

King Phillips war couldn't be best described as

A conflict between Native Americans in new England settlers

Which early colonial trial is most associated with the First Amendment idea of freedom of the press

The trial of John peter zenger

Which of the following actions best illustrates a policy of salutary neglect

Lack of enforcement of the navigation acts prior to 1763

Which of the following actions does not illustrate the strategy employed by Lord William Pitt during the French and Indian war

Taking over the French fort located on both sides of the Mississippi River

Which of the following was not a provision of the coercive acts

The creation of colonial controlled legislatures

The main purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754 was to

Draw up a treaty with the Native Americans dropping

Nonimportation is best illustrated by

American colonist refusing to purchase goods from Britain after the stamp act

Which of the following was not an intention of the proclamation of 1763

Enforcing the story of the church of England withinthe colonies

Which of the following British laws to keep the colonists from other colonial powers

The sugar act

The main purpose of what was to create a United treaty with the arrow Creek and serve for the common defense against the French

Albany Congress

Which of the following Powers was vested within the articles Of Confederation

The powers to declare war

What was the 18th century principle of virtual representation

British government represents all citizens regardless of their actual representation in Parliament

The purpose of the declatory act was to

State that British government has authority to create laws without colonial representation

Which of the following actions was a result of the Boston tea party

The coercive acts were issued I'll text you when

The death of Crispus Attucks associated with which of the following events

The Boston massacre

Which of the following colonist the front of the British soldiers involved in the Boston massacre

John Adams

The main purpose of the olive branch petition was to

For the escalation of violence between Britain and the colonies

The reason British troops were ordered to Concord 1775 was to

Capture a store of militia weapons

Writs of Assistance refer to

General search warrants

The third amendment to the U.S. Constitution relates directly to

the quartering act

Which was not an advantage of the britsh during the American revolution

The successfully utilized loyalist support

Which of the following battles does not include the presence of George Washington

The battle of Saratoga

Which of the following advantages did the colonists have during the American Revolution

More accurate rifles

Which of the following statements best describes the role of African-Americans are played by the American revolution

The British army adopted a policy of enlisting runaway slaves and offered emancipation to gain support

After 1778 the British military adopted a strategy of

Capturing key southern ports with the aid of loyalist malitias, and then advancing northward

General Charles Cornwallis was forced to surrender at Yorktown mainly because

The French won control of Chesapeake Bay

Which of the following groups would most likely support the articles of Confederation

Those who held strong anti-Monarchial views

What movement was most of the writing of The declaration of independence

The Enlightenment

Which of the following issues is not addressed in the declaration of independence

The principle that all men to serve acess equal wealth

Which of the following battles with the decisive win for that Americans

The battle of Trenton

The role of general Friedrich Vin Steuben during the American Revolution would be best described as

Training the Continental Army at Valley Forge

Which Revolutionary war battle is considered the turning point in favor of the American colonist

The battle of Saratoga

Molly pitcher is most associated with which American Revolutionary battle

The battle of Monmouth

Which of the following terms is not part of the 1783 Treaty of Paris

The importation of slaves was banned

Which of the following events serves as an example of a citizen revolt following the American Revolution before the signing of the Constitution

Shays rebellion

The Northwest ordinance of 1787 was responsible for

Establishing the procedure for creating new states

Which I was not posted within the articles of Confederation

regulating trade

The United States officially gained its independence with the

Treaty of Paris

Which of the following is not a legacy of the articles of confederation

Establishment of reservation system for Native Americans

Which state did not attend the 1787 Philadelphia Convention

Road Island

The New Jersey plan would most likely be supported by

States with small populations

Which statement concerning the Virginia plan is not correct

It was a unicameral body

At the constatutional convention, the great compromise referred to

The creation of the Senate and the House of representatives

Which of the following people is referred to as the father of the Constitution

James Madison

What is judicial review

The Supreme Court's power to strike down laws that are unconstitutional

The main purpose of the three-fifths compromise was to

Appropriate congressional seats

Which of the following statements best describes the overall impact of the three - fifths compromise

The institution of slavery became officially recognized under the Constitution

Which of the following believes would not be held by the anti-Federalist

The government should be able to hold a standing army in times of peace

Which of the following framers of the constitution would most likely view a bill of rights as a threat to individual liberties

Alexander Hamilton

The powers of the president are outlined in which articles of the Constitution

article II

Which of the following individuals was not a member of the first presidential cabinet under the Constitution

John Marshall

The Judiciary act of 1789 established

A federal court system

Alexander Hamilton's debt plan Consolidated the nations Revolutionary war debts into one debt to be paid off by

The national government

Which of the following lead directly to an undeclared naval war between the United States and France

The XYZ affair

Which of the following statements is most accurate concerning the alien and sedition acts

The extra past to protect John Adams from his critics

Who is the French Foreign Minister who interfered with United States neutrality in the war between Britain and France during the French Revolution

Edmond - Charles Gen�t

Which of the following policies or actions would have been the most popular among people living in the western United States prior to 1812?

Pinckney's treaty

Which group directly profited from the creation of the first national bank?

