AP Human Geography Chapter 2 Test

agricultural density

the number of farmers per unit area of arable land (Ex: India has a high ______________ because there is a small amount of arable land and many people are forced to farm their own food rather than buying it from someone else)

antinatalist population policy

a country's policy that discourages people from having children (Ex: China's one-child policy)

arithmetic density

The total number of people divided by the total land area (Ex: China's _____________ is 148.5)

carrying capacity

the largest number of individuals an environment can support (Ex: the estimated _____________ of Earth is 10 million people.)


an official population count (Ex: every student in a school, every player on a team, every person in a town, etc.)

crude birth rate (CBR)

the total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 peopel alive in a society (Ex: the USA's _____________ is 12.54 births for every 1,000 people)

crude death rate (CDR)

the total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in a society. (Ex: the USA's _____________ is 8.5 people for every 1,000 people)

demographic transition model

a model of how the size of a population changes as a country develops its economy (Ex: The US is in Stage 4 of the _____________, meaning that it has a declining CBR, a moderately declining CDR and a moderate NIR)

dependancy ratio

the number of people who are too young or too old to work, compared to the number of people in their productive years (Ex: the _____________ of the USA is 22.1)

doubling time

the number of years a population needs to double itself, given that its NIR is constant (Ex: the expected _____________ of the world is 61 years.)


The portion of Earth's surface occupied by permanent human settlement. (Ex: dry lands, wet lands, cold lands, and high lands are not part of the _____________ because the conditions are not ideal for growing crops)

epidemiologic transition model

a model that shows the distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition (Ex: Stage 1 is pestilence and famine, Stage 2 is receding pandemics, etc)

family planning

regulating the number of children born through the use of birth control and contraceptives

industrial revolution

the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial nation; started stage 2 of the DTM with a high CBR and a rapidly declining CDR

infant mortality rate

the percentage of children who die before they turn one year old within a particular area or country. (Ex: the _____________ of the US is 5.8)

life expectancy

a figure indicating how long an average person may be expected to live (Ex: the _____________ in the US is 78.69 years)

medical revolution

a dramatic increase of medical knowledge in stage 2 of the demographic transition (Ex: Pharmacology breakthrough of the 20th century)

natural increase rate

the percentage a population grows by in a year (Ex: the _____________ of the US is 3.23%)


the number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living (Ex: Japan's population is 126.8 million)

physiological density

the number of people per unit area of arable land (Ex: Japan's _____________ of 7,953 per square mile)

population pyramid

a bar graph representing the distribution of the population by age and sex in a country; determined by CBR (Ex: the _____________ of a country with declining population would be skinniest toward the bottom, representing small numbers of young people, and

pronatalist population policy

a policy that encourages citizens to have more children to raise the CBR of the country, usually through incentives (Ex: Do It For Denmark campaign)

replacement fertility

the total fertility rate at which women would have only enough children to replace themselves and their partner; the TFR that maintains a stable population size (Ex: Austria has a relatively stable population pyramid, meaning that they have _____________)

total fertility rate

The average number of children born to a woman during her childbearing years (considered to be 15 to 49) (Ex: the global _____________ is 2.1)

East Asia, South Asia, Europe, and Southeast Asia

Four major population clusters