Flashcards; week 4

A nurse is providing teaching about the management of epistaxis to an adolescent. Which of the following positions should the nurse instruct the adolsecent to take when experiencing a nosebleed?
a. sit up and lean forward
b. sit up and tilt the head up.

A. sit up and lean forward.

A nurse is providing teaching about epistaxis to the parent of a school-age child. Which of the following should the nurse include as an action to take when managing an episode of epistaxis? SATA
a. press the nares together for at least 10 min.
b. breathe

A and C

A nurse is providing teaching to the parent of a child who has a new prescription for liquid oral iron supplements. Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching?
a. I should take my child to the emergency depa


A nurse is preparing to administer iron dextran IM to a school-age child who has iron deficiency anemia. Which of the following actions by the nurse is appropriate?
a. administer the dose in the deltoid muscle.
b. use the z-track method when administering

B. z-track method

A nurse is caring for an infant whose screening test reveals a potential diagnosis of sickle cell disease. Which of the following tests should be performed to distinguish if the infant has the trait or the disease?
a. sickle solubility test
b. hemoglobin


Define epistaxis

- short, isolated occurrences of epistaxis (nosebleeds) are common in childhood.
- Although epistaxis is rarely an emergency, it causes anxiety for the child and the child's caregivers.

Define Iron deficiency anemia


Define sickle cell anemia

a recessively inherited human blood disorder in which a single nucleotide change in the B- globin gene causes hemoglobin to aggregate, changing red blood cell shapes and causing multiple symptoms in afflicted individuals.

Sickle cell disease (SCD)

is a group of diseases in which abnormal sickle hemoglobin S (HbS) replaces normal adult hemoglobin (Hgb A).

Sickle cell trait

Child has the genes but is asymptomatic.

Sickle cell crisis

is the acute exacerbation of SCA

What is sequestration?

Excessive pooling of blood primarily in the spleen, and sometimes in the liver.
reduced circulating blood volume results in hypovolemia and can progress to shock.
Hypovolemic shock: irritability, tachycardia, pallor, decreased urinary output, tachypnea, c

Aplastic crisis

Extreme anemia as a result of a temporary decreased RBC production
typically triggered by an infection with a virus

Hyperhemolytic crisis

Increased rate of RBC destruction leading to anemia, jaundice, and/or reticulocytosis.

Define hemophilia

Hemophilia is a group of bleeding disorders characterized by difficulty controlling bleeding. Deficiencies in the clotting factors.

Hemophilia A

deficiency of factor VIII
referred to as classic hemophilia
accounts for 80% of cases

Hemophilia B

deficiency of factor IX
Christmas disease

Von Willebrand

Inherited lack of the von willebrand factor protein characterized by the inability of the platelets to aggregate.