History Chapter 1 Flashcards

Leif Ericson

a viking from Scandinavia that landed on the shores of North America


revived European interest in trade in the east

Middle Class

consisted of merchants and traders
the crusades gave a rise to it

Marco Polo

first European to travel the length of Asia
accompanied his father on a trip to China
spent 20 years in service for Kublai Khan

Kublai Kahn

the ruler of China


means rebirth
renaissance began in Italy
emphasized the abilities of mankind and ignored God

Northern Renaissance

when the renaissance spread into Europe
paved the way for protestant reformation

Movable type printing press

invented by Johann Gutenberg in 1440
first book printed on it was the Bible

Prince Henry of Portugal

founded a navigation school
sent out ships to explore the western coast of Africa

Bartholomew Dias

reached the cape of good hope at the southern tip of Africa

Vasca de Gama

sailed all the way around Africa to India opening a all water trade
route to the east

Christopher Columbus

believed that the earth was round
under estimated the distance
didn't know north and south america were there

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

founded Columus' expedition

Three ships in Columbus' fleet

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

San Salvador

Columbus reached here October 12th 1492

Amerigo Vesspuchi

realized that Coumbus had discovered a new continent
America is named after him


daring spanish explorers/conquerors

Ponce de Leon

was searching for the fountain of youth
made first spanish land fall in NA
named Florida

Vasco de Balboa

discovered the pacific ocean

Ferdinand Magellan

killed in the Philippines
proved the world was round
began a 3 year trip around the world

Hernando Cortes

conquered the Aztec indians of Mexico


powerful Aztec chieftain

Francisco Pizarro

he conquered the Inca indians of Peru

Hernando de Soto

discovered the Mississippi River

Spanish Legacy

Spain established many settlements in the new world
St Augustine
Santa Fe

El Camino Real

oldest road in the us

Sir Francis Drake

sea dog- daring sea captain
attacked spanish ships

Spains chef rival?


Spanish Armada

invisible armada
english defeated them

Why was it important that England Defeated the Spanish Armada?

Protestant England would lay the groundwork for political and
religious freedom in NA