US History Flashcards

Wilmot Proviso

The clear division is beginning, the fight is increasing and fighting
for what they believe to be right.
Shows the division between the two groups

Popular Sovereignty

this gives votes a chance to decide, impactful because it led to John
Browns raid

Compromise of 1850

debate over yes or no to slavery, wanting the outcome as a free state
impactful towards fugitive slave law-
north feels like they have no say and increases tension between
north an south

Uncle Toms Cabin

written by harriet beecher stowe , impact of the book was it allowed
understanding of slave auctioning and making others sympathetic
towards slaves.
which brought more people on board with slaves

Dred scott

effect was good towards the south,
north was worried because now everything can soon turn non-slavery
north is less willing to fight.
had an impact bc most people will go for non-slavery and north will
barely have a chance

John Brown

he symbolized violence
north and south viewed him two different ways.
His effect was different depending on which side the view came from.
north - thought he was crazy and too violent.
south - thought he was rightfully fighting for what he believed.


South Carolina secedes from the union. South is afraid of losing to slavery
brings tension because they will fight to keep get rid of it
Lincoln will not be voted for by the northerners
biggest impact was south carolina leaving to become their own and
not have to vote.

Crittenden Compromise

amendment proposed in 1860
was not accepted by president lincoln
wanted to appease southern states
take power of the congress so that he will not be able to abolish slavery