Chemistry Terms

If a balloon is squeezed, what happens to the pressure of the gas inside the balloon?

It increases.

What happens to the temperature of a gas when it is compressed?

The temperature increases.

What happens to the pressure of a gas inside a container if the temperature of the gas decreases?

The pressure decreases.

If 4 moles of gas are added to a container that already holds 1 mole of gas, how will the pressure change inside the container?

The pressure will be five times higher.

Why does air escape from a tire when the tire valve is opened?

The pressure outside the tire is lower than the pressure inside the tire.

Which of these changes would NOT cause an increase in the pressure of a contained gas?

The volume of the container is increased.

When the Kelvin temperature of an enclosed gas doubles, the particles of the gas..

Move faster.

The volume of a gas is doubled while the temperature is held constant. How does the gas pressure change?

It is reduced by one half.

The volume of a gas is reduced from 4 L to 0.5 L while the temperature is held constant. How does the gas pressure change?

It increases by a factor of eight.

If a balloon is heated, what happens to the volume of the air in the balloon if the pressure is constant?

It increases.

If a sealed syringe is plunged into cold water, in which direction will the syringe piston slide?


What happens when a piston is used to decrease the volume of a contained gas?

Gas particles become compressed.

A gas occupies a volume of 2.4 L at 14.1 kPa. What volume will the gas occupy at 84.6 kPa?

0.40 L

Boyle's law states that...

The volume of a gas varies inversely with pressure.

Charles' law stats that..

The volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins.

If a balloon is heated, what happens to the pressure of the air inside the balloon if the volume remains constant?

It increases.

A sample of gas occupies 17 mL at -112 C. What volume does the sample occupy at 70 C?

36 mL

How is the ideal gas law usually written?

PV = nRT


Amount of matter an object contains.

Homogenous Mixture

Describes mixture with a uniform composition.


Gases Consist of tiny particles (atoms or molecules)

Ideal Gases

These particles are so small, compared with the distances between them, that the volume (size) of the individual particles can be assumed to be negligible (zero).


The particles are in constant random motion, colliding with the walls of the container. These collisions with the walls cause the pressure exerted by the gas.

Ideal Gases

The particles are assumed not to attract or repel each other.


The average kinetic energy of the gas particles is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the gas.

The meaning of temperature

The temperature of a gas reflects how rapidly, on average, its individual gas particles are moving.

High, Low

At ____ temperatures the particles move every fast and hit the walls of the container more frequently, whereas at _____ temperatures the particles' motions are more sluggish and they collide with the walls of the container much less often.

The motions of the gas particles

What is temperature really a measure of?


The _____ temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the gas particles.

Celcius to Kelvin conversion

K= C + 273

Farenheit to Celcius

(F-32)/(1.8)= C

The Relationship Between Pressure and Temperature

A given sample of gas in a rigid container (if the volume is not changed) shows an increase in pressure as its temperature is increased

The Relationship Between Volume and Temperature

The volume of a gas will increase as the temperature increases at a constant pressure.

Boyle's Law

If the amount of gas and the temperature of the gas remain constant, the pressure of the gas will vary inversely with the volume of the gas. The significance of this relationship is that the product of the pressure and volume of the gas will remain consta

Charles's Law

If the amount of gas and pressure of the gas remain constant, the volume of the gas will vary directly with the absolute temperature of the gas. V1/T1=V2/T2

Volume and Moles: Avogadro's Law

For a gas at constant temperature and pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas. V1/n1=V2/n2

The Ideal Gas Law


Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures

For a mixture of gases in a container, the total pressure exerted is the sum of the partial pressures of the gases present. The partial pressure of a gas is the pressure that the gas would exert if it were alone in the container.


