English 3 Words

Scintillating (adj)

Sparkling, witty, stimulating

Recalcitrant adj

Stubbornly resistant to authority

Hackneyed (adjective)

Overused, cliched

Garrulous (adj)

Chatty, verbose, talkative

Emulate (verb)

Try to equal an example; to imitate

Cacophony (noun)

A harsh or jarring sound

benevolent (adj)

Well meaning and kind; good will to others

Tenuous (adj)

Having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak

Placate (verb)

To soothe; to pacify someone who is upset

Quandary (noun)

A feeling of puzzlement or doubt

Facetious (adj)

Something meant to be amusing but sounds serious, often inappropriate

Dilatory (adj)

Tending or intending to cause delay; procrastination

Dearth (n)

Scarcity; an inadequate supply; lacking

Sanctimonious (adj)

Hypocritically (pretend) religious, virtuous or devout

Arcane (adj)

understood by few; mysterious or secret

Incorrigible (adj)

Extremely difficult to manage or control; delinquent


Friendly or kind manner

Parsimonious (adj)

Overly thrifty or miserly

Credulous (adj)

Ready to believe especially on little or uncertain evidence

Vituperate (v)

Criticize in an abusive or severe manner, using harsh language

Toady (n)

A person who flatters another in hopes of receiving favors

Germane (adj)

Fitting and appropriate; relevant; pertinent

gregarious (adj)

Living in groups, liking to be with others

Mollify (v)

Soften, reduce someone's anger or anxiety

Extraneous (adj)

Extra, nonessential, irrelevant

myriad (n)

A great number

cajole (v)

To persuade with flattery or gentle urging; to deceive with soothing words or false promises

obstreperous (adj)

Noisily unruly or defiant

Perfunctory (adj)

Done routinely with little interest or care

furtive (adj)

Done in a quiet and secretive way to avoid being noticed; sly

perspicacious (adj)

Using wise judgement; sharp minded

Capricious (adj)

Impulsive; unpredictable; subject to whims

Deleterious (adj)

Harmful to one's health or overall welfare

Nonchalant (adj)

Casual and indifferent; not showing any great concern or worry about anything

analyze (verb)

Examine in detail, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation

ostentation (n)

display meant to impress others; boastful showiness

circumspect (adj)

careful and cautious before acting

Candor (n)

Honesty, sincerity

insolent (adj)

boldly disrespectful in speech or behavior; rude

evanescent (adj)

Vanishing quickly; fleeting

sublime (adj)

such excellence, gander, or beauty to inspire great admiration or awe

blithe (adj)

carefree; cheerful, indifference; happy