History final IDs Flashcards

Sacco-vanzetti case

--1920s- great depression
-they were immigrants (italian) from MA
- they were anarchists--believed in no govt, no est. of
churches, no private proper, promotes use of violence to bring about
society we want to see
--were arrested for breaking and entering into a factory and
murder of a security guard
-found guilty, convicted to death
---significance: there was no actual proof that they
committed the crime, it was inconclusive.
---probably arrested bc of the red scree concern in american
society during this time.
-case becomes worldwide news. govt appoints investigators
(Advent Lawrence Lowell) to look into commission. He was a member of
the anti-communist league so was biased.
-italians were considered the most uncivilized out go the
immigrant groups.

welfare capitalism

---capitalism that includes comprehisive welfare policies
for workers
-buisnesses starting new practice that comes about bc of the
red scare. Many coming back from war. . works with human factor.
people have demands and businesses should work with this demands.
- new idea of earned vcacations, pent ion plans, job
security in contracts, paid leave.
-stocks came about here. employers used stocks to give
employees moroe invested in work. Gives them hope of owning
something. Apperals to american workers.
-significance: new american life in 1920s is consumer
society. decade of prosperity. More products being produced more
efficiently. (telephones, vacummes, refrigerators.
-However, unequal distribution of wealth despite expansion
of indiurtirs.
-farmers didn't thrive bc of WWI. after war, many of their
crops went to waste bc overproduction bc troops back home now.

Equal rights Amendment (ERA)

---no distinction of sex, in law, govt
-eliminating distinction bw men and women .
-amendnet not passed.
-comes about bc women get right to vote in 1920s. we also
want right to work.
SIgnificace: still childbearing laws against women.
biological difference. so thats why congress didn't pass it.

culture wars

The second klan

manufacture of consent

---manipulation of public opinion. getting people to think one way
so that they can use their votes in govt to benefit by using propaganda.
-controlling the way citizens think
---walter Lipman says american population is uneducated about issues
of goivt. Yet, progressives vote for govt officials. So, officials
make choices that are unfit for our govt. govt shouldn't be running govt.

civil lberties

-rights that individuals can claim even against the
democracotc majority.
signicnce: even though we have civil liberties. still don't
have freedom and freedom of assembly in some cases when it threatens
american people.
-ex: watch and ward comittee- consenorded moves that had
nuditiy and kissing, so no freedom of speech here.


-American Vilivil LIberties Union
- purpose is to fight on behalf of american people to redeem civil
liberties back. Ex: provides attorneys in court to help fight or
citizens rights.
-they care about freedom of speech
-govt says can imtereven when freedom of speech presents clear and
present danger to america people.
signicice: - brown v board- partnered with NAACP to desegregate
public schools in america

scopes trial

-story of evolution
-scopes is a public school science teacher in TN.
-law says public schools cant teach darwin's evolution theory
-scopes is arrested- trial becomes national news
-ACLU is his attorney
-ACLU uses william jennings bryan as expert frnse who taught
dawomis theory. because he's religious.
-ACLU corners him into contradicting gomeself on knowledge
of the bible. became tongue tied. ACLU says how do you factually know
truth about the bible?
-scopes still found guilty
-eventually TN law overturned.
significance: -during this time the fundamentalist revolt is
taking place. Rearragmes focus of american life based on christen
values. Believed in bibles literal truth and basis for chricstain
doctrine. So, thats why they use jennings. also, bc he was well known
by american people.

The Second Klan---Culture wars

-KKK rises in midwest and west
-purpose: targeting immigrans and immigrant families bc wanted
homogenous govt and culture. wanted to continue restriction of
immigrants. ESprically wuopeans.
-they set quotas of who can come into country and who cant.
Hierarchy of immigrants.
significance: Great Britiain=favored. Asia=no. bc Great Britiain is
ally of US, asia is not. Thterat to communism.

Great depression

-Hubert Hoover runs on idea go american prosperity during this thine.
-americas longest economic shutdown. began after the stock
market crashed in 1929.
-many suffered without jobs, businesses shut down, poverty.

Hubert Hoover

-runs for election in 1928 against smith who is US first catholic
nominee. Not time to vote for catholic bc of KKK.-president
during the great depression-idea of prosperity
-makes $ on mingin. Humble person. Job during WWI was in charge of
food relieve efforts for european families.
-books- american indicvualsism- govt should not intervene from
farmers in economy and workers. Should be felt with privately. holds
true to this during the depression.

Black Tuesday

-stock market crash in 1929. Within 5 hours, stock market lost 5
billion $$$.
factors leading up to this: real estate boom-banks and
mortgage lenders giving too many loans out. americans couldn't pay
for these loans bc of low wages, so banks cant pay other.
-unewual distribution of sea;th- most americans under poverty
line. americans willing to go into debt to be able to afford consumer
goods. And since those goods are lasting, businesses cant keep
reproducing and making profits. So, businesses start laying off
workers. Busisnesees go bankrupt.
-Brtian and france owed US $ after WWI, but germany cant pay
them back, so they cant pay us back.


-elected during time of great depression (1932). handicapped president.
- makes many executive decisions:
first ficus is to fix banking crisis. says need bank holiday.
Says we need to pass glassy-steagall act that prohibits private banks
from buying and selling stocks to make sure that buisnseeses don't
lose all investments when companies crash. Gives banks insurance.
Now, we need to put people back to work. creates jobs.
Sigificance: After dust bowl, says people need to get out of
hoovervilles and live in comfortable housing. introduces long-term
mortages. increase in amount of jobs while he's president. less number
of banks closing. Re-runs on idea that we need more than just this
wall bandage to fix economy.

First New Deal


Second New Deal

FDR's platorm for running on second presidency. domestic programs and
executive orders for economic security.
-congress passes wagner act- says ok to form unions. gives
confidence for workers.
-works process
admnistration- long term investment plans. Ex: federal arts
project which hired people to male art ptrins for out joy in life.
-created social
security act- brought american welfare state down and that
its govt responsibility to sensor welfare of americas. offers
benefits such as income insurance, and social services. not medical care.

FDR's 100 days

created first new deal to get america back on feet again. focus was
getting people back to work, get people to trust banks again, provide
relief efforts for people, and get industry and agriculture back on feet.
significance: many critics. says was costing govt even more
money, FDR knew that it would pay off.

Alphabet Agencies

-US federal govt agencies that were created as part of new deal
during the time of the great depression
-to put people back to work and bring $ into the failed
economy. tp ensure people had comfortable standard of living.
-agencies create laws of safety of workers. Ex: laws make it
illegal for company to blackest emliuyee who was part of union or
fire bc of sepecuif creasons.
-Ex of agency: CCC (civilian conservation corps)- hired
americans to work in these lands.

Tn valley authority-
brings electricity to parts of country.
significance: -some see FDR's alphabet agencies as limiting
american freedoms

Social Security Act (1935)

-part of second new deal

-social security act-
brought american welfare state down and that its govt
responsibility to sensor welfare of americas. offers benefits such as
income insurance, and social services. not medical care.
significance: since needs to go to congress in order to pass, its
problem for FDR since southern states are afrcan americans and not
well favored by them. So, revises to say doesn't include for domestic
and agricultural workers to exclude them.

Indian New Deal

good bc endied assimilation of indians having to be americanized.
right to govern themselves.
bad bc govt didn't give govt resources to them so they couldn't
adapt well into society and struggled economically.

Web DuBois



-purpose was to fight for our 4 freedoms.
-global world war. created 2 military forces: axis and allies.
-many died
- america put their complete time on war efforts. (economic
resources, industry).
-began when germany invaded poland. Then france and great
britian declared war on germany.
-war out of unresolved issues from WWI (political and economic
instability in germany)
-pearl harbor:main reason went to WWII. surprise attack by
japan in US naval ships and aircrafts bc japan wanted Hawaii in order
to help control Asia. Next day FDR to congress to declare war on
Japan (or axis powers)
Significace: FDR says reason US is fighting in this war is bc
to protect our 4 freedoms.

FDR (and idea of freedom)

-focused on domestic issues
- new deals
- re-runs- says will invest in bringing country back around from
great depression.
-reaches americans through fireside chats- uses radios weekly to
talk t american people publicly. americans felt like they knew president
-FDR's goal was to change balance of powers in govt. court fight
over it. says congress is holding him back from doing what he wants to
improve status of economy. after re-elected, goes after courts. now
less leg. support for FDR and could be troubling when he tries to get
laws passed during his presidency.

four freedoms


policy of appeasement

-france and great britian foreign policy. tells germany that they
won't start a war if germany doesn't claim the sovereign land in parts
of eupope.
-Germany does attack chech repulic and slitzovakia to claim
their lands in order to expand german power, so france and GB invade
germany and start war.
US americans didn't want to of to war bc WWI and great depression
-FDR says we will defer with Great Britian and France and
what they do, we'll do. US goes into war to ally france and GB.

neutrality act

-protects america's trade abroad and america against wat. bans travel
outside of ports and trade of goods to repeat start like WWI.
-act came from US policy of isolationism- US out of active war
in early stages.


-called "litening war"
- military tactic. germany able to take control over freance
this way. Uses all resource and power to over throw enemy in surprise
attack. Hitler then uses this to invade Soviet Union. Breaks their
agreement of not attacking each other.

fifth freedom

-during WWII- FDR
-freedom of enterprise
- there shouldn't be any govt intervention. business to practice freely.
-women make up 1/3 workforce during WWII (meant to be temporary)
only for helping in war efforts.


-Office of War information
- US govt agency.
-sends out info about war abroad and at home. to promote patriotism.
-propoganda used to attract people to take war efforts. such
as in jobs, enlisting, insutries/buisnesses creating war supplies.
-only lasted short while bc govt cut its spending
--cirtics say this agency is only supporting FDR New Deal
plan. against it.
-after spending cut, private companies take over as primary
entitles to promote public opinion during WWII. bc war=buisness=good
for them=more money for everyone.


1944- US troops invade beaches of Normandy, France.
-2000 troops land here within next 24 hours and 1 million more.
-US uses strategy of tricks germany into thinking that they
are attacking from eastern front position. goes to beaches of
normandy,France instead and pushes germany out of france.
-14 million germans died
- considered the largest land-sea operation in US history.

War in the Pacific

-war bw japan and US during WWII.
- US island hops- US to coral sea and midway. Tactic of
gathering in 1 area first, then keep regrouping and island hop to
defeat japan. uses allies powers to defeat enemies.
-ameriacan forces attack japan and defeat them.
FDR says hitler next, then eupore.


-internament camp that housed japanese-americans during WWII. came
from executive order 9066
-not violent treatment
- 10 camps across US
-Ansel Adams manzanar/intenment camp photographer.

patriotic assimilation

valuing plurality
-loal "ethnic" americans- melting pot advantage
-this creates dilemma for americans. Why during war? not used
to be like this.
-US did it to differentiate against enemies and say we have a
melting pot and accept everyone into our country.
-US believes that If we value diversity, all maericans can
enjoy 4 freedoms.

Executive Order 9066

-2 months after pearl harbor
-US govt can intervene and disperse anyone who poses threat to govt/military
-didnt specify in law who it was discriminating against. also,
not just affected Japanese, but also germans and italians and other
minorities living in US during this time.

442nd regiment

-US military regiment
-japanese americans only army for them to be able to fight
with US.
-doesn't mean family is free from camp
-why this military? bc citizens shoo;d be able to defend their country.
-proves loyalty to country and helps in settlement of japanese
americans after war.
- could be used as propaganda to say japanese in america
aren't enemy and to prove america's democratic society *bc hitler
said we are segregating citizens likeUS called him out on it).

the "double v


manhattan project

-FDR- project that creates atomic bomb
-it was einstein's idea.
-atomic bomb created on columbia university by scientists.
-truman unaware if this terrible weapon
- US drops bomb on japan to show power US has. so what?
Hiroshima- mass causilites in humans for japan. 70,000 deaths.

