

a molecule that is not superimposable on its mirror image


A molecule that is superimposable on its mirror image


Two different molecules that have the same chemical formula but different structure

When the non-polarized light is made to pass through a polarizing filter, oscillations get oriented in only one particular direction, and is called __________________________

plane polarized light.

Chiral molecules are optically ________which implies that when a beam of plane-polarized light passes through a chiral molecule, it interacts with the molecule in such a way that the angle of the plane of oscillation rotates.


A pair of ________ always rotate plane-polarized light to an equal but opposite degree. Example: If a pure sample of (S)-carvone rotates plane-polarized light by +10�(clockwise), then a sample of (R)-carvone (in the exact same concentration and under the


Most biological compounds are ___________


chiral carbon centers are carbon atoms that are attached to _____________different substituents, that are placed at the corners of a tetrahedro


A chiral compound and its mirror image are referred to as ___________


True or False: Enantiomers have the same physical properties, except for the direction in which they rotate plane polarized light. Since these isomers exhibit different optical activity, they are sometimes also referred to as optical isomers.


How do you assign priority when trying to decide if you have R or S chiral Molecule?

Setp 1: The group with the highest atomic number is given the highest priority #1 and the group with the lowest atomic number is given the lowest priority i.e. #4. Double Bonds and triple bonds get higher priority than normal C-H Bond, b/c you count doubl

Constitutional Isomer

compounds with the same molecular formula but different connections among their atoms

Conformational Isomer

Same molecule, differ in rotation around single pi bonds.


A pair of stereoisomers that are non superimposable, non-mirror images, and have opposite configurations at some but not all chirality centers

True or False: Disastereomers have opposite R &S configurations at all Chiral Centers

False; Enantiomers are the ones that have opposite chiral centers for every chiral center in the molecule


Compounds with the same structural formula but with a different arrangement of the atoms in space.

All Chiral Molecules have _________


Chiral Center must be ________

SP3 Hybridized; Tetrahedral

(S) Enantiomer

given if arrow turns in a CCW direction

(R) label

given if the arrow turns in a CW direction