Chemistry I Final Exam Study Guide

Avogadros Number

number of representative particles in a mole, 6.02 X 10^23

Empirical Formula

the symbols for the elements combined in a compound with subscripts showing the smallest whole-number mole ratio of the different atoms in the compund.

Molecular Formula

a formula the types and numbers of atoms combined in a single molecule of a molecular compound.


the amount of a substance that contains as many particles as there are atoms in exactly 12g of carbon-12

Molar Mass

the mass of one mole of a pure substance


deals with the mass relationships of elements in compounds

Limiting Reactant

the reactant that limits the amounts of the other reactants that can combine and the amount of product that can form in a chemical reaction

Boyle's Law

The volume of a fixed massof gas varies inversely with pressure at constant temperature.

Charles' Law

the volume of a fixed mass of gas at connstant pressure varies directly with the Kelvin temperature

Ideal gas Law

the mathmatical relationship of pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of mole of a gas.

Absolute Zero

the temperature -273.15C, given a value of zero in the Kelvin scale


the agreed-upon standard conditions of exactly 1 atm pressure and 0C

Intramolecular Forces

forces within a compound holding atoms together (1. Ionic, 2. Covalent, 3. Metallic Bonds)

Intermolecular Forces

the force of attraction between molecules. (1. Dispersion, 2. Dipole-Dipole, 3. Hydrogen Bonds)


friction or resistance to motion between liquid molecules.

Surface Tension

the result of an inward pull among the molecules of a liquid that brings the molecules on the surface closer together, thereby decreasing surface area to the smallest possible size.

Heat Of Vaporization

heat required to change a substance from a liquid to a gas.

Heat Of Fusion

heat required to change a substance from a solid to a liquid.


the process by which a liquid or solid changes to gas


The change of state from a gas to a liquid


Gets Dissolved/Smaller Quantity


Does the dissolving/Larger Quantity


capable of being dissolved


not able to dissolve

Saturated Solution

Full of Solute

Unsaturated Solution

less solute than you can hold

Supersaturated Solution

more solute than you can hold


release H+ ions in aqueous solutions proton donors


release OH- ions in aqueous solutions protons acceptors


substance that changes color to indicate the presence of acids or bases.

Neutralization Reacton

the reaction of hydronium ions and hydroxide ions to form water molecules.


an ionic compound composed of a cation and the anion from an acid; an ionic compound composed of a cation from a base and an anion from an acid.