FDR-during WWII

-says americans is and never was a matter of race
-creates new alphabet agency for process of helping relocating
japanese americans after intermnemt.
-japanese americans forced questionnaire. Q #27 (yes then sent
for military service) 28 (swear allegiance to US- problematic for
them bc of first generation sees themselves as loyalty to both countries)

Bretton Woods

-New hampshire
-after WWII. 1945
- yaulta conference- "big 3" are there (Stalin, Churchill, FDR)
- stalin imposes that they go into europe and rebuild to become communism.
-FDR &churchill never said for it or against it.
-want safe an secure list war world.
-confernece was to sinply to plan to re-construct world to not allow
another Hitler-Germany to arise. How to prevent from happening.
-cinference discussing preventive measures to not allow another
Hitleer to arise in world and start another world war.
-Decide o make world bank (for loans to developing countries to
watch out for one another so we don't get another hitler) and IMF
(international monetary fund)- watching/managing of currency exchanges
around world.
-then the creation of United Nations- (an inter national assembly in
which each country gets 1 vote through 1 ambassador that represents
your country. We will hear each others ideas and not get involved in
another world war.

Cold War

-lead to cold war: long telegram- says soviet union aiding wurope and
US should do something if they don't want SU inflicting europe and
asia to communism.
-purpose: ability to contain soviet power. we fought in asia,
aftica, and wuope.
-no fighting between sides
-free west (Us is main power on this side) and communist east
(SU main power om this side)
-marshall plan

Marshall plan


policy of containment



- National atlantic treaty organization
-military pack of 12 countries including US to contain SU power.
-came about bc West gemrnay/axis powers creates blockade so US
cant cross berlin. US uses airrades to fly over this SU blockade to
drop resources to Berlin.
This is how the berlin wall came about that separated berlin
from west. symbolized how germany kept berlin confined. not right.

Iron curtain

-speech by churchill in which he says the world is now divided. it's
free west against communist east. symbolized the border between the 2 divisions.


-national security council. report proposed to Truman. top secret. to
build up a military in order to be prepared for soviet.
-ambassador of UN writes this. created in wake of china becoming communist.
-US "liberty and freedom" defines us. Communism= you
will be under slavery.
-we cant just sit back. So, we should actively contest this.
Creates policy of permanent military armament to combat soviet
inflieve around the world. US to always be prepare for sovet to attack
-lots of $ used for military use. americans people not told
about the military for years because didn't want them knowing where
tax money was going.

Korean War

because of NSC-68
- day after WWII ends.
-split into Societ (in N Korea) and America ((S.
korea=democracy) zones.
-n korea invades s korea bc wants unified communist country.
pushed all the way down to end of s korea.
-truman sends UN troops to s korea to push back n korea bc says
soviet is disrespecting US democracy and threat to communism.
-chinese send troops to n korea to push back s korea. battle
continues intul
-general douglas macaurthur- military hero as he lead US troops.
Asks truman if he can use atomic bomb bc soviets, china, and krea= too
powerful. we cant win unless we use it. Truman refuses. Asks UN. goes
against Presidet's orders.



military- industrial complex

-cold war
-economy is intertwined with military.
-the govt emphasized on higher education in order to help with
military resources which meant more weapons and sesoureces which means
more airplanes and comupters. Govt spends billions to ensure this
industry and make sure communism is contained within the world. This
is American life now bc of cold war.

Harry Truman

-had experience with domestic policies. complemented FDR.
-deaiing with 12 million men in military in 1945 coming back now
so have to increase GI bill benefits for them
-1945 revival of new deal policies-"fair deal" his
domestic policy-creates this in order to bring economic security and
also for economic suability for govt. Wants t hike minimum wage to
ensure standard of living is comfortable for citizens. and wants to
create national health system. and investments in housing
opputruniites and social security.
-creates the review loyalty board in order to ensure that people
weren't communists. would be evaluated,


-cold war
-House of un-american activities committee. it's an anti-communism committee.
- created by house of representatives that held hearings in which
hollywood people testifies that they weren't communists and not know
anybody who was. the "hollywood 10" didm;t agree to be testified.

Rosenberg Trial

-cold war
-rosenbergs were arrested in suspicion to passing atomic bomb info
to SU.
-they were self-proclaimed communists and jewish
- put on trial, convicted guilty, and executed.
-courts deemed evidence for the case too sensitive to release to
public, but there actually never was any evidence.
-also, judge blames them for Korean war bc they had access to atomic
bomb to SU.


