Unit 2 Review "Matter and Change


What is another name for homogeneous mixtures?

Bonding structure of a molecule

The chemical formula of a compound does NOT indicate the _______________.

Solid or liquid

A substance that forms a vapor is generally in what physical state at room temperature?


The first figure in a properly written chemical symbol is always...

A mixture is combined with elements and compounds and is a variable composition. A compound is made up of 2 or more elements chemically combined and is a fixed composition.

What is one difference between a mixture and a compound?

they are substances

What is true about compounds?

salt water

Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?
a) Salt water
b) beef stew


Which of the following CANNOT be classified as a substance?
a) air
b) table salt

substances are compounds and mixtures are not.

what distinguishes a substance from a mixture?


Separating a solid from a liquid by evaporating the liquid is called __________.


Which state of matter takes both the shape and volume of its container?

Salad dressing

Which of the following items is NOT a compound?
a) salad dressing
b) table salt

heat and light

Which of the following is NOT an example of matter?
a) heat and light
b) air


Which of the following materials is a substance?
a) gasoline
b) silver


What is the chemical symbol for iron?

Elements and compounds

What do chemical symbols and formulas represent, respectively?


Which substance has a chemical symbol that is derived from a Latin name?
a) calcium
b) potassium


Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
a) soil
b) salt water

Oil and vinegar

Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
a) vinegar in water
b) oil and vinegar


Which state of matter has a definite shape and a definite volume?

Stainless steel

An example of a homogeneous mixture is:
a) stainless steel
b) noodle soup


Which of the following is used for chemical symbols today?
a) letters
b) drawings


A substance that can be separated into two or more substances only by a chemical change is a:
a) mixture
b) compound

3 states- liquid, solid, gas

In how many physical states does water commonly exist?

Corroding iron

Which action changes the identity of the substance?
a) breaking an ice cube
b) corroding iron

A change in chemical properties

What must occur for a change to be a chemical reaction?


In the chemical reaction in which sucrose is heated and decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water, what is/are the reactant(s)?

Ability to react with oxygen?

Which of the following is a chemical property?
a) freezing point
b) ability to react with oxygen

the ability to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen

Which of the following is a chemical property of water at 4 oC?
a) its color
b) the ability to decompose into hydrogen and oxygen

chemical change

When paper turns yellow-brown upon exposure to sunlight, what type of change is likely taking place?


A chemical change occurs when a piece of wood:
a) is split
b) decays


Which of the following is a physical change?
a) rotting of food
b) evaporation


Which of the following does involve a physical change?
a) mixing
b) decomposing

It is a colorless liquid

Which of the following is a physical property of water?
a) it is a colorless liquid
b) it is composed of hydrogen and oxygen

Smell, taste, shape, texture, color

Know some examples of physical properties of matter.

gas production

Which of the following does indicate that a chemical change may have taken place?
a) gas production
b) fracture formation

The total mass of reactants= total mass of products

Which of the following is true for all chemical reactions?
a) the total mass of reactants= total mass of products
b) the total mass of the reactants increases

Matter is neither created or destroyed

What happens to matter during a chemical reaction?
a) some matter is destroyed
b) matter is neither created nor destroyed

Color and oor, melting points and boiling points

Which of the following are considered physical properties of a substance?
a) color and odor
b) melting and boiling points

Melting cheese

Which of the following is a physical change?
a) melting cheese
b) fermenting of cheese


Which of the following is NOT a physical change to metal?
a) melting
b) rusting

the food darkens

Which of the following indicates that a chemical change has happened during cooking?
a) the food darkens
b) bubbles form in bubbling water

0 degrees

What is the melting point of water in degrees Celsius?

100 degrees

what is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius?


Which of the following processes does involve a change in chemical properties?

60 grams of liquid

How many grams of liquid water are produced when 60 grams of ice melt?


Energy in the form of motion is ______ energy.


According to the law of conservation of energy, mechanical energy can be _______ to heat energy.


A rock at the edge of a cliff has _________ energy because of its position.


According to the law of conservation of energy, energy ______ be created or destroyed.


Energy that is stored is _____ energy.

Chemical potential

Energy stored in food you eat is ________ energy.


Energy is measured in ______.


The law of conservation of mass states that the mass of all substances before a _____ change equals the mass of all the substances after the change.


the basic building block of all matter


a pure substance that is made up of more than one type of atom


a pure substance that is made up of only one type of atom

Heterogeneous mixture

A mixture that consists of visibly different substances

homogeneous mixture

A mixture that is uniform throughout

Law of constant composition

Law that states that the ratio by mass of the elements in a chemical compound is always the same, regardless of the source of the compound.


anything that has mass or volume


the smallest part of a compound


matter that has a uniform and definite composition

chemical change

change that occurs when one substance is turned into another substance

chemical property

property that can be observed only when a substance is changed into a new substance.

physical change

change that does not alter the identity of a substance

physical property

property that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance

chemical potential energy

energy stored in the atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds that make up matter


the ability to do work or cause change

kinetic energy

energy associated with motion

law of conservation of energy

states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another

law of conservation of matter and energy

states that the total amount of mass and energy in the universe is conserved (does not change)

Potential energy

Stored energy

Work force

any push or pull applied over a distance

pure substance

a form of matter that has constant composition throughout