Chapter 12. An Age of Darkness! (History) Flashcards

Economic Depression

By A.d 500 Economic prosperity had vanished.
Shift from Urban culture to rural culture.

Spiritual Ignorance (Proverty)

Lack of truth. They where monasticism.
They with-drawled from society.
Men - monks.
women - Nuns.
They were friars.
Monastery- Religious community isolated from society.

Doctrine of the roman church

Eucharist- The lords supper. (Bread and wine)
Transubstantiation- Elements changed form. (bread and wine)
Saintes- Dead people honored by the church.
Indulgence- Certificate from the pope.
Penance- Punishment for sin during life.
Purgatory- Punishment after death.
Vulgate- Latin version of the bible available during middle ages.
Council of toulouse- Only church leaders can have a copy of bible.

Change to the roman church

1. John Wycliffe - Teacher at oxford university in England. (in 1329-1384)
a) Lords supper.
b) Salvation.
c) Authority.
*He translated the bible into english.
Followers were called Lollards.
2. John Huss - University of Prague, Bohemia. (In 1374-1415).
a) Salvation.
b) Authority.
* He was burned at the stake for his belief.
His followers are called Hussites.

Academic Proverty (in the dark)

1. Lack of education
2. Scholasticism - Mixture of greek philosophy and Romanism (meaning
of life).
3. Romanism - Doctrine of the Roman church.

Decline of politics

Europe in chaos.
King of Germany.
Allied with the church.
Holy roman empire is born in 962.

popes and politics

NOT Holy,roman or an empire.
Being used for polecat game.
The empress were german
They were not united.

pope versus emperor

Neither Holy, Nor roman, nor a empire.
(See chart in packet)

Turmoil in europe

Disease: Black death.
It killed up to 1/2 of people.