The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume I: To 1877: US HISTORY II Flashcards

To justify American intervention in the Venezuala boundary dispute
with Britain, Secretary of State .....

Monroe Doctrine

In Response to the Boxer Rebellion, The US

Abandoned its general principles of nonentanglement and
noninvolvement in overseas conflict....

The "yellow press" of William Randolph Hearst and Joseph
Pulitzer promoted overseas expansionism as

a opportunity for manly adventure and excitement

American Military success during hte Spanish-American war came mainly from

its navy

Besides panama, the route seriously considered as hte location for a
canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was


A major Factor in the shift for American foreign policy toward the
imperialism in the late nineteenth century was

the need for overseas markets for increased industrial and
agricultural production

A major weakness of Spain the Spanish-American war was

the antiquated and overmatched vessels in its navy

The Farmers alliance was formed to

break the railroads strangling grip on the farmers

The real "safety valve" in the late nineteenth century was

the western city

The US's governments outlawing the Indian Sun(Ghost) Dance in....

Battle Of Wounded Knee

The Homestead Act

was a drastic departure from previous federal public land policy

Financially, American grain and cotton farmers suffered severely from

railroad land sales and loans to immigrant farmers

The enormous mineral wealth taken from he mining frontier

helped finance the Civil War

Match Each Indian Chief below with his trile

A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

In several states, farmers helped to pass the "granger
Laws" which

regulated railroad rates

A major problem faced by settlers on the Great Plains in he 1870s was

the scarcity of water

Arrange the following events in chronological order


The federal reserve act gave the US government the authority to

expand or contract the amount of money in circulation

Woodrow Wilson's political philosophy included all of the following except

the necessity of bargaining and compromise in politics

The teapot dome scandal of harding's administration resulted in the
conviction and imprisonment of his secretary...

the interior

the intended beneficiaries of the mcnary-haugen bill were


the 1932 stimson doctrine

declared that the united states would not recognize any territorial
acquisition achieved by force of...

the hawley smoot tariff of 1930...

deepened the worldwide depression

president warren g. harding encouraged american diplomats to seek
comprehensive diplomatic agreements and...

East Asia

in 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry

because the US raised its tariffs in the 1920s

all of these

in the cause of Adkins v. Children's Hospital, the Supreme Court
reversed its own earlier ruling that

federal law could provide special legal protections for women

in 1931, Japan invaded and occupied

the chinese province of manchuria

America's european allies argued that they should not have to repay
loans that the US made to them during...

They had paid a much heavier price in lost lives, so it was only fair
for the US to write off the debt.

Job Opportunities for women in the 1920s

tended to cluster in a few low-paying fields

Jazz music was developed by

african americans

Henry Ford's contribution to the automatic industry as

the assembly-line production of standardized vehicles

Generally, the immagration quota system adopted in the 1920s tended
to descriminate against

southern and eastern europeans

Cultural philosophers and intellectuals, Horace Kallen and Randolph
Bourne, are best known for the defense of

internationalism and cultural pluralism

Match each literary figure below with the correct work.

a-1, b-4, ,c-2, d-3

anti-redism and antiforeignism were reflected in a notorious case,
______ and ______ were convicted in 1921 of the murder of a
massachusetts ...

Sacco, Vanzetti

Buying stock "on margin" meant

making only a small down payment

a significant cloud that hung over the prosperity of he 1920s was

the large accumulation of consumer debt

after the Scopes"Monkey Trial

fundamentalist religion remained a vibrant force in American
spiritual life

the compromise of 1877 resulted in

the withdrawal of federal troops from the south and end of reconstruction

in the 1896 case of plessy v. ferguson the supreme court ruled that

seperate but equal" facilities were constitutional

As a result of the Civil War,

waste, extravagance, speculation, and graft reduced the moral stature
of the republic

As a solution to the panic or depression of 1873, debtors suggested

an inflationary policy based on "greenback" money

with the passage of the pendleton act, politions increasingly sought
money from

big corporations

under Benjamin Harrison and other administrations of the late
nineteenth century, the center of political initiative and power was...


the major campaign issue of the 1888 presidential election was

tariff policy

the legal codes that established the system of segregation

were called jim crow laws

labor unrest in the 1870s and 1880s resulted in

the use of federal troops to quell strikesq

during the gilded age, the democrats and republicans

had few significant differences over political or economic policies