Discovering Psychology with DSM5 Update: History of Psychology Flashcards

What is psychology?

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Behaviors are ___


mental processes examples are

thoughts and feelings

psychology comes out of what science?


Who is the greek philosopher that influenced psychology?


Who was the French philosopher that influenced psychology ?

Rene Decartes

interactive dualism is what?

the idea that mind and body were separate entities that interact to
produce sensation, emotion and other conscious experiences.

What is nature vs nurture?

influences heredity vs environmental factors, interaction between


institution, observation, and logic; did not test systematically


study of the structure and function of the human body

In the 1600s,

physiologists were becoming more interested in the human brain and
its relation to behavior

in the 1700's,

discovered that damage to one side of the brain produces loss in
function in the opposite side of the body

In the 1800's,

idea that different brain areas were related to different behavioral functions

Father of Psychology, or founder of psychology:

Wilhelm Wundt

Wilhelm Wundt focused on what?

conscious processes such as mental reaction time

Wundt published what in 1874?

Principles of physiological psychology

in 1879 what did Wundt do?

opened the first psychological lab at the University of Leipzig

Structuralism :

most complex conscious experiences could be broken down into
elemental structures or component parts


process of looking inward, looking backwards

Who developed the approach of structuralism?

Edward B. Titchener


stressed the importance of how behavior functions to allow people and
animals to adapt to their environment

what did James publish in 1890

Principles of Psychology

Who developed the idea of functionalism?

William James

G. Stanley Halls

recieved first Ph.D. in psychology awarded in USA
founded first psychology research lab in America at John Hopkins
in 1883 founded the American Psychological Association and
was the first president Student of William James

Mary Whiton Calkins

Harvard refused to grant her the Ph.D. degree because she was a
woman. Student of William James

Margaret Floy Washburn

First woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology Student of
WIlliam James

who focused on the unconscious ?

Sigmund Freud


emphasized the role of the unconscious conflicts in determining
behavior and personality

what three things did Freud focus on?

Early childhood experiences
unconscious experiences


study of behaviors

behaviorism :

school of psychology and theoretical viewpoints that emphasizes the
study of observable behaviors especially as they pertain to the
process of learning

who were behaviorists ?

Ivan Pavlov
John B. Watson
B.F. Skinner

who were the psychoanalysis?

sigmund freud

who were the structuralists?

Edward B. Titchener

who were the functionalists?

William James

who studied mental reaction times?

Wilhelm Wundt

who were James' students?

G. Stanley Hall, Mary Whiton Calkins, and Margaret Floy Washburn

What dominated psychology the first 50 years?


What is the third force?

humanistic psychology

what is the bridge between psychoanalysis and behaviorism ?

humanistic psychology

humanistic psychology :

school of psychology and theoretical viewpoints that emphasizes each
person's unique potential for psychological growth and self- direction

Human Psychology

potential for growth and development

who were the two humanistic psychologists?

Carl Rogers
Abraham Maslow