Ch. 8 Study Guide/ History Flashcards

First president of the United States

George Washington

Second president of the United States

John Adams

What are precedents?

AN example to be followed by others in the future

THree departments set up by the first Congress

Treasury, State and War

What issue did Hamilton face early on with the government?

Getting them to agree to pay
all federal and state debts

What issue occured between Hamilton and Jefferson?

They argued whether the Constitution should be interpreted strictly
or loosely

What happened during the Whiskey Rebellion?

Congress imposed a tax on all whiskey made and sold in the US

What message did the Whiskey Rebellion send to the people?

Don't mess with the government, and that armed rebellion is not
acceptable in the US

What party was Alexander Hamilton the leader of?


Who led the Republican party

Thomas Jefferson

Different parties views on Constitution

Federalists: loose interpretation
Republicans: strict interpretation

Believed role of people

Federalists: wealthy and educated should lead
Republicans: believed people should have political power

Believed powers of government

Federalists: favored strong central government
Republicans: favored strong state government

Views on National Bank:

Federalists: in favor
republicans: opposed it