Human Body Systems Unit 1

What are the benefits of using universal terms and anatomical position to refer to location on the human body? How do they help identify all humans?

The benefits of using universal terms and anatomical position to refer to location on the human body are that everyone will know or understand it. It won't cause confusion with anyone. They help identify all humans because all humans have the same terms

What do you notice is the main difference between the structure of the connective tissues and the structure of the epithelium? Make sure to note the organization of cells in these two tissue types.

Epithelial tissues protect tissues that lies beneath it caused from radiation, desiccation, toxins, and invasion by pathogens, and physical trauma. Connective is tissue that connects, supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs. It is made out o

Explain how the structure of epithelium and the structure of connective tissue, specifically bone, relate to the function of the tissue.

A function of epithelial tissue is to protect. It forms protective layers or linings in the body. Connective tissue is more spread out. The cells are connected with to one another through the matrix.

How does the distribution of tissues contribute to our appearance and to our identity?

The shape of our skeleton can contribute to our appearance. Also the fat and muscle cells can determine how full our figure is.

Describe the role of fat in our cheeks and behind our eyes.

The fat in out check act as a cushion for the muscles that is used for chewing, as well as other muscles in our cheeks. The fat behind our eyes keeps the eye from being damaged.

Number of vertebrae in each section of the vertebral column:

7 cervical vertebrae in neck. 12 thoracic vertebrae in the upper back corresponding to each pair of ribs. 5 sacral vertebrae that's fused together to form 1 bone called sacrum. 4 coccygeal vertebrae that fused together to form coccyx/ tailbone.

Floating ribs

any of the lower ribs that are not attached directly to the breastbone.

Circulatory system

Transports oxygen, waste, nutrients, hormones, heat, etc... around the body

cardiovascular system

heart and blood vessels (circulatory system)

respiratory system

A system of organs, functioning in the process of gas exchange between the body and the environment, consisting especially of the nose, nasal passages, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs.

digestive system

Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells.

excretory system

the system that removes waste from your body and controls water balance

what are the major organs of the excretory system

kidneys, ureters, bladder

nervous system

the body's speedy, electrochemical communication network, consisting of all the nerve cells of the peripheral and central nervous systems

What are the major organs involved with the nervous system

brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves

define muscular system

Responsible for the movement of the body and internal organs

what are the major organs of the muscular system

skeletal muscle, smooth muscles, cardiac muscles

define skeletal system

The body's framework, composed of bones and joints

define integumentary sysem

skin, hair, nails

define respiratory system

Allows the body to breathe, providing oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange

define the urinary system

consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, & urethra (collection/excretion of waste in urine, regulation of fluid, electrolyte, & acid/base balance)

define reproductive system

Mainly responsible for procreation it also helps regulate muscle growth and controls behavior.

Your friend assures you that anterior and posterior can always be used interchangeably with ventral and dorsal. Politely explain to him/her that this statement is not always true.

When a human is standing on two feet, the anterior would be at the top of the head and ventral would be the belly. Dorsal would be the back and posterior would be the butt.

Describe specific motions that you would not be able to complete if you damaged your temporalis, your orbicularis oculi or your orbicularis oris. How would this affect your ability to communicate?

temporalis damaged- hard to open/close mouth. hard to form words and eat.
Orbicularis Oculi- unable to blink/wink. Eyes would dry out, and would effect facial expressions.
Orbicularis oris- hard to purse lips. Hard to talk and form words

Think about the structure and function of your backbone. Why do you think there are discs of cartilage between the bones in the vertebral column?

function is to protect spinal cord and allow movements or bending over and twisting. Different segments allow for bending and twisting. The discs help connect vertebral bones, prevent dislocation. They also prevent the grinding of bone on bone. Helps prev

Why do you think the pelvis is often the first bone forensic anthropologists look to in determining sex from skeletal remains?

Most obvious difference between male and female skeletons.

The developmental occurrences you used to determine age stopped at age 25. What are other clues a forensic anthropologist may be able to use to determine age if the bones belong to a person over age 25?

bone remodels with age. Wear and tear on spine and joints show age. Examination of rib ends and cartilage that joins them to sternum is used for age determination

Describe at least two other pieces of information you could possibly learn from bone. Make sure to provide a specific example for each piece of information

ex: finding evidence of fractures or cracks in bones that can be related back to childhood injuries, which could help with identification; looking for specific injuries to bone that could indicate foul play; DNA evidence extracted from bone; minerals in b

How will the age of the sample population affect your results? Suggest a reason why the equations generated for males in the classroom may not be as accurate as they would be if we took these measurements ten years from now.

most high school boys aren't done growing by 1 or 2 year. Growth may not be completely symmetrical either, which could mean that a sophomore boy's humerus is longer than would be predicted by his height simply b/c his humerus grew larger before the rest o

Why do you think most forensic anthropology textbooks also describe adjustments to height calculations for persons over 45?

people over 45 tend to lose height. This could be b/c: compression of dics between vertebrae in spine, loss of arch in foot. Height is usually determined using long bones then the formula has to be adjusted to take into account of height loss resulting fr

define biometrics

The measurement and analysis of unique physical or behavioral characteristics (as fingerprint or voice patterns) especially as a means of verifying personal identity

define gel electrophoresis

The separation of nucleic acids or proteins, on the basis of their size and electrical charge, by measuring their rate of movement through an electrical field in a gel.

define restriction enzyme

A degradative enzyme that recognizes specific nucleotide sequences and cuts up DNA.

