Chemistry Naming compounds

Monatomic ions

consist of a single atom with a positive or negative charge resulting from the loss or gain of one or more valence electrons.


ions that carry a positive charge and include sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++), and magnesium (Mg++)

What happens when metals in Groups 1A,2A and 3A lose electrons?

They form cations with positive charges equal to their group number. Example: Group 1 A loses one electron to give +1 charge, 2A loses 2 electrons to give +2 charge.

what is the only Group 3A metal?



a negatively charged ion

How do you determine the charge of a Group A non-metal?

It is determinied by subtracting 8 from the group number. Example: Cl- chloride ion is in Group 7A; therefore 7-8= -1

What is the name of the anion N3-?

nitride ion

What is the name of P3- ion?

phosphide ion

How do you determine the charge of the cations of transitional metals?

The charges must be determined from the amount of electrons lost. For example Fe2+ (two electrons lost).

How do you name an anion?

Start with the stem of the element name and end in "ide

Name ion and determine if anion or cation:selenium

Selenide ion; anion

Name ion and determine if anion or cation;barium.

barium ion; cation.

How many electron were lost or gained to form O2-?

two electrons were gained

How many electrons were lost or gained to form Fe3+?

three electrons were lost

Polyatomic ions

ions composed of more than one atom

What suffixes are used to name most polyatomic anions?

ite" or "ate

What is the formula for hydrogen sulfite polyatomic ion?


How does a polyatomic atom differ from a monoatomic ion?

Monoatomic ion is a single atom while the polyatomic atom consists of more than one atom.

Write the symbol for potassium and state whether it is an anion or cation.

K+ is a cation. It is called the potassium ion

Write the symbol for tin(two electrons lost) and state whether it is a cation or anion.

Sn2+ cation. It is named TIn(II)ion.

Write the symbol for oxygen and state whether it is an anion or cation.

O2- anion. It is known as oxide anion

Write the symbol for chromate ion.

CrO4 -2

binary ionic compound

a compound composed of the ions of one metal element and ions of on non-metal element, joined by ionic bonds

How do you name a binary compound?

Place the name of the cation first, followed by the anion name. Exampe: NaBr is sodium bromide.

What are the charges of the two copper ions?

Cu+ and Cu+2. OR Cu(I) ion and Cu(II) ion.

Write the formula for the compound formed by Ba+2 and S-2


Write the formula for the compound formed by Cu=2 and I-1


What is the formula for Sodium Iodide


What is the formula for stannous chloride?


What does the suffix "ite" or "ate indicate?

That the compound contains a polyatomic anion that included oxygen.Example Sulfate SO4-2 or sulfite SO3 -2

Write the formula for lithium hydrogen sulfate.


Write the formula for the compound chromium(III)nitrate.


When are parenthesis used in a formula containing a polyatomic ion?

When the compound contains more than one polyatomic ion.

What suffix ends the names of all binary molecular compunds?


Molecular compound prefix:mono

one ion present

Molecular compund prefix:tetra

four ions present

What do the prefixes in the name of a binary molecular compound tell you about the composition of the compound?

The subscript of each element in the compound.Example: dinitrogen tetroxide or N2O4.


compound that forms hydrogen ions in solution

Name acid with anion ending in "ide

Name begins with hydro and ends with "ic".

binary acid

an acid that contains only two different elements: hydrogen and one of the more electronegative elements
Hydrochloric acid. Anion ending in "ide". Has Hydro prefix. Name ends in "ic".

ternary acid

an acid composed of hydrogen and usually two other elements; the second and third elements forming a polyatomic ion. Acid with anion ending in "ite" No hydro prefix. Nitrous acid. Name ends in "ous

Polyanion acid

Anion ends in "ate" The suffix or end of the name ends in "ic". Sulfuric acid.


compound that produces hydroxide ions (OH+) in solution

What element usually appears i the formula of an acid?


What ion usually appears in the formula of a base?

OH or hydroxide.

Write the formula for carbonic acid.


Write the formula for sulfurous acid.


Write the formula for sulfuric acid.


Write the formula for iron(III) hydroxide.


Identify LiOH as acid or base.


Identify compound as acid or base: HClO4


Identify compound as acid or base: KOH


Name this acid:HNO2.

Nitrous acid

Name this acid: HNO3.

Nitric acid

Name this acid:HCN

Hydrocyanic acid

Law of definite proportion

the fact that a chemical compound contains the same elementes in exactly the same proportions by mass regardless of the size of the sample or sourceof the compound

law of multiple proportions

law stating that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound the amounts of one of them that combines with a fixed amount of the other will exhibit a simple multiple relation

Give the expected charge on the ions of elements in 3A


Give the expected charge of ion of elements in 7A


Give the expected charge of cation Sr.


Name the following ion: SO4


What is the net ionic charge of every ionic compound?


How do you determine the charge of a transition metal cation from the formula of an ionic compound containing that cation?

Determine the charge of the anion the work backwards to determine the charge of the transition metal needed to give a net zero charge,

KBr is ? ionic compound


Sodium Nitride Na3N is what type of ionic compound?