1.) T= 0 degrees Celcius
2.) P= 1 atm
3.) V= 22.4 L (one mole of any ideal gas occupies this volume)

Pressure units

1 atmosphere (atm)= 760mmHg= 760torr

Boyle's Law

Pressure is inversely proportional to volume; P~(1/V); P1V1=P2V2

Charles' Law

Volume is proportional to temperature in kelvin; V~T(k); V1/T1=V2/T2

Gay-Lussac's Law

Pressure is proportional to temperature in kelvin; P~T(k); P1/T1=P2/T2

Combined Gas Law


Avogadro's Law

Volume is proportional to number or moles; V~n

Dalton's Law

Ptotal=P1+P2+P3...; Ptotal=Pg+Pwater vapor

Ideal Gas Law


Ideal Gas

generally behaves more like one at higher temperature and lower pressure

Real Gas

generally behaves more like one at lower temperature and higher pressure

Kinetic-Molecular theory

particles of matter are always in motion




anything that flows


capability of losing volume in response to pressure (liquids-slight, and gases)


random mixing of materials without addition of energy due to natural particle motion


prcocess of gas particles moving through tiny openings of other materials

6 Properties of gases explained by KMT

expansion, fluidity, low density, compressibility, diffusion, & effusion


force per unit surface area


standard temperature and pressure
temp=273k press=1atm, 101.3kPa, or 760mm Hg


standard ambient temp and pressure
temp=298k press=1atm

gas laws

have properties which are related to each other (gas pressure, temp, volume, mass)

Dalton's Law

total pressuer of a non-reactive gas mixture is the sum of all the independent (partial) pressures of the component gases

Standard molar volume

22.4 L (standard volume that one mole of gas will fill when at STP)

Boyle's Law

For a given mass of gas at constant temperature, the volume of the gas varies inversely with pressure.

Charles Law

The volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature, if the pressure is kept constant.

Gay-Lussac's Law

The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature if the volume is kept constant.

Ideal Gas Law

P x V = R x T

Dalton's Law

At constant volume and temperature, the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases.

What is not an example of matter?


A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because it..

contains more matter.

A vapor is which state of matter?


Which state of matter has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container?


Which state of matter takes both the shape and volume of its container?


Which state of matter is characterized by having a definite shape and a definite volume?


Which of the following is a physical change?


Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?


Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

salt water.

Which of the following is true about compounds?

they can be physically separated into their component elements.

The first figure in a properly written chemical symbol is always..


The chemical symbol for iron is..


Which of the following is a chemical property?

ability to react with oxygen.

In the chemical reaction in which sucrose is heated and decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water, which of the following is a reactant?


Which of the following is NOT apart of Dalton's atomic theory?

atoms are always in motion.

Which of the following is true about subatomic particles?

the mass of a neutron nearly equals the mass of a proton.

All atoms are...

neutral, with the number of protons equaling the number of electrons.

The nucleus of an atom is..

the central core and is composed of protons and neutrons.

The atomic number of an element is the total number of which particles in the nucleus?


An element has an atomic number of 76. The number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom of the element are...

76 protons and 76 electrons.

The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom equals the...

mass number.

Isotopes of the same element have different...

numbers of neutrons.

How many protons, electrons, and neutrons does an atom with the atomic number 50 and the mass number 125 contain?

50 protons, 50 electrons, 75 neutrons.

If E is the symbol for an element, which 2 of the following symbols represent isotopes of the same element?

E: 20-10 &
E: 21-10

In which of the following is the number of neutrons correctly represented?

238:92; U has 146 neutrons.

Which of the following is necessary to calculate the atomic mass of an element?

the atomic number.

In Bohr's model of the atom, where are the electrons and protons located?

the electrons move around the protons, which are at the center of the atom.

How does the energy of an electron change when the electron moves closer to the nucleus?

it decreases.

How many energy sublevels are in the second principal energy level?


What is the maximum number of orbitals in the p sublevel?


What is the electron configuration of potassium?

1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6 ,4s1

Stable electron configurations are likely to contain...

filled energy sublevels.

The quantum mechanical model of the atom...

involves the probability of finding an electron in a certain position.

What is another name for the representative elements?

group A elements.

Which of the elements is in the same period as phosphorus?


Of the elements Pt, V, Li, and Kr, which is a nonmetal?


The atomic number of an element is the total number of which particles in the nucleus?

protons and neutrons.

Which of the following elements is a transition metal?


Which of the following statements is true about ions?

cations form when an atom loses electrons.

In which of the following groups of ions are the charges all shown correctly?

Ca2+, Al3+, Br-

Which of these elements does not exist as a diatomic molecule?


Why do atoms share electrons in covalent bonds?

to attain a noble-gas electron configuration.

In which of the following compounds is the octet expanded to include 12 electrons?


What type of ions have names ending in -ide?

only anions.

When Group 2A elements form ions, they...

lose two electrons.

What determines that an element is a metal?

its position in the periodic table.

An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains..

a polyatomic anion.

Which of the following formulas represents an ionic compound?


In which of the following is the name and formula given correctly?

sodium oxide, NaO

Which of the following shows correctly an ion pair and the ionic compound the two ions form?

Fe3 + O2- ; Fe2O3

Select the correct formula for sulfur hexafluoride..


What is the correct name for the compound CoCl2?


Which of the following is the correct name for N2 O5?

dinitrogen pentoxide

In the chemical equation H2O2 (aq) ---> H2O(l)+O2(g), the O2 is a...


Which of the following is the correct skeleton equation for the reaction that takes place when solid phosphorus combines with oxygen gas to form diphosphorus pentoxide?

P(s)+O2(g) ---> P2O5(s)

What are the coefficients that will balance the skeleton equation below?

3, 1, 2

When the following equation is balenced, what is the coefficient for HCl? Mg(s) + Hcl(aq) --> MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)


Chemical equations must be balanced to satisfy...

the law of definite proportions.

What are the missing coefficients for the skeleton equation below? Al2 (SO4)3(aq) --->Al(OH)3(aq)+K2 SO4(aq)

1, 6, 2, 3

In a combustion reaction, one of the reactants is...


In a double-replacement, the..

reactants are two ionic compounds.

What are the correct formulas and coefficients for the products of the following double-replacement reaction? Rb Oh + H2 PO4-->

H2 Rb+PO4 OH

Which of the following statements is NOT true about double-replacement reactions?

the reactant may be a solid metal.

The complete combustion of which of the following substances produces carbon dioxide and water?


The reaction 2Fe + 2Cl2 ---> 2FeCl3 is an example of which type of reaction?

combination reaction.

The equation 2C3 H7 OH+ 902 --> 6CO2 + 8H2 O is an example of which type of reaction?

combustion reaction.

Why is a gas easier to compress than a liquid or a solid?

The volume of a gas's particles is small compared to the overall volume of the gas.

Why does the pressure inside a container of gas increase if more gas is added to the container?

There is an increase in the number of collisions between particles and the walls of the container.

How does the gas propellant move when an aerosol can is used?

From a region of high pressure to a region of lower pressure.

If the volume of a container of gas is reduced, what will happen to the pressure inside the container?

The pressure will increase.


A process in which a liquid is boiled to prouduce a vapor that is condensed again into a liquid.


A substance that cannot be changed into simpler substances by chemical means.


Composed of two or more substances chemically combined in a fixed proportion.


Gaseous state of substance that is a liquid or solid at room temperature.


A physical blend of 2 or more components.


Starting substance in a chemical reaction.

Heterogeneous Mixture

Not uniform in composition.


A substance formed in a chemical reaction.

A golf ball has more mass than a tennis ball because it...

Contains more matter.

An example of an extensive property of matter is...


Physical Properties of a Substance

Color, odor, melting & boiling points, malleability and hardness.

Which state of matter has a definite volume and takes the shape of its container..?


Which state of matter is characterized by having an indefinite shape, but a definite volume?


