Chapter 12

The promotion mix is used by companies to ________________ consumers and persuasively __________________________customer value and ____________ customer relationships.


What is the key word associated with the Promotion "P"?


How many promotion mix items are there?


List the the 5 promotion tools:

1. Advertising
2. Personal selling
3. Sales promotion
4. Public relations
5. Direct and digital marketing


Personal selling

Sales promotion

Public relations

Direct and digital marketing

What does IMC stand for:

Integrated Marketing Communications

IMC: Carefully integrating and coordination the company's many communications channels to deliver a _________, ___________, ________ about the organization and its products.

Compelling message

IMC is increasingly accepted:

-Coordinate/manage promotional efforts
-Synchronization of promotional elements
-Use more precisely targeted promotional tools
-Consistent message to customers
-Use of database marketing

What brand did we discuss that was a "good" example of IMC?__________________________

Smart Water

Figure 12.1 Integrated Marketing Communications:


Push strategy...calls for using the:

Sales force and trade promotion to push the product through channels. The producer promotes the product to channel members with in turn promote to the final consumer

Pull strategy...calls for spending a lot on:

consumer advertising and promotion to induce final consumers to buy the product, creating a demand vacuum that "pulls" the product through the channel.

Define advertising:

Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor

Model associated with the major advertising decisions

List the three advertising objectives.

-Informative advertising
-Persuasive advertising
-Reminder advertising

List the four budgeting methods

-Affordable method
-Competitive parity method
-Percentage-of-sales method
-Objective-and-task method

_______________: Determining the campaign objectives and calculating the costs of the tasks needed to accomplish them

Objective-and-task approach

_________________: setting the budget at a certain percentage of current or forecasted sales or as a percentage of the unit sales price

Percent-of-sales approach

________________: setting the promotion budget to match competitors' outlays

Competitive Parity

____________: setting the promotion budget at the level management thinks the company can afford

Affordable method

Major advertising strategy elements:

-Creating advertising messages
-Selecting advertising media

____________: % of people in the target market who are exposed to the ad campaign during a given period of time


_____________: a measure of how many times the average person in the target market is exposed to the message


__________: the qualitative value of message exposure through a given medium. (ad in Time vs. National Enquirer)


List the 7 major media types.

1. TV
2. Online, mobile, social media
3. Newspapers
4. Direct mail
5. Magazines
6. Radio
7. Outdoor

Define public relations:

-Building good relations with the company's various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories and events

Public relations promotes:

products, people, ideas, organizations, and nations

Define publicity:

-Non-personal communication in a news-story form about an organization, its products, or both
-Is transmitted through a mass medium at no charge

List the six major PR tools.

1. News
2. Audiovisual materials
3. Special events
4. Corporate identity materials
5. Written materials
6. Public service activities

List the six major functions of the PR department.

1. Press relations or press agency
2. Lobbying
3. Product publicity
4. Investor relations
5. Public affairs
6. Development

Possible reasons for a press release: