(23) Cells and Tissues of the Plant Body

tissue system

ground tissues, vascular tissues and dermal tissues

apical meristem locations

found in root and shoot tips

primary growth

produces primary plant body

indeterminate growth

unlike animals

primary meristems

protoderm, ground meristem, and pro cambium

primary tissues

epidermis, ground tissues and primary xylem and phloem

3 processes of development

growth, morphogenesis, differentiation


A. irreversible increase in size
B. cell division and cell enlargement


plant assumes a particular shape/form, which depends on the planes in which cells divide and tissues exapand


A. cells with ID genetic constituents become different from each other and from meristematic cells
B. fate determined by final position in organ


A. structural and functional units of cells
B. simple V complex tissues
C. groped into tissue system in plants
D. characteristic pattern- vascular tissues and dermal tissues

ground (fundamental) system

parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma

vascular system

xylem and phloem

dermal system

epidermis and periderm

parenchyma tissue/cells

A. usually living at maturity
B. capable of mitosis
C. some cells have secondary walls
D. photosynthesis, storage, secretion and transport

parenchyma unique characteristics

considered totipotent and contain transfer cells


cells that can fix itself and produce any differentiated cells

transfers cells

cell wall ingrowths increase surface area of plasma membrane

collenchyma tissue/cells

A. living at maturity
B. common in strands/cylinders
C. unevenly thickened, nonlignified primary wall
D. support young, growing organs
E. commonly found under epidermis in leaves/petioles and around eudicot leaf veins

sclerenchyma tissue/cells

A. may be dead at maturity
B. thick, often lignified secondary wall
C. strength and support plant parts not elongating
D. 2 types of cells- sclereids and fibers

xylem and phloem derived from

procambium and vascular cambium

procambium (primary meristem)

1. primary xylem and phloem
2. often primary xylem destroyed after plant elongation

vascular cambium (secondary/lateral meristem)

secondary xylem and phloem


1. water conducting tissue in vascular plants
2. mineral transport, support, food storage
3. principal conducting cells
4. other xylem cells
5. differentiation

principal conducting cells (xylem)

1. treachery elements- tracheas and vessel elements
2. elongated cells with secondary walls, no protoplasts at maturity, may have pits

other xylem cells

1. parenchyma for storage
2. fibers for support and storage
3. sclereids sometimes


1. less specialized, lacking perforations
2. only type in most seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms

vessels elements

1. main conducting cell in angiosperms
2. contain perforations
3. trade-offs with perforations, width


programmed cell death


1. transport food, AA, lipids, hormones, floral stimulus, proteins, viruses
2. principal conducting cells
3. other phloem cells

principal conducting cells (phloem)

sieve elements with sieve cells (gymnosperms) and sieve tube elements (angiosperms)

other phloem cells

parenchyma and fibers/sclereids

sieve elements

1. primary walls
2. living protoplasts at maturity
3. callose and P-protein

living protoplasts at maturity

bu some organelles broken down during differentiation

callose and P-protein

help block pores when wounded


1. companion cells (with all organelles)
2. albuminous cells
3. other cells for storage

companion cells (phloem)

1. in angiosperms
2. connected to sieve-tube elements

albuminous cells (phloem)

1. in gymnosperms
2. associated with sieve cells

dermal tissues

epidermis and periderm


1. outermost cell layer of primary plant body that is compactly arranged and exterior is covered in cuticle
2. specialized cells

specialized cells (epidermis)

1. guard cells- open and close stomata
2. trichomes- increased reflection of solar radiation, absorption of water/minerals, protection from herbivory, glandular


1. replaces epidermis in secondary growth
2. comprised of cork, cork cambium and phelloderm


non-living and highly suberized

cork cambium

secondary/lateral meristem


living parenchyma tissue