One of example of a physical change is...


A heterogeneous mixture would be...

Oil and vinegar.

A homogeneous mixture would be..

Salt Water.

Separating a solid from a liquid by evaporating the liquid is called..


An example of a homogeneous mixture is...

Stainless Steel.

A substance that can be separated into 2 or more substances only by a chemical change is...


An example of a substance would be...


What distinguishes a substance from a mixture?

Mixtures can be separated physically, while compounds cannot.

The figure in a properly written chemical symbol always is...


The chemical sign for Iron is..


What is an example of a chemical property?

The ability to react with oxygen.

What must occur for a change to be a chemical reaction?

There must be a change in chemical properties.

A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood...


What happens to matter during a chemical reaction?

Matter is neither destroyed or created.

What is true for all chemical reactions?

The total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products.

When an iron nail is ground into powder its mass..

Stays the same.

Which state of matter is characterized by having a definite shape and a definite volume?


Process in which substances are changed into different substances..

Chemical Reaction.

Extensive Property

Depends on the amount of matter.

Intensive Property

Depends on the type of matter in a sample.


Horizontal row in the periodic table.


Vertical column in the periodic table.

Periodic Law

A repetition of properties occurs when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.


Type of element that is a good conductor of heat and electric current.


type of ion formed by Group 2A elements.


Subatomic particles that are transfered to form positive and negative ions.

Ionization Energy

Energy required to remove an an electron from an atom.

What is another name for the representative elements?

Group A elements.

Which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorus?


The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic


Which of the following categories includes the majority of the elements?


Of the elements Pt, V, Li, and Kr, which is a nonmetal?


What element has the electron configuration 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 3s2,3p2?


Which subatomic particle plays the greatest part in determining the properties of an element?


Which of the folllowing elements is a transition metal?


Of the following elements Fe, Hg, U, and Te, which is a representative element?


What is the charge of a cation?

A positive charge.

Which of the following statements is true about ions?

Cations form when an atom loses electrons.

The metals in Groups 1A, 2A, and 3A..

Lose electrons when they form ions.

In which of the following groups of ions are the charges all shown correctly?

Ca2+, Al3+, Br-

How many valence electrons are in an atom of phosphorus?


How many valence electrons are in an atom of magnesium?


How many valence electrons are in a silicon atom?


How does calcium obey they octet rule when reacting to form compounds?

It gives up electrons.

The octet rule states that, in chemicals, compounds, atoms, tend to have..

The electron configuration of a noble gas.

How many electrons does barium have to give up to achieve a noble-gas electron configuration?


Which of the following elements does NOT form an ion with a charge of 1+?


How many electrons does nitrogen gain in order to achieve a noble-gas electron configuration?


What type of ions have names ending in -ide?

Only anions.

What is the correct name for the N3 -ion?

Nitride ion.

The nonmetals in Groups 6A and 7A..

Have a numerical charge that is found by subtracting 8 from the group number.

An -ate or -ite at the end of a compound name usually indicates that the compound contains...

A polyatomic anion.

Which of the following is true about the composition of ionic compounds?

They are composed of anions and cations.

Which element, when combined with fluorine, would most likely form an ionic compound?


Which of the following correctly represents an ion pair and the ionic compound the ions form?

Ca2-, F-; CaF2.

In which of the following is the name and formula given correctly?

Stannic fluoride, SnF4.

Which of the following compounds contaqins the lead (II) ion?


Which set of chemical name and chemical formula for the same compound is correct?

tin(IV) bromide,SnBr4.

What is the correct formula for potassium sulfite?


Which set of chemical name and chemical formula for the same compound is correct?

Iron (III) phosphate, FePO4

Structural Formula

a depiction of the arrangement of atoms in molecules and polyatomic ions

Single Covalent Bond

a covalent bond in which only one pair of electrons is shared.

Double Covalent Bond

covalent bond in which two pairs of electrons are shared.

