Chapter 25: Nuclear Chemistry Vocab


the process by which materials give off rays emitted by uranium atoms


the penetrating rays and particles emitted by a radioactive source


the nuclei of unstable isotopes

alpha particle

particle emitted by a radioactive source that contains two protons and two neutrons, and has a double positive charge

beta particle

an electron resulting from the breaking apart of a neutron in an atom

gamma ray

a high-energy photon emitted by a radioisotope

nuclear force

an attractive force that acts between all nuclear particles that are extremely close together

band of stability

the location of stable nuclei on a neutron-proton plot


a particle with the mass of an electron but a positive charge


the time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioisotope to decay to products


the conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another element

transuranium elements

all the elements in the periodic table with atomic numbers above 92 and Technetium (43) and Promethium (61)


the splitting of a nucleus in to smaller fragments

neutron moderation

process that slows down neutrons so the reactor fuel (uranium) captures them to continue the chain reaction

neutron absorbtion

process that decreases the number of slow-moving electrons


occurs when nuclei combine to form a nucleus of greater mass

ionizing radiation

radiation with enough energy to knock electrons off some atoms of the bombarded substance to produce ions

Geiger counter

uses gas filled metal tube to detect radiation

scintillation counter

uses a phospher-coated surface to detect radiation

film badge

consists of several layers of photographic film covered with black lightproof paper, all encased in a plastic or metal holder; used as a radiation detector

neutron activationanalysis

a procedure used to detect trace amounts of elements in samples

radioactive dating

carbon-14 and its half-lives can be used to date rock layers

chain reaction

a continuing series of fission reactions in which split neutrons split other neutrons

t1/2 represents:

half life

What is an alpha particle made of?

two protons and two neutrons forming a helium nuclei

What kind of rays have the most penetrating power?

gamma rays

Beta particles are...


What can shield gamma rays?

lead and concrete

Who coined the term "radioactivity"?


unstable nuclei are...


What are gamma rays?

electromagnetic radiation

What can shield Alpha decay?

cloth or paper

When is Alpha radiation dangerous?

when ingested or eaten


the time for half the mass of a sample to radioactively decay

Why is nuclear fusion not practiced?

extremely high temperatures are needed