History Chapter 13 Protestant Reformation Flashcards

Peter Waldo

french (AD 1150)
followers are waldensians
scripture is the only true authority

John Wycliffe

english (AD 1350)
followers are lollards
morning star of reformation

John Huss

bohemia (AD 1400)
followers are hussites
moravians were a group of bohemian brethren famous for missionary activities


a church court who's job was to investigate matters of alleged heresy


speaking against the doctrine of the church


a person who speaks out against the doctrine of the church

Italian Renaissance

AD 1300
humanities (subjects) from greek and romans (classics)

Northern Renaissance

AD 1450-1500
it was focused on the Bible

Johann Gutenberg

he invented the moveable-type printing press
the gutenberg was the first bible printed (vulgate)


the most important or famous figure of the northern renaissance (scholar)
he printed the first copy of the new testament in greek

Martin Luther

university of Wittenberg- doctorate degree
"the just shall live by faith" found truth
was a monk, became a priest
wrote ninety-five theses protesting indulgences


Tetzel- was selling indulgences

Pope Leo X

built St. Peters cathedral

Protestant Reformation

the key movement of the modern age


followers of the reformation

Diet of Augsburg

official church meeting

Papal Bull

the official declaration of the pope

Diet of Worms

was the official church meeting


official declaration of the emperor

Ulrich Zwinglingli

priest (reformer)


divisions of switzerland

John Calvin

french protestant
wrote institutes of the Christian religion

John Knox

scottish protestant
renamed Geneva --> protestant rome


means re-baptizer