Microbiology an Introduction: History of Microbiology Flashcards

When was the golden age of microbiology ?


What did Robert Hooke invent?

the first microscope, very simple and crude

What did Robert Hooke see?

boxed shapes in sections of cork (viewed plant cells)

What did Robert Hooke's work lead to?

cell theory- all living things are composed pf units called cells

What did Leeuwenhoek build?

a better microscope than Hooke's

What was Leeuwenhoek's microscope able to do?

see smaller cells

what did Leeuwenhoek view?

rain water, material scraped from teeth, and feces

Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see live bacteria and protozoa called


The father of Immunology is

Edward Jenner

What disease did Edward Jenner work with?

cow pox and small pox

True or False: Jenner demonstrated vaccination which showed
prevention inoculation with a mild organism


True or False: Lister treated surgical wounds with phenol.


Joseph Lister's work is linked to what?

Germ Theory of Disease- disease is caused by the presence of
microbes, and led to aseptic techniques

Louis Pasteur was famous for what years?


Louis Pasteur did what?

disproved spontaneous generation described
fermentation invented pasteurization

True or False: Koch proved that a specific microorganism caused a
particular disease


True or False: Ehrlich was not the first to use a chemical to treat a
microbial-based disease


True or False: Fleming noticed the activity of penicillin