Coordinate Covalent Bond

a covalent bond in which the shared electron pair comes from only one of the atoms.

Polar Bond

a covalent bond between two atoms of significantly different electronegativity.

Hydrogen Bond

a type of bond that is very important in determining the properties of water and of important biological molecules such as proteins and DNA.

Polar Covalent

A bond formed between a silicon atom and an oxygen atom is likely to be...

Ideal gas constant (R)

An experimentally determined constant whose value in the ideal gas equation depends on the units that are used for pressure.


-In a chemical equation, a coefficient is the number written in front of a reactant or product; it tells the smallest number of particles of the substance involved in the reaction.
-The coefficients in a balanced equation represent the mole ratios between

Gaseous Reactants

-Gaseous reactants are substances in the form of gases present at the start of a reaction.
-Liquid and Gaseous reactants can be used in advanced chemical lasers.

Calculations Involving Only Volume

What volume of Oxygen gas is needed for the complete combustion of 4.00L of propane gas (C3H8)? Assume constant pressure and temperature.
-Known: Volume C3H8 = 4.00L
-Unknown: Volume of O2
C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) ---> 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g)
5 volumes of O2 / 1 volume

Calculations Involving Volume & Mass

Ammonia is synthesized from Hydrogen and Nitrogen gases:
N2(g) + 3H2(g) ---> 2NH3(g)
If 5.00L of Nitrogen reacts completely by this reaction at a constant pressure and temperature of 3.00atm and 298K, how many grams of Ammonia are produced?
-Known: VoL N2

When nitrogen reacts with hydrogen gas, ammonia gas is formed. How many grams of hydrogen gas are required to react completely with 3.5L of nitrogen at STP?
N2 + H2 ? NH3 (unbalanced)

0.95g of Hydrogen Gas.

Ammonium nitrate is a common ingredient in chemical fertilizers. Use the reaction below to calculate the mass of solid ammonium nitrate that must be used to obtain 0.001L of dinitrogen oxide gas at STP.
NH4NO3(s) --> N2O(g)+2H2O(g)

0.357g of NH4NO3

Calculate the mass of water vapor produced when 6L of propane gas undergoes complete combustion at a temperature of 250C and a pressure of 1atm.
C3H8+O2 ? CO2+H20

10.1g of water vapor.

___ H2(g)+___O2(g) --> ___H20(g)

_2_ H2(g)+__O2(g) --> _2_H20(g)

A.) Determine the volume ratio of ammonia to nitrogen in the reaction:
3H2+N2 --> 2NH3
B.) Which will occupy a larger volume at a given temperature and pressure:
1moL H2 or 1moL NH3?

A.) 2 volumes NH3 and 1 volume N2.
B.) They will occupy the same space.

Determine how many moles of water vapor will be produced at 1atm and 200C by the complete combustion of 10.5L methane gas (CH4)
Combustion Reaction:
CH4 + 02 ? CO2 + H2O (unbalanced)

0.541 moL of water vapor.

What is the ideal gas law, and how can it be used?

Gas laws can be used to calculate the amount of gaseous reactant or product in a reaction if the balanced chemical equation is given.

What will happen to the size of the reaction vessel (the container used to carry out a reaction) in a reaction involving gases, when the temperature doubled and the pressure is held constant?

When the temperature is doubled, so will the volume; therefore, the reaction vessel should be doubled in size.

Is the volume of a gas directly or inversely proportional to the number of moles of gas at a constant temperature and pressure?

Directly proportional, as for the amount of gas increases so does the volume.

How do mole ratios compare to volume ratios for gaseous reactants and products in balanced chemical equations?

The molar and volume ratios are the same for reactants and products that are gases.

Molarity, concentration

Colligative Properties of Solutions

-colligative property: A physical property of a solution that depends on the number, but not the identity, of the dissolved solute particles; example properties include vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure, and freezing point