-an abuse of power in nme in anti-communism
- Joseph Mcccarthy was an anti-communist senator from wisconsin.
- travels to west virginia to give speech about 205 communists
working in the govt right now. This catches news.
- red scare for americans. hundreds lost jobs in govt bc of
anti-communism threat.
-bc TV played important role- americans got to watch his
presentation and techniques he used agaist officials. americans
realized he was talking in circles and that those 205 communists
weren't true.
-he also gained more of political figure bc of this mccarthyism

Kitchen Debate

-The Kitchen Debate was a debate between president Nixon and the
Soviet�s leader Khrushchev during the opening ceremony of the
�American kitchen� exhibition in Moscow during the time of the Cold War
The debate was over whose government was better, capitalism vs.
communism, after Khrushchev saw the new technologies presented in the
kitchen part of the American exhibit (Class notes, 11/14/16). The
American exhibit in Moscow had a full reconstruction of the American
kitchen display, in which the US wanted to portray that the average
American had new and affordable appliances and technologies in the
average kitchen in the home (Class notes, 11/14/16). You would be able
to see such things like TVs, microwaves, refrigerators, tile floors,
and electricity (Class notes, 11/14/16). Khrushchev then began to get
angry and said that his country (the Soviet Union) is behind
industrially but will soon catch up and they too will have TVs, tiles,
and microwaves soon (Class notes, 11/14/16). This debate was
broadcasted to both countries so that millions of people could tune
into the current news.
-to prove what kind of freedoms citizens had in each country
-america=consumer freedoms and were able to afford all of the
new and innovated household appliances and still have a comfortable
standard of living
-access to media- americans were able to see it
-the debate probably caused more tension bw the 2 countries

Richard Nixon

VP during the affluent society.
-In kitchen debate
-also ran against JFK in 1960 election

Affluent Society

-in 1959 both america and SU exhibitions in proyrsying of the
countries. Nocon goes to moscow to tell why america is about.
-our economy is growing
-golden age if capitalism
-baby boomers-end of WWII-1960s.

Golden Age of Capitalism

-americans willing to go in great debt for consumer goods such as
housing, cars, TVs, kitchen applicnaves, This is told in white,
middle/ upper class narrative. -women were expected to stay at home
take care of sour. our women don't have to work (or in domestic,
non-union, hospitality), thats our freedom.
-blacks were lower class, in poverty


-affleunt society
-more chose to live in suburban neighborhoods.
-all houses similar bc easy for mass prediction in capitalistic
era and cheaper.
-pople willing to go in great debts for this consumer good.
-but it also reinforced racial segregation bc blacks couldn't
afford bcAA not allowed to buy mortgages.

smoke gets in your eyes

-Episode of Mad Men tv show
-cigarettes are mass comusmer good during affluent society
-how to sell despite health risks
-comes up with slogan "its toasted

Dwight D Eisenhower(IKE)

-affluent society
-wins election of 1952.
-general and hero of WWII.both parties wanted him
- chooses to rperesent republican party bc taft will take
country in wrong direction.
-Nixon=VP congressmen
-is anti-communism crusade
-his foregone policy: in order to contain soviert power, massive retaliation- if
SU attacks any ally of US, then they will be met with nuclear force by
US. This establishes the brinkmanship (meaning US is prepared for war
at anytime. america in fear).
-1952 US created hydrogen bomb that is strongest and massive.
But, 1953, SU has their own hydrogen bomb. So, both just waiting to
use it.
-his election was the first on national TV-americans feel that
they know him personally
- he doesn't like war, despite being veteran. so wants to end
Korean War (however, cold war is still prevalent in his presidency as
he is in competition with the SU).
-since countries not with either country, US can be an ally.
guatamala-military (Juanta) installed under CIA.
-1954 expains to US why Vietnam important to US and reclaiming
back from SU. should care bc economic importance in that they have
natural resources we need in world, and dictator could take over
their country and we don't want that bc we want freedoms.and last,
the domino theory.

massive retaliation

-IKE's foreign policy during affluent society
-if SU attacks any ally of US, then they will be met with
nuclear force by US.
This establishes the brinkmanship (meaning US is prepared for
war at anytime. america in fear).


