Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History: Prehistoric Art to Greek Art Flashcards

Mammoth Bone Houses, c. 16,000-10,000 BCE


Woman from Willendorf, c. 24,000 BCE
found in Austria
limestone exaggeration of features meaning women as a
symbol of fertility and source of man's survival 4 1/4
" high


Woman from Brassempouy, c. 30,000 BCE
found in 2008 in a cave in
Hohle Fels, near Ulm, Germany ivory not clear if
the head is covered with curly hair or if it's a headdress or a hat
made out of woven fibers


Lion Human, c. 30,000-26,000 BCE
found in Hohlenstein-Stadel,
Germany mammoth ivory 29.6 cm. high/11 5/8 high


Spotted Horses and Human Hands, Horses 25,000-24,000 BCE
Hands, c. 15,000 BCE
found in the cave at
Pech-Merle, France 11? 2? long far from
entrance hands meant signatures of community members of
individual painters


Hall of Bulls, c. 15,000-13,000 BCE


Bird Headed Man with Bison, c. 15,000 BCE
found in the cave at Lascaux,
France 3? 4 12 ? long earliest example of narrative


Bison, c. 13,000 BCE
found in the cave at Le Tuc
d'Audoubert, France 2? 78? long clay
spatula-like tools and fingers to make the details


People and Animals, c. 4,000-2,000 BCE


House Interior, Skara Brae, c. 3,100-2,600 BCE
