Chapter 15 U.S. History

the slaves in areas in rebellion against the U.S. government

Lincoln's Emancipation freed

Because his goal wasn't to "free the slaves" (as many believe today), but to strategically weaken the South.

Why did Lincoln only free slaves in rebelling states?

Taking Richmond

Which of the following Union military objectives proved the hardest and took the longest to accomplish?

Battle of Richmond

one of the most decisive and complete Confederate victories in the entire war.

win the votes of the prowar northern Democrats

Andrew Johnson was nominated as Lincoln's running mate in 1864 to

Charles Sumner

Which of following men, denouncing Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and suspension of the writ habeas corpus, called for immediate peace with the Confederacy?

gave the North control over the whole Mississippi

Union capture of Vicksburg and Port Hudson was strategically important because it

civilians could not be tried by military tribunals when the civil courts were open

The Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Milligan that

ran to Union lines when they could and worked for or fought for the North

Slaves during the Civil War


By 1865, African-Americans constituted about what portion of the Union army?

Woman replaced draftees in many of the industrial jobs in the North

Which of the following statements about women in the Civil War is correct?

Both the Union and the Confederacy printed unbacked paper money to help finance their war efforts

Which of the following statements is correct?

By keeping the border states, Lincoln kept open his routes to the free states and gained access to the river systems in Kentucky and Missouri.

Explain how President Lincoln kept the four border states in the Union

the British government could never have sold the idea of recognizing a government that practiced slavery to the British people at large. Then, as now, politicians who are elected are keenly aware of, and influenced by, public opinion.

Why didn't the British recognize the Confederacy as a nation?

Even though they wanted to abolish slavery,they sided with the Confederates because it was politically and economically better for the country.
Great Britain needed American cotton, just now she needed American wheat even more. The South is were it mostly

Why did the British help the South?

The British attempted to help the South by sending them ships with weapons, but the only real help that the British could do was buying the small amounts of cotton that the South could smuggle the the Union's blockade.

What help did the British give the South?

a faction of American politicians within the Republican Party that believed blacks were entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites

Who were the Radical Republicans?

They assailed Lincoln early in the war for failing to make emancipation a war goal and later for being too eager to readmit the conquered rebel states into the Union.

On what grounds did they criticize Lincoln during the Civil War?

African-Americans fighting for the Union army were segregated into black-only units which were commanded by white men.
Initially, white soldiers were paid almost twice what blacks were paid.
They were more likely to die of disease because they were given

How were African-Americans in the Union army discriminated against?

iron forge and manufacturing businesses, medical businesses, and weapons,homeland security

What thrived during the civil war?

The 1863 New York City draft riots were caused by the dissatisfaction of the new laws passed by Congress that drafted men to fight in the Civil War.

What caused the 1863 New York City draft riot?

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America, the leader who successfully prosecuted the Civil War to preserve the nation. He played in key role in passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery in America. As the war w

Jefferson Davis

a Civil War Confederate leader from West Point to the Southern secession.

Alexander Stephens

the Confederate vice president during the American Civil War.

Charles Sumner

a U.S. Representative who was an anti-slavery advocate who authored the nation's first civil rights legislation.

Thaddeus Stevens

a member of the United States House of Representatives from Pennsylvania and one of the leaders of the Radical Republican faction of the Republican Party during the 1860s.

Winfield Scott

a hero of the Mexican War (1846-1848), the last Whig Party candidate for U.S. president, and commanding general of the United States Army at the start of the American Civil War (1861-1865)

George B McClellan

a major general for the Union during the American Civil War and the Democratic presidential nominee in 1864, who later served as Governor of New Jersey.

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

a Confederate general during the American Civil War, and the best-known Confederate commander after General Robert E. Lee.

Robert E. Lee

the commander of Confederate troops during the Civil War.

Willian T. Sherman

a U.S. Civil War Union Army leader known for "Sherman's March," in which he and his troops laid waste to the South.

