What is the maximum calculated flow for a baby on VA ECMO?

120 cc/kg/min

How long should it take to achieve full flow in VA ECMO?

20-30 min

When assessing a patient on VA ECMO, what is the best indicator of adequacy of oxygenation?

Pre-membrane oxygen saturation

Calculate oxygen content for a baby on VA ECMO

*Use the patient ABG
* CaO2 = (Hgb * Sat * 1.36) + (PaO2 x 0.0031)
* units are in mL O2 / 100 mL blood

Calculate oxygen delivery

DO2 = [ O2 content x (Pump flow cc/min / 100) ] / patient's weight in kg

Calculate oxygen consumption

VO2 = AVDO2 x flow
* Remember to divide by 100 for the mL O2 / 100 mL blood
* And divide by patient's weight to get mL O2/kg/min

What are the 4 ways to assess sufficiency of oxygenation in VV ECMO?

Arterial oxygen saturation
Pre-oxygenator PO2 or saturation
Cerebral venous oxygen saturation
Calculated oxygen consumption "across the oxygenator

What is the best indicator of adequacy of oxygenation in VV ECMO?

Patient arterial saturation

What are the 4 factors in recirculation in VV ECMO?

Pump flow
Catheter position
Cardiac output
Right atrial size (intravascular volume)

What are the benefits of the cephalad cannula in VV ECMO?

Increased oxygen adding capability
Increased venous return
Decompression of the cerebral circulation
Monitoring tool

What is the maximum calculated flow in VV ECMO?

150 cc/kg/min

During VV ECMO, how would you cause cephalad blood flow to increase?

Decrease the sweep gas flow (increase the pCO2)

What does it mean when the post-membrane PO2 and the patient PO2 are the same high value?

The patient has no native cardiac output

What is the difference between a roller head pump and a centrifugal pump?

A centrifugal pump is pre-load dependent and afterload senstive; a rollerhead pump is occlusive

What determines flow on a roller head pump?

RPM and size

What is the purpose of the Transonics Flow Probe?

Measure real flow

What is the Quadrox D oxygenator made of?


Where do you measure a venous saturation on the ECMO circuit?


What are the two forms of cannulation used in Cardiac ECMO?

Peripheral and transthoracic

A patient just placed on VA ECMO has a LA pressure of 25 and echo shows atrial septal wall bowing. What does the patient need?

Atrial septostomy

The venous return (bladder) alarm suddenly alarms, and you have no flow. What do you do first?

Decrease the flow/RPM to try to get *some* flow

What are potential causes of venous return (bladder) alarms?

1. Cannula (kinked, malpositioned, dislodged)
2. Blood (hypovolemia, bleeding)
3. Hemo/pneumo

What is the proper clamping procedure for taking a patient off bypass?

Arterial - bridge - venous (A-B-V)

What is the amount of waste blood that should be sampled prior to any blood draw from the ECMO circuit?

0.8 mL

Which pressure sensor may alarm for clot formation within the membrane?


What are potential causes of a post-membrane alarm?

Patient moving
Arterial side clot formation
Baby breathing

What are potential causes of a venous return alarm?

Large diuresis
Change in pump flow
Change in cardiac output

What are the two emergencies when you should turn off the pump flow first, before taking a patient off bypass?

Air in
Blood out

The UF space of the CVVH circuit should be monitored for changes in...?


The blood path of the CVVH circuit should be monitored for...?


What is the first sign of hemofilter clotting/clogging in traditional CVVH?

Increased flow to the patient with increased pre/post pressures and decreased bladder pressure

What is the first sign of hemofilter clotting/clogging in Diapact CVVH?

Increased Pre-membrane pressure

What should you do in the event of a high pre-membrane pressure alarm with traditional CVVH in line?

Likely the blood path is clotted and the flow is increased to the patient, so decreased the flow back to the previous amount delivered to patient, and troubleshoot the filter

Ultrafiltrate is...?

The fluid and solutes which are removed via convection during CVVH

ACT's will typically (increase/decreased) during hemofiltration?

Decrease (CVVH clears heparin)

Describe how to change a pigtail catheter.

Prepare supplies, stop flow, clamp each side, remove and replace the pigtail, open the venous side, draw blood/remove air/flush, open arterial clamp, start flow

Describe how to move air from the venous limb/cannula

Guide it to the oxygenator

Why would you remove an arterial filter?

Clots, obstruction

When do you hand crank?

Power failure, pump failure

What is the calculated oxygen index?

MAP x FiO2 / PaO2

What are typical rest vent settings in a neonate?

20/10 x 10, 30%

What are steps to take in an adolescent on VV ECMO who has difficulty with lung recruitment?

Prone position

What is the heparin loading dose for a neonate?

40 units/kg

When should you draw the initial ACT?

Right after starting flow

When do you start a heparin drip?