Explain the relationship between the following words - cells, genes, chromosomes, tissues, DNA, proteins.

DNA is a sequence of nucleotides (which consist of a phosphate group, a nitrogen base, and a deoxyribose sugar). Specific orders of nitrogen base sequences code for genes, which are instructions in the DNA that lead to the formation of proteins. When in t

define forensic anthropology

analyzing human remains to solve crimes

what are the main types of tissues in the human body

epithelial, connective, adipose, muscle, nervous

how does the structure of epithelial tissue relate to its function

it's layered- to line organs and body cavities

how does the structure of connective tissue relate to its function

it's a matrix to fill in spaces so bone, cartilage etc. can join

how does the structure of muscle tissue relate to its function

to allow movement for the muscles

how does the structure of nervous tissue relate to its function

long axons- so signals can travel long distances, and branches connections

Describe three body processes or functions that all humans have in common.

(1) All humans excrete liquid waste through the urinary system, which filters out waste products and recycles water and certain ions back through the body. (2) All humans' heart muscle contracts, which moves blood throughout the body via arteries and vein

What does it mean if a doctor says he/she is about to dissect the distal end of the popliteal artery?

The popliteal region is the back of the knee. Since distal refers to being further away from the point of attachment (as opposed to proximal, which is closer to the point of attachment), then the distal end of the popliteal would be the end furthest away

Measurements from which bone -- the femur, the radius or the humerus -- seemed to best approximate height? Why do you think this is?

Most likely it was from your femur. The best reason for this is simply because the femur (as part of the leg) actually plays a role in determining your height (as opposed to the radius and humerus, whose lengths are simply related to height).

Why do you think some equations did a better job predicting height than others? What are some of the sources of error in your analysis?

the variation in the effectiveness of equations is probably due to the small sample size that we had when making our measurements. If we could have had more than seven data points to make our line of best fit, our line probably would have been much more a

How did your findings compare to the rest of your team and to the actual data provided by your teacher? What could account for any variation?

The variations likely occur because many of these observations are qualitative and will be observed or interpreted differently by different individuals. Even with the quantitative data, it is difficult to know exactly where to start and stop measurements

A man was in a car accident and fractured cervical vertebrae, his femur and his 5th metatarsal. Explain his injuries to a "non-science" person.

The cervical vertebrae fracture means that the person broke the part of his backbone that is in the neck. The femur fracture means that he broke his thigh bone. And the 5th metatarsal fracture means that he broke the long bone on the side of his foot that

ligaments are an example of what tissue


Describe another medical condition or disease where the primary system causes a serious problem with a secondary system.

The body is bleeding somewhere, primary system would be the circulatory system. This causes the urinary system to fail b/c of last of blood flood to the kidneys

An anthropologist finds a 29 cm humerus in a remote site at a mtn resort. There was a missing person's report for a woman (approx. 5'5" tall) placed just about a week ago. Could this bone belong to her? Why/why not?

5'5"=165.1 cm
(3.14 x 29cm) +65cm +- 3.72 cm
159.78 cm
Yes this bone can belong to the woman b/c the height difference is only 5.32 cm

Why is it was helpful to digest each of your samples with 2 different restriction enzymes? How do the results of your gel reinforce this point?

it's helpful b/c it gives 2 different knowns to match the unknowns to. The gel reinforces this point b/c the missing person could've matched just one enzyme being used. The 2nd enzyme was like doing a second test.

write a paragraph explaining what you would say to the other family to convince them that the science techniques used prove the bones do or don't belong to their loved ones

Each individual person had different DNA. So when we looked at the small DNA fragments each person has the same sections but in different places. By using gel electrophoresis, it was easy to see that the bones found don't belong to your loved ones

Explain how the code in your physical appearance as well as the functioing of your body. How might a change in this code impact the body?

The code in my DNA relates to my appearance & the functioning of my body b/c it contains info needed for my cells to produce proteins making up the body. These proteins include structural proteins that determine shape, & pigments that determine skin, hair

Other than info from bone and from DNA analysis, what other characteristics/identifiers can be used to identify this skeleton?

A medical history involving past bone fractures could also help identify this skeleton. Dental Records would also be very useful.

With a partner, rank the forms of biometrics from most to least secure (1=hardest to fake). Which do you think would be the easiest to fake (5).

1 Fingerprints
3 Eyes
4 Face
5 Voice

Describe some of the ethical concerns related to biometrics technology

Should the gov., employers, or parents have access to your biometric data. It's an invasion of privacy. What happens if the biometrics data is stolen?

what role could your DNA play in biometrics of the future?

DNA could enable one to have access to their belongings by only their DNA and no one else's

Explain the role human body systems, tissues, and cells play in identity?

Cells have DNA that codes proteins. Proteins help determine physical appearance & other characteristics. Cells with similar functions group together to make tissues which form connective bone tissue, adipose connective tissue, & muscle tissue. Nervous tis