-Mutullay assured destruction
-military strategy and security policy
-b/c both SU and US have hydrogen bombs, Uf US uses the bomb
then SU will attack and nobody wins. So, each hesitate bc nobody will win.
-US nuclear finding increases. and less military bc of nuclear
weapons do more damage.
-also, bc of nuclear world, it spreads more fear. and govt
creates programs to inform people how to prepare for nuclear bombing.
(Burt the turtle's "duck and cover")

Vietnam War

-after WWII ended.
-Japan invaded vietnam during WWII
-Japan kicked out vietnam
-France wants to reclaim vietnam. truman gives financial aide to
france so they can reclaim bc don't want vietnam to be communist.
-US wants the democratic power when france claims vietnam
-National Securtiy Council says US should allow france to use
nuclear weapons bc french losing. IKE rejects idea of nuclear war.

Domino theory

-IKE explins resins why we should care about vietnam and one reason
is this.
- if we lose vietnam to communism, then so will the rest of the
Southeast asia and we cant have that. don't want communist world.

Civil rights movement

-IKE doesn't take this as his priority in his presidency.
believes americans should just follow the laws.
-comes out of break od south out of black churches
-17 states require racially segregated schools.
-brings about legal assault on segregation
-brown v board of education
-montgomery boycott
-little rock nine
--chief justice earl warren- face of civil rights movement

Brown vs Board of Education

-linda brown has to walk miles to go to black school even though
white school is just down the street.
-her father takes this to NAACP snf thourgood marshall is the
defense attorney.
-this case ends segregation in public education
-also uses 14th amendment (all citizens born in US are citizens
of US) as a foundation so that's how they won
- also lead to massive resistance in that the southern manifesto
was created in that congressmen signed to resist the desegregation of
public schools of brown v board.

Montgomery Boycott

-Rosa parks susts in front of bus and refuses to move to back where
balcsk are suppose to be.
-arrested. this leads to year long protests in Alabama
-blacks now going to walk instead of using public transportation
-non-violent strikes to bring about radical change
-lead to desegregation of public transportation

Little Rock Nine

-little rock central high school
-9 students selected to become first AA for integration into
school after desegregation of public schools. Selected by NAACP. were
top-bnotch students
- governor of little rock prevents them from entering school
-IKE called to send federal troops to ensure students enter and
get to school safely.
-why now for ike? bv thinks cant fight with SU when we have
desegregation issues.

Election of 1960

-John F. Kennedy and Nixon.
-JFK catholic senator from Massachusetts with the Democratic
Party. argued that America must fight for our values of freedom
-Nixon was a republican, anti-communist. In the presidential
debate, Nixon pushed at anti-communism principles
-JFK won
-TV major contributor in campaigning for closest election in history
- voter fraud?

IKE's farewell address

-IKE leaving for oval office after 1960 election. gets on TV and said
vision for country= raise awareness in danger in america having
military-industiral complex. theres danger in focusing too much on
military bc cant make good decisions in govt.
-arms industry influenced and dangered politicians and policies.
we've become too dependet, so we need to step back.
-most americans didn't agree. should never endanger out liveried
to democratic practices bc military creates security, not in great
depression anymore, and jobs, no wars.


-preisdent during civil rights era
- doesn't want military intervention unless law is not upheld
-focuses on domestic policies
-close friendship with MLK
- began draft for civil rights bill in 1963 to ensure
desegregation and better society.
-in inaugural speech, calls upon people- says moves beyond mass
consumption that defines us and mvd toward common good (better parks, education)
-saw world through cold war lens. creates peace corps (people
sent to 3rd world countries bc brings american values and culture
since they are vulnerable to the SU.
-creates NASA to match SU with space power.
- Marshal plan or latin america- to help fight off SU inflict and
help with their infrastructure.
--assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

-biginining of the civil rights movement
-bans discrinination in institutions, employment, and private
institutions based on race.
-Johnson uses JFK death as motivation to persuade congress to
apes this bill

Bay of Pigs

-JFK 1961
-sends CIA to invade cuba. troops leave from guatamala bc we have
military base there. Not known to americans.
-sent bc cuban leader was marxist, so relationship with US will go away.
-cuban military captures US military. Publicly interrogated by them
and thrown into prisions.
-Now cuban leader has more power and SU sees opputrinity for a
relationship with them. US concerned.
-uses policies and funds from IKE's preidency
-failure in JFK presidency

