Parts of the communication process

Sender, encoding, message, media, decoding, receiver, response, feedback, noise

How do the parts of the communication process translate into marketing promotions

For the message to be effective, the senders encoding process must mesh with the receivers decoding process

What must marketers understand to communicate with customers

Identify a target audience
determine the communication objectives
design a message
choose the media outlet to send the message
select the message source
collect feedback

Explain why the KFC ad on Walking dead could have been potentially troubling

if the ad is followed by the wrong thing or if it is seen at an inconvenient time, it can change the way people feel about the product or brand

5 main categories of the promotion mix

sales promotion
personal selling
public relations
direct and digital marketing

A part of the promotion mix that is non-personal presentation


A part of the promotion mix that is limited time offer on product

Sales promotion

A part of the promotion mix that is personal presentation of the firms sales force for the purpose of engaging customers marketing sales and building customer relations

Personal selling

A part of the promotion mix that building good relationships with the company customers

Public relations

A part of the promotion mix that is engaging directly with carefully targeted individual customers and consumer communities to obtain immediate response and build lasting customer relationships

Direct and Digital Marketing

Methods of promotion budgeting

Percentage of sales
Competitive Parity
objective - and - task

Setting promotional budget at the level management thinks the company can afford

Affordable method

What are the deficiencies of the Affordable method of promotion budgeting

ignores the effects of promotion sales
places promotion last among spending priorities
leads to uncertain annual promotion budget which makes long term planning difficult
can result in overspending on advertising but more often under spending

Setting the promotion budget at a certain percentage of the the current or forecasted sales as a percentage of the unit sales price

percentage of sales method

setting promotion budget to match competitors outlays

Competitive parity method

Developing the promotion budget by
1. defining specific promotion activites
2. determining the tasks needed to achieve those obj
3. estimating the costs of performing these tasks
the sum of these is the purposed budget

objective- and - task method

Which promotion budgeting method is most representative of the marketing concept


Producer directs marketing activities toward channel member to introduce them to carry the product and promote it to final customers

Push strategy

What is an example of push strategy

John Deere don't advertise themselves they get Home Depot to

Producer directs its marketing activities toward final customers to induce them to buy the product

Pull strategy

What is an example of pull strategy

Old spice sold by retailers like CVS and Walmart not manufacturer themselves

Carefully integrating and coordinating the company many communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent, and compelling message about the organization and its products

Integrated Marketing Communication IMC

What are the two things that IMC helps a firm obtain

Clarity(Clear and consistent message)
Synergy(across their channels)

How is the overall use of promotion changing

-Customers are better informed ( we don't rely on marketer - applied info thanks to internet)
- marketing strategies are changing(shifting away From mass marketing to programs that build closer relationships
-advances in technology (changing how customers

What does advertising spending fluctuate with

overall economic growth

What does the fluctuation of advertising spending tell us about a firms view of it

As the economy moves, it changes how companies advertise
if the economy dips, companies withdraw ads

What is AIDA


Do all advertisements have to have all of the AIDA parts to be good

No, but it has to have a call to action
using all parts of the AIDA helps make good advertising but doesn't need every part

What are the different types of advertising appeals


Can you identify an appeal based on seeing an ad


What happens if fear, humor, and sex appeals do not have a link with why someone buys a product

it won't encourage purchase within a short time frame afterward

What is reach

number of different people exposed to an ad

What is frequency

Average number of times a person is exposed to an ad

What is CPM

cost per 1000 impressions
how much were paying to reach 1000 people

How is CPM calculated

cost of ad/ audience size x 1000

Is a Super Bowl ad considered a good buy

yes, for large companies who can afford it

Why may the Super Bowl be considered a bad buy

Waste: number of people that your ad gets of that aren't in your target market

What is the percentage of advertising spending is generally considered wasted

about half 50%

marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience - with the objectives of driving profitable customer action

content marketing

impressions gained through paid media

Paid media

Impressions gained through media

owned media

Impressions gained through others media

Earned Media

What is inbound marketing

Earning a customers attention

What is outbound Marketing

traditional, finds customers and grabs their attention in a specific moment

Components of the Hubspot model

attract (strangers to visitors)
convert and engage (visitors to leads)
close (build trust) (leads to customers)
delight (customers to promoters)

A promotional strategy that encourages individuals to forward marketer-initiated messages to other via email social media websites

viral marketing

What kind of tie must viral marketing pass between in order to be successful

word of mouth/amount of people that are talking about the product or company
strong ties

What is STEPPS

Social currency
practical value

(STEPPS) people care about how they look to others
strong ties have access to valuable info and makes you look like an insider

Social currency

(STEPPS) the extent your message gets tied to something periodically in a routine are more likely to share


(STEPPS) extent that it produces some kind of emotion other than sadness


(STEPPS)people have a public piece to it and catch on


(STEPPS) extent that it will solve problems

Practical Value

(STEPPS) anecdotes ex Wendys twitter


Why didn't Starbucks have to advertise for their first 25 years of existence

Huge social currency
recognizable logo and cups
used all the STEPPS

Is there a difference between SMM and traditional advertising in terms of amount of mistakes

traditional advertising has less mistakes because of all the approvals it has to acquire
SMM has more mistakes

Why can't firms avoid SMM

because conversation has already started they can't stop it all they can do is help it or ignore it

Can you combine appeals


can appeals such as fear sex humor go to far?

Sex can go to far some say you can take an appeal such has humor or fear too far bu this is not true

What is the bandwagon appeal

everyone else is buying this, you should too

What are the strengths and weaknesses of advertising

Pro: reach
Con: costly

What are the strengths and weaknesses of sales promotion

Pro: purchasing incentive
Con: bad for branding

What are the strengths and weaknesses of personal selling

Pro: customizable
Con: Costly

What are the strengths and weaknesses of direct digital

Pro: customizable
Con:low response

What are the strengths and weaknesses of public relations

Pro: credibility
Con: lack of control

what is breakage

revenue gained by retailers through unredeemed, expired or lost gift cards