Organic Chemistry Synthesis

alcohol---> alkyl halide


alcohol---> alkene

H+ and heat

alkane--->alkyl halide

X2 and heat (radical)

alkane--->alkyne (double dehydrohalogenation)

2 equiv. NaNH2


H2 and Pt (syn)

alkene--->dihalogenated product

X2 and inert solvent ie: CHCl3 (anti)

alkene--->alcohol (hydration)

H2O and H+ (Markovnikov)

alkene--->alcohol (hydroboration oxidation)

1.BH3, THF 2. H2O2, OH-, H2O (anti-markovnikov)

alkene--->alkyl halide

HX (regioselective) (markovnikov)

alkene--->alkyl halide (anti Markovnikov)

HBr, ROOR, heat


X2,H2O or X2,ROH (OH/RO to most subbed carbon)


RCOOOH (concerted syn addition)

alkene---> aldehyde/ketone

(ozonolysis) 1. O3, -78C
2. Zn, DMS

alkyl halide--->alkene

base, heat
bulky base such as TBuOH favors minor product


2 equiv. H2, Pt,Ni,Rh,Pd

alkyne--->alkene (cis)

H2, Lindlar Pb

alkyne-->alkene (trans)

Na, NH3

alkyne--> alkyl halide

2 equiv. HX

Halogenation of alkynes

2 equiv. X2


H2O, Hg2+, H3O+ (hydration) (forms via keto-enol tautermization)

terminal alkyne--->aldehyde

1. R2BH 2. H2O2,NaOH (hydroboration)

alkyne--->carboxylic acid

1.O3 2. H2O (internal alkyne forms 2 carboxylic acids = to total carbons in original chain, terminal alkyne forms 1 carboxylic acid w/ less carbon than original chain +CO2 and H2O)

Diels Alder

Diene +Dienophile @ 200C (cyclic+acyclic = bicylcic, acyclic+acyclic = cyclic)

Birch Reduction

Na,NH3,ROH (makes benzene non-aromatic)

oxidation of benzene

NaCr2O7, H2SO4, heat (occurs at benzylic C)

halogenation of benzene

X2, FeX3 (free radical) or NBS,CCl4, benzoyl peroxide @80C

nitration of benzene

HONO2, H2SO4 @30-40C

sulfonation of benzene

HOSO2OH, heat (only reversible substitution)

friedel-krafts acylation

RCOCl, AlCl3 (forms a C-C) bond

friedel-krafts alkylation

AlCl3,RCCl @ 0C (forms C-C) bond