Unit 1

absolute location

a place may be located by mathematically calculating its location using latitude and longitude.


the art and science of map-making.

circular pattern

wide range of organic patterns and are the hall mark of human made things

cultural landscapes

the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.

daylight savings time

pushes the clock forward one hour in the spring.


spatial information is presented on a flat piece of paper,a cartographer immediately faces the issue.

environmental geography

the branch of geography that describes and explains the spatial aspects of interactions between humans and the natural world.


an imaginary circle that lies exactly half way between the north and the south poles.


a greek scholar who worked in the third century.

formal regions

an area that has striking similarities in terms one or a few physical or cultural features.

functional (nodal) regions

areas organized around cores,or nodes.

GIS(geographic information system)

a computer that captures ,stores,analyzes,and displays data.


the expansion of economic, political ,and cultural activities to the point that they reach and have impact on many areas of the world.

Greenwich Mean Time

most adjacent time zones are exactly one hour apart and by convention compute their local time as offset from Greenwich mean time or the standard time at the prime meridian.

GPS(global positioning system)

uses a series of satellites,tracking stations,and receivers to determine precise absolute locations on earth.

grid pattern

rectilinear pattern reflects a rectangular system of land survey adopted in much of the country under the ordinance of 1785.


was a greek historian and sceptic philosopher who flourished in the 4th century bc.

human geography

focuses on people


an 11th century arab geographer worked for the king of sicily to collect geographical information into remarkably accurate representation of the world.


defined geography as the study of interrelated spatial patterns- the description and explanation of differences and similarities between one region and another.


the visible imprint of human activity on the landscape


parallels measures or distance north or south of the equator.

linear pattern

if the pattern is along straight lines ,like rivers,streets,or railroad tracks,the arrangement is lenear.

local time

a time zone is a region that has adopted the same standard time usually referred to as local time.because the sun hits the earth at different times as it spins on its axis time zones are meant to make time uniform.


a numbering system that calculates distance east and west of the prime meridian.

Marsh,George Perkins

a 19th century american geographer ,is best known for his classic work,Man and Nature, published in 1864. He focused on impact of human actions on the natural environment,so his thinking is basic to the field of Human Geography.

Mercator projection

was invented by flemish cartographer mercator in 1569 for a specific purpose- navigating ships across the atlantic ocean between europe and the americas.


an arc drawn between the North and South Poles that measures longitude ,a numbering that calculates distance east and west of the prime meridian.

multi-national corporations

has centers of operations in many parts of the globe.


a circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator.


The arrangement of objects on earths surface in relationship to one another

perceptual (vernacular) regions

are places that people believe to existnas a part of their cultural identity.They reflect feelings images more than any objective reality , such as physical features ,formal political boundaries,or economic centers.


the regions margins.

Peters projections

focuses on keeping land masses equal in area. As a result,the shapes are distorted,resulting in an overall map that seems quite unfamiliar to most viewers.


A specific point on earth with human and physical characteristics that distinguish it from other points.

physical geography

focuses on natural environment itself.

physical site characteristics

include climate,topography,soil,water sources,vegetation,and elevation.

Prime meridian

is set by international agreement on a line of longitude that runs through Greenwich ,England,and lines on longitude are spaced 15* apart in both directions (east and west) from it.


a greek scholar who lived 500 years later than Eratosthenes,recalculated the circumference of the earth to be much smaller-by about 9,000 miles.

random pattern

exists if no regular distribution cab be seen.


The organization of earths surface into distinct areas that are viewed as different from other areas.

Robinson projection

tries to correct for this distortion in high north and south latitudes by curving these areas inward on paper.

Sauer ,Carl

an early 20th century geography from California ,shaped the field of Human Geography by arguing that cultural landscapes she be the main focus of geographic study.


The relationship between the size of an object or distance between objects on a map and the size of the actual object or distance on earths surface.


the physical and human-transformed characteristics of a place.


important in determining the centrality or isolation of a place, a fact that is highly subject to change.It helps us find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location to a place that we know.

solar time

based on the position of the sun in the sky as the day progresses.


The physical gap or distance between two objects.

space time compression

describes the changes that rapid connections among places and regions have brought.

spatial organization

the location of places,people,and events,and the connections among places and landscapes.

spatial perspective

they notice patterns of both natural and human environments, distributions of people,and locations of all kinds of objects.

time zone

a region that has adopted the same standard time,usually referred to as the local time.


most places on earth have names - that distinguish them from others.

U.S Census Bureau

one of the biggest employers of geographers in the U.S

why of where

is critical - explanations for why a spatial pattern occurs.