Mcgaugh Church History test 5 Flashcards

Act of supremacy

required anyone in the government to take an oath knowledging the
king as the head of the church

Babylonian captivity

When papal headquarters was moved to avignon France and popes could
not decide who was the one and only

Catherine of aragon

was married to Henry VIII couldnt bare him a son had a daughter named
Mary I


Pope Leo III crowned him HRE

Charles V

Supported churches excommunication of luther

Charles V

The Holy Roman Empire the supported the excommunication of Martin Luther

Clare of assisi

Wealthy woman who asked to join Francis. Tried to follow his
lifestyle from within the walls of the convent

Clement V

Moved papal headquarters to Avignon, France in 1309

Clement VII

selected pope because the Cardinals decided that urban vi was not the
real pope

College of cardinals

a group of bishops from around Rome who elect the pope

Concordat of worms

1122 Henry V and the church reached this compromise

Council of trent

Purpose was to make reforms to bring2 churches back together and to
state beliefs kf the church

Dominic de guzman

Founded Dominicans. The order that quickly spread throughout europe

Elizabeth I

became queen after Mary she kept many of the Catholic Church
additions but maintain that the Monarch was the head of the English church


A system of structuring society around the relationships of lords
vassels and serfs


vassals would pledge loyalty to the Lord and in return he would be
given a land grant

Francis of assisi

founded the fransicans

Gregory IX

Began papal inquisition which purpose was to find heretics and
persuade them to confess their sins and preform a penance

Gregory VII

Wanted to free the church from secular control in the late 11th
century. Ruled against lay investiture

Gregory XI

Moved papacy back to Rome.

Henry IV

Objected ruling against lay investiture and was excommunicated.
Begged for 3 days in snow for popes forgiveness

Henry VIII

started the Anglican church

Innocent III

rallied French nobles for 4th crusade

Johannes guttenberg

Invented the movable type

John calvin

Rejected catholic form of mass and concept of transubstantiation
Thought service should be simple and rituals and ceremonies should be eliminated

John hus

Called for same reforms as wycliffe and at church council, refused to
recant and was burned at the stake in 1415

John wycliffe

Spoke out against unworthy priest in 1375
Said church property shoukd be confiscated to force clergy
members to live a simple life and said the bible was the sole source
of belief and taught against transubstatiation

Lay investiture

Kings appoint clergy members to their church positions and expect
their loyalty in return

Martin luther

Nailed his 95 theses to front door of wittenberg Cathedral. Was
excommunicated as a heretic

Mary i (bloody mary)

Devout catholic who tried to bring england back ti the church.
Executed hundreds of protestants

Michael cerularius

The patriarch of Constantinople announced that the east and west
could no longer be one church

Papal states

a strip of land in the middle of the Italian peninsula given to the pope

Peace of augsburg

Said German princes could decide choose whether they would be
catholic or lutheran

Pepin the short

Charles martels son. King of the franks


a belief held by John Calvin and Martin Luther that God has people's
life planned out


Calvinist who wanted to purify the religion from anything Catholic

Richard i (the lionheart)

Led the 3rd crusade

St peters basillica

clergy members promoted the sell of indulgences ordered to pay
especially to pay for the rebuilding of this dome


integration of church and state

Thomas aquinas

Wrote summa theologiae

Thomas more

Chancellor of england who refused to acknowledge king as head of
church and was executed

Urban II

at The Council of Clearmont insisted bishops and Nobles to take action