Chapter 7 History Test Flashcards

Articles of Confederation

America�s first constitution

Shay�s Rebellion

Movement of angry farmers

North West Ordinance

Three step process for admitting new

Checks and Balances

Process that keeps any one branch of government
from getting too much power

What person presided (was the president) at the
Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

Who were the supporters of the


To approve a document


Who met in Philadelphia in the summer of

Constitutional Convention

What group of people opposed the


The rules under which a government will operate
(document ratified in 1787)


A period when economic activity slows, and
unemployment increases


Why was Shay�s Rebellion significant?

It made people realise that the Articles of
Confederation was weak

Which is not a branch of government under the


An agreement where both sides agree to give something
up is a�


Which comprises called for a bicameral legislature
where one house was based on population, and the other on equal

The Great Compromise

Which plan called for a one house leg. and one vote
for each state, and was supported by the small states

The New Jersey Plan

The states adopted constitutions that limited the power of who?


The Convention agreed that the Constitution must be
agreed by how many states?


Which PLAN for the Constitution called for a
bicameral legislature whose members would be determined by

The Virginia Plan

How many amendments are part of the


What are the first ten amendments that were added to
the Constitution called?

The Bill of Rights

What did most state constitutions have, that the
original US constitution did not have?

Bill of Rights

Why did some people oppose the ratification of the

It did not include protection of individual

The first amendment to the Constitution guarantees
freedom of�

Religion, speech, assembly (all of the

The division of powers between the national
government and the states is a�

Federal system

Those who oppose the constitution feared the national
government would�

Take rights away from the people (to not have the
Bill of Rights)

What was the ? ths compromise?

The North didn�t want slaves to count as
population, the South did, so they came up with a compromise
that said each slave�s vote would count as ? ths of a free

Describe the different ideologies between
Federalists, and anti feds., and how were they

Feds wanted a strong national government, anti
didn�t, so they came up with a compromise

They added a bill of rights to the

Why were the Bill of Rights added to the

To please the anti-federalists

What are the three branches of government under the


Where was the Constitutional Convention


Who is the House of Representatives member from South Dakota?

Kristy Knolm

What was America's fist constitution called?

The Article of Confederation

What was the movement of angry farmers called?

Shay's Rebellion

What set up a three step process for admitting new states?

Northwest ordinance

The process that keep any one branch from
government getting too much power�

Checks and balances

Who presided over the constitutional convention?

George Washington

The supporters of the constitution were called�


What does ratified mean?

To approve something

Who met in philadelphia in 1787?

Constitutional convention

People who opposed the constitution were called what?

Anti federalists

THe rules under which the government will operate is called�


A period where economic activity slows and unemployment


Why was Shay's rebellion significant?

Made people realize that the articles of
confederation was weak

Which of the following was not a branch of government
under the constitution?


An agreement where both sides that agreed to give
something up to solve a problem is called?


Which of the following compromises call for a
bicameral legislature where one house was based on population and
the other on equal representation?

The great compromise

Which plan called for a one house legislature and one
vote for each state and was supported by small state.

The New Jersey Plan.

THe states adopted constitutions that limited the power of�

THe governor

The convention agreed that the constitution must be
approved by how many states?

Nine states

Which plan for the constitution called for a bicameral
legislature whose members would be determined by population?

Virginia Plan

How many amendments are part of the constitution?


What are the first 10 amendments added to the
constitution called?

The bill of rights

Who is the house of representatives member from south dakota

Kristi Noem

What did most state conditions have that the original
us constitution did not have?

Bill of rights

Why did some people oppose the ratification of the constitution?

It did not include protection for individual rights.

THe first amendment guarantees the freedom of�

All of the above

THe division of power between the national government
and the states�

Federal system

Those who oppose the constitution feared the national
government fear�

Take rights away from the people

What was the ? compromise?

It was when the north and south disagreed. A compromise
was placed as the ? compromise. Slaves would count as ? a person

Describe the different ideologies from the federalist
and anti federalists� How were there differences solved?

Federalist favored strong central government(James
Madison) The anti federalist wanted a weak central governments and
did not want to ratify the constitution. THey were resolved by the
bill of rights.

Why were the bill of rights added to the constitution?

to make the anti federalists happy.

What are the three branches of government?


Where was the constitutional convention held?
