History- midterm ID's Flashcards

when did it take place?
major people?

-the reconstruction amendments are the resin why we study the
reconstruction era.
-what are the amendments?
-End of civil war to 1877.
-Is it the era of how "freedoms" are defined.
--southern whites, Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, freedmen

Freedman's bureau

law that came from the federal agency that would help freedmen
economically. shared cropping (40 acres) between whites and former
slaves. Freedmen got to keep 50% of the crop income. Also provided
attorneys in court, education opputruiniites. Not successful bc no
money to fund this and little employees.

Andrew Johnson

--went against the freedman's bureau by wanting to give land back
that southerners lost during the civil war.
---not elected by people bc succeeded Lincoln after his
assassination. Was from the south, a confederate. (opposite of Lincoln)

13th amendment

abolished slavery. Slaves no longer owned by anybody. Free to work
where they want.

14th amendment

citizenship no matter race or gender. Born in US=citzen. Government's
role is increasing, is protecting our civil rights, epsically for
freedmen. No discrimination based on citizenship.

15th amendment


Black codes
--who did it involve on both sides?
---what is it?
---where in US?
---how was it implemented?

intent and effect of restricting AA freedom's (freedmen). Although
the 13th amendment abolished slavery, white law makers (from
missisiippi) still looked for loop holes to restrict AA rights. Set
specific laws that blacks must follow. A way for blacks to still work
under southern whites, even though they were not "slaves"
for low wages. Ex: must be employed or go to jail and/or be fined.

Radical Republicans

-angry northerns that did not like the black codes. wanted change.
-making of radical reconstruction period an the origins of the
civil rights
---propposed 2 bills. 1) govef induing to freeman's bureau 2) a
civil rights bill (Johnson says no to this one and vetoes)

Gilded Age

era of rapid economic growth, poverty, railroads, american west, and immigration.
--after reconstruction period

Second industrial revolution

railroads made this possible.
--technologcal revolutions (thomas edison of phonograph for
motion picture- form of entertainment)
- captains of industry


-5 new railroads across US, more particularly in big cities such as
chicago or NYC or near waters. Now able to transport goods and people
faster and easier. more accessible.

technological revolutions

Thomas Edison- phonograph- motion picture-form of enteritainment
nikoli Tesla- electric motor- electricity

Vertical integration

be successful if I own every level of industry business.

horizontal integration

buying out competition. You're the only business in the industry
(monopoly). Lowers process to sell out competition. Then moves to
vertical integration.

Captains of industry

Andrew Carnagie-- owned all of steel company. Believed that wealthy
should give back to poor in a way that will help them.
Rockefeeller- owned 90% oil company. Wanted to own every aspect
of industry in order to increase his control.

Frontier thesis

transformation of the west- Frederick Turner- explains that the
a,erican west embodies our cultural identities of what defines us in
the west. We have: industrial freedom, political democracy, and
economic mobility (we can support ourselves and move around-on horses).
--easier for tramps (who hopped around place to place on
railroads looking for work.
-West is "american dream". Actually not bc indians
lived there and isolation/lonliness.

Bonzana Farms

farming defined by bonzana farms. company owned a farm that
speicilized in one crop. But, you needed $ to buy the farm and workers
(immigrants and AA for cheap) leave after crop season over.

American cowboy

symbolized freedom bc you can choose whether you want contract for
work or not. However, reliaty is not good bc away from family, harsh
conditions with weather which made you lose money bc cattle would die.

chief joseph

-was chief od Nez Pierce Indians
-gave speech about wanting same freedoms as anericans. Wants
citizenship. Kicked out of land to oklahoma and oregon and wants all
free men to have same laws.
-americans remaking indian life- (boarding boys to become more americanized)
-14th and 15th amendmne ts don't apply to indians, give us same rights.

Promise of abundance

consumer society during the gilded age. More people demanded things quickly.
-to be a citizen, is the right to purchase foods. Its an
expectation. And insudties must keep up and make products americans
demand. Its an america standard of living

Dawes Act

government claimed indian land and divided up and offer each particle
to 1 male indian. But, if indian wants land, must denounce Indians
citizenship to become American citizen.
How is it a problem for indians?

Minstrel shows

consisted of 3 acts. Comedy-type. Made fun of AA and racist. Wore
black paint to imitate blacks.
---Northern whites
--women nor AA allowed to attend. typically don't see working
class either.


more than 3 acts that consisted of variety of acts such as singing,
acting, comedy.
--still racist toward balcks.
--anyone, including women and working class could attend. Still no AA
Significance: miking AA despite reconstruction amendments. And
also new form of entertainment to pass time in difficult

New immigration

3.5 million immgrants to US mostly from Eupope,. Fled poitical,
social, and economic stuglles back in home country. Imagined America
as land of freedom.

chinese exclusion act

congress temeperarly excluded all chinese immgirants from entering
the country. Example of law that uses race as discrimination. The
chinese already in the country, would be allowed to stay. But, must
take literacy tests to make sure they can assimulate to aerican culture.

social darwinism

survival of the fittest"
- evolution is natural process in society and among humans, so
government must not intervene.
-failure to thrive or "advance" in society, you were
seen as less fortunate or doesn't have basic skills needed to move up
in social ladder.
-therfore, freedom requires acceptance of inequalities so that
best can thrive and unfit won't. All part of evolutionary process of
human society.

Anthony Comstock

Wanted to do something about eroded freedoms. morals, ethical and
social consequences that came from industrialized society.
-didnt trust people to take care of problems on their own. Needed
other form of influence.
-suggested creation of high culture where people can get away from
corrupted lives for leisure. Promotes decency. By experiencing these
things, you'll be transformed and will forget or a little while the
problems back home.

Columbian Exposition

Chicago's world fair. Different displays around different parts
representing the different cultures. The least "civilized"
countries at beginning and most at end.
-- social darwinism at play. Most civilized has thrived. Ameica
has freedoms.

Coney Island

Amuseemtn park in Manahattan, NY that was widely-kniwn across the world.
-need for more entertainment bc couuruption in lives. Looking for
leisure to escape.
-roller coasters, beaches, foreign foods,
-affordable and easily accessible for everyone.
-attractions made people want to come back.
-"own laws" courting,
--soon became crowded, pitpocketers, violence, and corrupted like
rest of america. was "catching up" with rest of country.

Gilded Politics

-issue of economy is ficus in this era. Trying to stabilize
economy.Ex: counterfeit money, gold vs silver money ratios in order to
stabilize fluctuations of values in order to protect currency.
-1 term presidents. bc of corruption within america/government.
-people voted for who represented their identities/problems at the time
Political parties struggled to get their messages across.
-Big government= control over people, get involved. Republicans-
north, midwest, for prohibition
-small governent= don't need to get involved over what doesn't
need to be controlled.Democrats- itialians, irish.
-Problems within government= favoritism with employment and
elected officials in order to benefit party. Bribes, trusts, pools,
monopolies used within political system between businesses and
political officials.

-what does it stand for?

Interstate commerse commission
-reform during GIlded Age
-govt attempt to regulate loan interest rates for merchants and farmers
-govt struggled to implement bc no money to support it, no
strategies on how to implement across banks.

civil service act

ends favoritism in government. You need to be qualified for
perspective job. But, still can benefit friends bc your friend might
be qualified.

**Stalwarts of the Stalwarts

kills Garfield bc didn't give Charles Giteau any favoritism for job
in government even though he campaigned and worked for Garfield during
his election.
-proud of his assassination
--his saying that was front page of the newspaper--- meaning I was
the most loyal of loyal, yet you never gave me a job.

**Lochner vs. NY

---liberty of contract (citizen can choose their own hours for work
bc 14th amendment allows. As a citizen, you have the right to work)

** Knights of Labor

labor union. Refomers. First Labor Union.
--doesn't matter who you are, accepts anybody.
--purpose: to all congregate and negociate 8 hr work days from
bosses then boss cant fire us bc he needs us to run his buisnsess.
--- union showed that working conidiotns weren't right. We have
changes on how we think it could be better.

Haymarket Affair

workers asking for 8 hr work day. All come together at city square in chicago.
-polics show up to try and disperse. They end up shooting and men
are killed/wounded.
--then, politicians want to have town hall meeting about the police
involvement, and then bomb is set off
--represents labor frustrations and rise to communism. Brings anxiety.


farmers were carved high interest rates on loans from banks and
railroads bc they couldn't afford the costs.
--farmers revolt and know that if they want to make change, they
must be their own political part. Creates The People's Party/
"farmer's alliance"/ populist party. party only for
producers Ex: miners, laborers, farmers bc others don't understand
capital of making things under harsh working considitons.
--Platform: wanted ownership of railroads, national currency (Gold
and silver) for economic stability, no high interest rates.
--thought through direct election od senators, that it would settle economy.

William Jennings Bryan

Presidential nomination for Popularist Party. Doesnt win. Agrees with
popularist platform.

Monroe Doctrine

tells europe (Spain, france) to stay out of western hemisphere and we
can intervene at anytime US thinks they're invading.

Splendid little war


Rough Riders

Roosevelt creates horseback unit that will travel to San Juan Hill in
Cuba to get too highest point in cuba and claim the land.
-says anyone can join (except AA, racist) to reclaim masculinity
lost from Gilded Age. Reaches.
-Roosevelt becomes national hero bc of this. Gets political career
fri this event.
-humanitarian obligation to help cubans

White Man's burden

governing world's nonwhite people-drawing the global color line.
-imperialism- we have duty to clean up societies and make
uncivilized, civilized.

Booker T. Washington

promoted education.
-said to not fight segregation, but instead accommodate to it and
become educated so that we can then bring about change with the skills
we learn.
--we will get jobs opportunities that whites have and freedoms will
be released.
-opens own school that teaches about trade skills

stand for?

American Federation of Labor
-- rises after knights of labor falls.
--only for skilled, labor workers (So, small minority group).

***Women's era

-women now able to work for wages.
- more involved in economic and social aspects of government.
(work, leisures)
-still no right to vote
- Get involved through the Women's Christian Temperence Union
mostly AA in south- (which advocated for prohibition of alcohol,
legal right to handle money, and suffrage rights.
-- emancipation of women- able to find other jobs than househild

Kansas Exodus

AA relocating to start freesh lief bc of financial restrictions of
AA. Wanted to avoid vioence KKK.
--60,000 moved. only those that were able to move did, others just wished.

Plessy vs Ferguson

segregation of facilities, particularly trnapsrtation (trains).
-taken to court. Makes legal segregation for private companies
"separate but equal" raised from this.
significance: not only legal change, but social edequette changes too.

Jessie Washington

lynching victim.
-lynching was american phemonenom.
-public type of vioence
-lived in TX. worked as farm hand.
-confesses out of deprivation of food and needs.
- accused of raping white woman.
-15,000 people came to see.
-becomes turning point to end lynching. Says its barbaric and cant
do this in a public manner.

Progressive era

era that brought about change, whether good or bad. Era of reforms
-loss of freedoms in this era
-women are focus in progressive era

triangle of shirtwaist fire

story of the progressive era.
-immigrant females worked in this factory making the shirtwaists.
on 3rd floor.
-since workers were locked in for shifts (to eliminate bathroom
breaks and security), workers couldn't get out when fire broke out.
Forced to stay or jump out. Die either way.
sininficance: women's work restrictions and child labor. Role of
business owners and protection of employees. Protection of workplace
afterwards- inspections to make sure safe.


journalists during the progressive era who were invested in exposing
progressive era issues to bring about change.
--wrote for the mass of people, not targeting specific audience.

Henry ford

Fordism- introduced idea of mass production and mass consumption.
-ford motor company in detroit michigan
-perfected assembly line
- first mass producer of cars in US
-model T car was first "americanized" car. Good for
american roads, affordable, reliable, convenient.
-$5/day wages to workers in order to have people for assembly line.
Also meant that more people would be able to buy his cars bc growing income.
-paranoid about workers forming unions. Hired spies
-hired people to go into workers homes to make sure they were
living like "americans"
was 1/3 world's industrial output.



Eugene V. Debs

Prediential nominee for socialist party.Ran 5 times, but didn't wim
socialists thought problems of progressive era would be fixed by
socialist practices.

Margaret Sanger

-at time of feminism, reforms for women.
- informs public about contracetives in her journal.
-Opens clinic to Irish to italian low-income families in NY to
distribute contraceptives.
-arrested. Still continues to fight afterwards.
- "free womanhood

Jane Addams

represeative of this era.
-"never having kids, never getting married"
-just bc women don't have right to vote, doesn't mean they cant
change things.
-opens hull house- which is a half-way house for poor/immigrant
families to go to seek shelter. Offers education to chidden, viid,
clothing, shelter. (provides what society lacks for them).
-therefore, more teachers and nurses for these types of half-way
houses for women during this era.
-advocates for women's suffrage rights.

Muller vs oregon

argues maternalistic reform that childbearing women need protection
in workplace. Govt should protect women in workplace.
---court decides to nullify liberty of contract for women.

teddy roosevelt

One of the progressive presidents
-"new nationalism"
-rough ridder
-thought we needed stronger, bigger internvetion of govt to solve
problems of gilded age.
-wants to be "mediator" between workers and businesses/companies.
-dissassembled bad companies to eliminate monopolies. (Anti-trust
reform) Ex: railroad. Heporn act sets rate for railroad. Now owned by govt.
-govt needs strong taxes on businesses
-panama canal
-square deal

william taft

friends with Roosevelt. Both Republicans that want to bring about
significant change.
-federal judge and former governor in Philipinnes.
-pushed anti-trust reform more aggressively. Ex: goes after
rockefellers oil industry and forces him to sell of parts to others.
This aggression makes Roosevelt angry.
-taft doesn't beige that more regulation is better, but does see a
govt role.
-proposes the 16th amendment- ratified. Allows congress to
establish graduated national income taxes. Gives govt reliable renevue.

woodrow wilson

expanding role of govt
-"new freedom"
- for strenghening anti-trust, forming unions, and encouraging small businesses.
- professor of political science
-clayton act
-wanted presidency to be moral imperialism (moral obligation to
involve itself abroad) Hires William Jennings Bryan as secretary of
state bc he is religious. and will uphold moral obligation in foreign policies.

election of 1912

4 way contest for presidency. Between Wilson, Taft, Roosevelt, and Debs.
-near the end comes down to wilson vs roosevelt for votes bc split
votes in nation.

Roosevelt Corollary

-Roosevelts foreign policy.
- if Europeans try to invade US, then we have right to intervene at
any momenet for any reason. (military power)
-significance: sends troops out to European countries even though
they didn't invade. Just trying to "civilize" other nations.

dollar diplomacy

Tafts foreign policy. Using investments and bank loans to branch off
to other countries.
-significance: didn't want to use military bc thinks its not the
best way for US involvement abroad. Good for US companies because they
can make more $. Used to shape economy of those that wen't as
"civilized" as US.

liberal imperialism

have democracy agenda. Wilson- was to make US safe for democracy as
reason to go into war.

moral imperialism

moral obligation to involve itself abroad. Moral reasons drive decisions.


Birtish ship. americans. Brotosh and americans aboard.
-german submarine sank ship
-america divided about which side to ally with.
-significance: wilson doesn't go to war. instead says ameica needs
to be prepared for war. Prepare troops, finding, equipment, businesses
making weapons, etc. Maybe if prepared, then German won't be tempted
to attack us.


-government agency.
-trained 75,000 men to travel and go advocate why you should support
the war. Went to schools, movies, buisnesses
-used propaganda posters- most had liberty and freedom related words
-significance: manipulated public opinion to support war efforts.
Mechanism for swaying public opinions.


-Germany attacks US after we prepare for war (after lustania) so that
they can claim victory.
-war between allies and central powers.
-Wilson doesn't claim war until zimmerman telegram
- Propoganda (CPI)
-selective service act (enlistment)

zimmerman telegram

Zimmermand writes a coded meaasge to Mexico implying that they should
go to war with US to get land back they lost because of Wilson during
the spanish revolution period. Says that Germany and central powers
will have their back- will provide resources, money, troops.
-British spies intercept telegram and decode it and let Wilson know
what it says.
-Wilson furious. Asks congress to go to war. WWI starts.

Wilson's 14 points

-wilson thinks about aftermath of war. To prevent any future wars,
comes up with 14 points and suggests to nations to create the league
of nations between the powers.
-self-determination of type of govt (Germany doesn't like this one)
-free trade
-open diplomacy
-freedom of seas

Espionage Act

not allowed to speak out against war. Illegal to spy, speak, write
about military.
-ex: miners in mining cant unionize bc jeapordiing war
resources.Would hen be arrested.

Sedition act

-cant speak out against form of government
-ex: eugene debs- socialist party, arrested for 10 years, Represents
how americans civil rigths are oppressed. So, thats why they vote for
him in jail.

19th amendment


coercive patronism

with new laws, you must show patriotism with war or you'll be
arrested. Support for the government.

1911 US immigrantion commission

-named all 45 races living in US. and identified mental
characteristics associated with each.
- ranked them highest to lowest based on their capabilities of being
able to assimilate to america.
-Jews/italians very bottom.
-significace: tried to americaize immigrants.


efforts to make immigrants practice american-like things such as
clothes, foods, furtinitre, language.
-buisnesses raided homes

WEB Dubois

part of NAACP (unified group coming together to fight on behalf on
14th and 15th amendments).
-attended yale, so knew that he had ability to bring about change.
- AA need to reject booker T. wahington's argument and says that
instead of accommodating to segregation and getting education to bring
about change, we just need to find other ways than with education.
Don't accommodate.
-says for AA to enlist in war. When they return, they will be seen
as heroic and will have easier freedoms

The Great Migration


year of 1919

-WW1 treaty of peace and end not signed until 1919
- seeds of WW2 apperent during this decade.
- 14 points- self-determinism. US senate doesn�t sign it.
-1919- Russian revolution lennin transformed their government into
communism. US lost deomicracy to one of the largest countires.
-US red scare/anti war

Spanish flu

-kills more people than WW1 *10!
-dedly world-wide flu
-troops brought it when they all went back home after war
- virus that attacked healthy individuals in particular. attacked
immune system. Fills lungs with fluid. Drown in your own fluid.
-significance: only spain had access to news about flu, so thats why
so many people got it bc uneducated about flu. Troops who survived war
were killed from flu.