chem 6

horizontal row in the periodic table


vertical column in the periodic table


a repetition of properties occur when elements are arranged in order

periodic table

type of element characterized by the pressure of electrons in the d orbital

transition metal

type of element that is a good conductor of heat and electric current


one half the distance between the nuclei of two atoms when the atoms are joined

atomic radius

type of ion formed by group 2A elements


subatomic particles that are transferred to form positive and negative ions


ability of an atom to atract electrons when the atom is in a compound


energy required to remove an electron from an atom

ionization energy

what is another name for representative elements

A elements

what is another name for the transition metals

b elements

which of the following elements is in the same period as phosphorous


each period in the periodic table corresponds to

a principle energy

the modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic


who arranged the elements according to atomic mass and used the arrangement to predict the properties of the missing elements

demiti mendeller

which of the following categories includes the majority of the elememts


of the elements Pt,V,Li and Kr which is a nonmetal

Kr krypton

to what category of elements does an element belong to if it is a poor conductor of electricity


in which of the following sets is the symbol of the element the number of protons and the # of electrons given correctly

In 49 protons 49 electrons b

the atomic number of an element is the total # of which particles in the atom


what element has the electron config. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2

silicon si

which of the following is true about the electron config of the noblee gasses

the highest occupied s and p sublevels are completely filled

elements that are characterized by the filling of p orbitals are classified as

3-8 groups

which of the following electron configurations is most likely to result in an element that is relatively inactive

a filled highest occupied pricipal energy level

which subatomic particle plays the greatest part in determining the props of an element


which of the following elements is a transition metal


which of the following is true about the electron config. of the representative elements

the highest occupied s and p sublevels are partially filled

what are the group 1A and group 7A elements examples of

representative elements

which of the following groupings contains only representative elements


of the elements Fe,Hg,U,&Te which is a representative element


how does atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group in the periodic table

it increases

how does the atomic radius change from left to right across in a periodic table

tends to decrease

what causes the shielding effect to remain constant across a periodic table

electrons added to the same level cause it depends only on the electrons in lower shells

atomic size generally __as you move from left to right across a period and ___ from top to bottom with a group

decrease; increase

what element in the send period has the largest atomic radius

lithium Li

which of the following factors contributes to the increase in atomic size within a group in the periodic table as the atomic number increases

more shielding of the electrons by the highest occupied energy level

which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius


what is the charge of a cation


which of the following is true about ions

cations form when an atom loses electrons

the metals in groups 1A,2A,&3A all_ electrons when they form ions with a _ charge


which of the following statements is not true about ions

when cations form more electrons are transferred to it

why is the 2nd ionization energy greater that the first ionization energy?

it is more dificult to remove a second electron from an atom

in which of the following sets are the charges given correctly for all the ions

K+ Sr2+ O2-

what is the element with the highest electronegativity value


which of the following elements have the smallest ionic radius


what is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gaseous state called

ionization energy

for groups2A metals which electron is the most difucult to remove

the 3rd

which of the following factors contributes to the decrease in ionization energy within a group in the periodic table as the atomic # increases

increase in atomic size

which of the following elements has the smallest 1st ionization energy


which of the following elements has the smallest electronegativity


which statement is true about electron negativity

generally increases from left to right across the period

compared with the electronnegativities of the elements on the left side of a period the electronegativities of the elements on the right side of the same periodic table tend to be


which of the following decreases with increasing atomic # in group 2A

ionization energy

which of the following statements correctly compares the relative size of an ion to its neutral atom

the radius of an anion is greater than the radius of its neutral atom

which of the following factors contributes to the increase in ionization energy from left to right across a period

an increase in the # of proton

as you move from left to right across the 2nd period of the periodic table

ionization energy increases

of the following elements which one has the smallest ionization energy


how many electrons are there in the highest occupied energy level of atoms in group 5A elements


how many electrons are present in the d sublevel of a neutral atom of nickel


how many electrons are in rubidum ion RB+


what is the usual charge on an ion from group 7A


how many electrons does the Ca2+ contain