Sherman's march

A movement of the Union army troops of General William Tecumseh Sherman from Atlanta, Georgia, to the Georgia seacoast, with the object of destroying Confederate supplies. The march began after Sherman captured, evacuated, and burned Atlanta in the fall o

20-Negro law

If someone owns more than 20 slaves, you aren't allowed to go in the military.

Anaconda plan

called for strangling the Southern Confederacy, much like an Anaconda. It was never officially adopted by the Union government

to defeat the rebellion by blockading southern ports and controlling the Mississippi river. This would cut off and isolate the south from the outside world.

What was the goal of the Anaconda plan?

First-to set up a naval blockade of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ports that were controlled by the Confederacy
Second-to transport roughly 60,000 Union troops in 40 steam transports escorted by upwards of 20 steam gunboats down the Mississippi river. T

What were the two objectives of the Anaconda plan?

border states

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri

Habeas corpus

a legal action or writ by means of which detainees can seek relief from unlawful imprisonment.

to keep the government from holding someone indefinitely without showing cause.

What was the purpose of Habeas corpus?

suspended Habeas Corpus

How did Lincoln respond to the riots,local militia actions and the threat that the border slave state of Maryland would secede from the Union leaving the nation's capital Washington D.C., surrounded by hostile territory?

you should have the person

Habeas Corpus is latin for:

Ex parte Merryman

a well-known and controversial U.S. federal court case which arose out of the American Civil War.


forcibly drafted into armed forces.

Enrollment Act

every able-bodied white male citizen aged 20 to 45 faced the draft. One could pay another man to serve instead. Able to pay a $300 fee to the gov. to avoid being drafted.

to provide fresh manpower for the Union Army

Why was the Enrollment Act established?

bounty jumpers

men who enlisted in the Union or Confederate army during the American Civil War only to collect a bounty and then leave.

Legal Tender Act

authorized the creation of paper money not redeemable in gold or silver.

to finance the Civil War. It allowed the federal government for the first time to print paper money, called greenbacks, that was not backed by an equal amount of gold or silver.

Why was the Legal Tender act passed?

National Bank Act

designed to create a national banking system, float federal war loans, and establish a national currency

to help resolve the financial crisis that emerged during the early days of the American Civil War

Why was the National Bank Act passed?

iron clads

a 19th-century warship with armor plating

CSS Virginia (left) vs. USS Monitor, in the March 1862 Battle of Hampton Roads.

The first battle between ironclads:

Trent affairs

the diplomatic crisis that potentially brought Great Britain and the United States closest to war during the first year of the American Civil War


Why did America and Great Britain became closest to war during the first year of the American Civil War during the Trent Affair?

Although war seemed possible, both sides managed to avoid an armed conflict, and in the process gained greater confidence in one another.

Why wasn't there war between America and Great Britain during the Trent Affair?

Homestead act

encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land. In exchange, homesteaders paid a small filing fee and were required to complete five years of continuous residence before receiving ownership of the land.

To encourage migration west

Why was the Homestead Act passed?

Benjamin F. Wade, Benjamin Butler, Horace Greeley , Frederick Douglass , Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens .

Who were Prominent Radical Republicans?

Morrill Land Grant Act

Act of the U.S. Congress (1862) that provided grants of land to states to finance the establishment of colleges specializing in "agriculture and the mechanic arts.

13th amendment


14th amendment


15th amendment



Most people worth entered the armed forces were ________.

winfield scot

who came up with the anaconda plan

battle of antietam

What encouraged lincoln to issue the emancipation proclamation?


who was the first to conscript?

Civil war

First years was a stalemate

fall of atlanta

What battle that ensured victory to Lincoln?

Union victories

Antietam, Gettysburg,Vicksburg

cotton diplomacy

economy was placed around cotton

Egypt and India

Britain found markets to purchase cotton _____ and ____