electric lighting module three

The NEC requires must be adhered to when installing incandescent recessed lighting fixtures because they ________________

are a fire hazard and installed incorrectly

which of the following will shorten the life of the filament in an incandescent lamp?

operating at warmer temperatures

chandelier are a type of ___________________

suspended lightning fixture

when white light is passed through a prism how many total colors are visible?


compared to standard incandescent lamps which of the following provide longer life and improve light?

halogen gas

florescent lamps with a single pin at each end are know as

instant start lamp

when installing a surface mounted fixtures weighing more than 50 pounds _____________________

can be supported by the outlet box if box is designed and marked to support more than 50 pounds.

NEC article 410 contains requirement for installing

recesses lighting fixtures

which of the following contain ballasts that provide high voltage across the lamp electrodes at start up causing them to emit electrons?

instant start lamps

which of the following is HID category?

constant wattage autotransformer.

the light enter the eyes trough a transparent layer called


with of the follow material absorb most light?

dark red glazed brink

the type of high intensity discharge (HID) lamp that has excellent color rendition is

metal hailed lamp

which of the following describe a color temperature of 4100k and higher ?

cool in tone with a bias toward blue and green .

the junction box and recessed lighting fixtures should be separated by min distance by


which of the following are often used in conjunction with time clock to torus off lighting when its no longer needed?


which of the following is at least 18" in length when used to connect the junction box mounted above a suspended ceiling to a fixture installed in a suspended ceiling?

fixtures whip

which section on the NEC required that at least 6" of free conductor length be left at each outlet box when cutting the branch circuit wire o preparation for connecting a wire fixture?

NEC section 300.14

in an office where people set quietly at desk at from 8:30am to 5: pm which type of lighting control would be most efficiency turning off the lights when were not needed ?


unless It is protected or is low voltage type of track , track lighting on the wall must be installed

5' above the floor

which lamp produce a cool color tone?

day light fluorescent

which type of the ballast has highest efficiency ?

electronic instant start

which color temperature produce a balance between warm and coolness?


ultrasonic occupancy sensor are triggered by


when used outdoors photosensor should be aimed due