Cuban Missle Crisis

-13 days. stressful for americans as they need to prepare for war.
-US spies planes over cuba and sees them using missile devices.
-calls together govt and says JFK must be proactive and use
weapons. JFK says no bc if we fire then SU will fire back.
-he suggests a blaockade to prohibit cuban ship from delivering
missiles to them.
-in the end, US agreed to never invade cuba and remove our
missiles in turkey and SU from cuba

Lyndon Johnson

-VP of JFK presidency. becomes president after JFK assassinated
-passes civil rights act 1964
-for foreign policies
-since he grew up impoverished and around blacks, takes this to
white house. attacks voting issues in black movements.
-Slema happens- march from selma to montgomery to raise aeateness
and change to voting rights for blacks. police make it violent. eye
opener for LBJ. deletes immigration quotas from voting and says blacks
can vote with use of taxes and no literacy tests.
-supported sending resources to Vietnam

Watts Riot

-neighborhood in LA
-black motorcyclist arrested for brunk driving. argument then
rioter broke out o=with over 15,000 people.
LBJ dispatches federal troops to contain violence. it was bad.
-also $20,000 in damage and 35 lives lost. woke country up

The Great Society

LBJ domestic social program to improve life of citizens. Dramratic
change since New Deal
-in respinse to prsperity tauter than Great Depression for New Deal
- addresses poverty in particular. creates medical services
(medicare, medicaid) , federal funds toward education (headstart
programs) and housing programs ofr poor.
- he went and promoted to povershed that these resources exist now
so make use of them.
trying to wake middle/upper classes up and telling them 22% in
poverty. (went down to 13% after his programs)

The New Left

-baby boomers that saw themselves as ones that felt left behind by
society. (poor communities, immigrant communities, blacks).
-redefining how to use your cultural resources to bring about change.
-political, radical change.

Gulf of Tunkin Resolution

1964- LBJ
-in response to Gulf of Tunkin incident(vietnam shot (attacked) US
naval ships.)
-president as commander in chief able to take the necessary means to
protect and repel any aggression toward US.
-not a declaration of war but 1/2 million military troops sent out
to vietnam.
-US wanted international peace
-led to major US involvement in Vietnam war

Rights Revioltion


Vietnam War

-america still had no idea about their culture. baby boomers born
during and after cold war so didn't understand why US was fighting
with Vietnam
-LBJ sends vietnam resources
-vietnam draft of 1969- lottery system by birthday
-N vietnam(SU inflience) vs S. Vietnam (US infleuice)
-Viet Cong and N fighting for unified communist country
-Gulf of Tunkin inciidnet

Nixon's administarion

-now part of reulican party
changes tone- no foreign policy. says if we improve relationship
with SU and china, its good for US. 1972- travels to SU and china
(first present to do so, and recognizes chinese govt). siginicnce:
trying personally and politically to ease cold war tensions.
- says secret plan is to end vietnam war.
-campagining for the silent majority of conservative americans that
watches as society is led too fast in sisal changes and not enough
representation of american freedoms.
-domestic policies: expanding welfare state-opposite of what rep.
party would do. And new federal agencies (EPA, occupational and health
safety administration, endangered air and clean act)

Loving v Virginia (1967)

-Loving sues VA bc illegal to marry interracially.
-court rules in flavor of loving.
- right to pricy in who you marry

Year of 1968

-global war of 1968-worldwide revolt by college students around the
world. violent and massive revolt �against a political and social
order. significance: these radicals were not people who were
struggling financially/seeking better working conditions or people
seeking independence, these revolutionists were of young people whom
were �ordinary middle-class kids�.
-uprising in s vietnam- viet cong aunched tet offesive
0johnson refusing to senf 200,000 troops
-MLK assassinated
_RFK (kennedys family member) assassinated- was going to run for
dem. party
-nixon's comeback- republican nominee


-easing of hostility
cooperation with SU and china will replace cold war tensions and US
will remain stronger since we've lost vietnam to communism .
-1973-ending of vietnam war through Paris Peace Agreement