When ACT < 300

What is the heparin drip concentration?

50 units/mL

When should you give platelets when a patient is being placed on ECMO?

After cannulation and starting flow

As a general rule, sweep gas flow rate is (less/the same/more) than ECMO pump flow rate.

The same

What should be done to decrease the pCO2?

Increase the sweep gas flow rate

What is the purpose of the oxygen challenge test?

To determine readiness for a trial off ECMO (passing is generally a PaO2 > 300)

What is the usual weaning increment for a neonatal patient on VA ECMO?
How about for pediatrics?

10-20 cc/min
100-200 cc/min increments

What are some interventions that may be used to stop ongoing hemorrhage?

Personal pressure
Transexemic acid

Name 2 indications for the use of FFP

Low fibrinogen
Elevated PT

Describe the major difference between trialing off VA vs VV ECMO

Clamp vs Cap

An increase in blood flow and saturation measured in the cephalad catheter during a trial off may indicate...?

Increased pCO2

What is the minimum blood flow to consider when weaning off of VV ECMO for a neonate? VA ECMO for a neonate?

VV ECMO: 40-50

Name two reasons to electively discontinue ECMO.

Identification of lethal factors

What are the target platelet and fibrinogen levels for a neonatal ECMO patient who is actively bleeding?

Platelets: > 150
Fibrinogen: > 150

What is a typical ACT target range for a patient with active bleeding?

140-170 sec

How does a low ATIII level affect the ACT?

A low ATIII level decreases the ACT

Where is NovoSeven (Factor 7) given?

To the patient (ideally) or post-membrane

Why is it important to not give coagulation factors back to back or simultaneously?

To avoid clotting

What is Avitene?

Purified bovine collagen

What are the important factors to assure CO2 exchange in the membrane?

Surface area
Sweep gas flow rate
Blood flow rate
CO2 gradient

What are the important factors to assure O2 exchange in the membrane?

Blood flow, surface area, O2 gradient, FiO2

When de-airing a port it should be (open/closed) after priming?


An ACT of 120 could be caused by...?

Starting CVVH, diuresis

Platelets are given...where?

In the post-membrane sampling port

What should you monitor to ensure adequacy of hand cranking in VV ECMO?

Patient oxygen saturation

What are the clinical signs of pneumothorax in ECMO?

Decreased patient oxygen saturation, decreased pulse pressure, increase HR, decreased venous return (decreased bladder pressure)

How to determine if the oxygenator is working well?

Analyze pre- and post-membrane gases (CO2, O2)

Describe the use of cryo

For when fibrinogen (low) is not responsive to FFP or in case of massive hemorrhage

Cryo is given directly to the patient, and can cause ACT to (increase/decrease)


How is cardiac ECMO flow determined?

Visualization by the surgeon, cardiac index

Pre- and post- oxygenator pressures slowly increasing is a sign of problem...where?

In the arterial filter

pRBCs are given...where?

Pre-membrane (ACT port)

Where is the highest pressure in ECMO?

Just pre-membrane

Where are the air traps in ECMO?

Bladder (or cone), oxygenator, arterial filter

What happens when you open the roller head pump cover?

The pump stops (for safety)

Pumps will servo-regulate based on which alarm?

Threshold alarm

What happens when a clamp is place on the circuit of a centrifugal pump?

The RPMs stay the same but the flow decreases

What are the flow alarms set to in centrifugal pumps?

+/- 500 cc/min

What is the negative pressure side of the circuit?

From the patient to after the cone or raceway

How do you manage a slowly decreasing flow in an awake patient on a centrifugal pump?

Increase the RPMs

What is the reason to give a heparin bolus at cannulation?

To avoid clotting in the cannulas

What is the concentration of heparin in a neonate? In a child?

50, 100

How long should it take to reach maximum calculated flow in VV ECMO?

10-15 min

How to manage a hep assay of 0.1?

Increase heparin

How can you improve oxygenation in VA ECMO?

Increase flow
Increase hemoglobin

How can you improve oxygenation in VV ECMO?

Minimuze recirculation (catheter position, cardiac output, RA volume, flow)

Where is the tip of the Avalon catheter?


What are the major factors affecting output of the roller head pump?

RPM's of the rollers
Size of the roller head, size of the tubing, occlusion, downstream resistance

Oxygen exchange in the membrane is dependent on...?

Blood flow rate

CO2 exchange in the membrane is dependent on...?

Sweep gas flow rate
Gas diffusion gradient

How to calculate oxygen delivery from the pump?

Use the post-membrane blood gas

Heparin requires...? to work


What is the starting dose for a heparin drip?

25 u/kg/hr

What is the major function of aminocaproic acid (Amicar)?

Prevent lysis of pre-existing clots

What is the calculated flow in cardiac ECMO?

~200cc/kg/min over 5 min per surgeon request