People of the northern United States

Which of the following actions did not directly address a territorial concern

Whiskey rebellion

Which of the following policies was supported by James Madison

Creation of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were past in order to

Nullify the power of the federal government

Which of the following groups would most likely support the policies of Alexander Hamilton

entrepreneurs in manufacturing

The Maybury v. Madison decision strengthened the powers of the

Judicial and executive branches

The appointment of John Marshall enabled the federalists to retain power in which area of government

Judicial branch

Which of the following policies is most associated with the Native American chief handsome lake

Abstinent from alcohol

Which of the following statements describes a result of the embargo of 1807

The embargo benefited northern manufacturing

Of the following people who is most associated with the Warhawks prior to the war of 1812

Henry Clay

Which of the following was not a direct reason for the United States to declare war on Britain in 1812

British actions during the XYZ affair

Which group of people would most support the hartfort convention

New England merchants

The Star-Spangled Banner" is most associated with which battle location ?

Fort McHenry

Which treaty ended the war of 1812

The Treaty of Ghent

Which of the following statements does not describe a direct result of the war of 1812

British imprisonment of American ships increase

What was the name of the ship overtaken by slaves during the early 19th century and the Americas


Which of the following projects was not part of the transportation revolution prior to the Civil War?

Transcontinental railroad

which construction project connected New York City to the Great Lakes


The Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 settled a boundary dispute between _______ over _______.

The U.S. and Canada; Maine and New Brunswick

Central to Native American life on the Plains was that the tribes

placed little emphasis on war

The cheif example of the tie between revivalism and abolitionism was the career of

Theodore Weld

During the Cleveland administration, which nation did the United States replace as the major power in Latin America?

Great Britain

Transcendentalism was the American version of


The Crittenden Plan

Extended the Missouri Compromise to the Pacific

The eighteenth century radical Whigs of England whose writings often appeared in colonial newspapers argued
A) For punishing the colonists for their poor performance during the Seven Years' War.
B) To restrict colonial trade with other nations.
C) That a

C) That a monarchial-aristocratic-Catolic conspiracy to squah liberty existed.

The Albany Conference of 1754 provided a clear indication of
A) The refusal of British officials to deal with the disaffection of the Iroquois.
B) The inability of British colonists to unite for a common cause.
C) The sense of community that pervaded rela

B) The inability of British colonists to unite for a common cause.

Americans pointed to what feature of the Townshend revenue acts as proof that the acts' passage was part of a conspiracy to suppress American liberties?
A) Internal taxes on products commonly sold in the colonies.
B) Establishment of the vice-admiralty co

b) Establishment of the vice-admiralty courts

Among the conditions that complicated relations between British officials and the colonists on the eve of the Boston Massacre was
A) Organized protest demonstrations at British training posts.
B) Economic competition between British soldiers and the local


Among the early actions taken by the Second Continental Congress were all of the following EXCEPT
A) Appointing Benjamin Franklin postmaster general.
B)Declaring independence from Great Britain.
C) Resolved to put the colonies in a state of defense.
D) Ap


As a result of the fighting at Breed's Hill and Bunker Hill,
A) The British offered the Olive Branch Petition seeking peace.
B) British casualties ended the possibility of reconciliation.
C) The colonists won two major victories.
D) The colonists almost g

B) British casualties ended the possibility of reconciliation.

As a result of the peace settlement of 1763, Spain's territory in North America

C) Increased dramatically.

Political Problems of the Louisiana purchase

- the executive branch shouldnt be able to use public funds to expand the boundaries of the nation.

What were the Alien and sedition acts suppose to do?

KEep immigrants out and censor the press.

What caused the development of the factory system?

new technology and control raw materials coming in and going out.

Results of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1875

Took American Indian land

What the government under the AoC looked like

-Federal government had no power
-no president
-unicameral legislature

The goal of the American Colonization Society

Recolonize Africans (Send them back to Africa)

Alexander Hamilton's use of the Necessary and Proper clause of the Constitution

Founded First National Bank

The reason the border states didnt support either side strongly

Didn't want to get involved because they had a mixed economy of both industry and agriculture

The reason Andrew Jackson vetoed the Bank of the U.S.

-To much power for the wealthy
-believed in the common man

How women contributed to the cuase of the American Revolution

-took care of the households and farms
-provided supplies for the military

Why slaves and indentured servants were needed in the Chesapeake Colonies

needed people to plant tobacco and cotton

requirments of industry


Major ethics groups that migrated to the U.S. in the 18th century

Dutch, Germans Northern and Western Europeans

The reasons for the war of 1812

-Impressment of sailors
-The indian tribes were resentful to the the American Government

difference between the New jersey and Virginia plans

NJ-every state has an equal vote
V- Based on population

causes of the civil war

-economic difference

common resistance of slaves to slavery

refusing to work and breaking tools

what caused the secession of South Carolina

Lincolns Election

Relationship between the church and state in Puritan Massachusetts in the 17th century

to be part of the govt you had to be part of the church

how did politics in the south change in the antebellum period

-lead towards the civil war
-jckson brings in commoners

Northwest ordinance

provided BoR for settlers
-forbade slavery
-creates territories which then become states

Sherman Anti-trust act

used to break up business trusts and labor unions
-wasnt enforced by courts

William llyod Garrison

American Anti Slavery Society

role of women in rural N.E. colonies

household industry