APHG Ch. 9

urban morphology

study of physical form and structure of urban places


conglomeration of people and buildings clustered together to serve as a center of politics, culture, and economics


the entire built-up, nonrural area and its population, including the most recently constructred suburban appendages. Provides a better picture of the dimensions and population of such an area than the delimited municipality that forms its heart.

agricultural village

small egalitarian village where most population in in agricult over 100 000 ya

social stratification

enables formation of cities, differentiation of classes based on wealth and job

leadership class

group of decision makers and organizers who helped bring about the creation of cities

first urban revolution

innovation of the city, five separate hearths


region of cities b/w the Tigris and Euphrates; first urban hearth; 3500 bce

Nile River Valley

second urban hearth; 3200 bce

Indus River Valley

3rd urban hearth; 2200 bce

Huang He and Wei

4th hearth; now china; 1500 bce


5th hearth; 200 bce


high point of city used in greek cities for religious purposes


public place (Greece) where people socialized/debated/traded/schemed


internal physical attributes of a place; absolute location; spatial character and setting


Roman acropolis and agora combined


external locational attributes of a place; relative location and regional position

trade area

region adjacent next to every city w/i which its influence is dominant

rank-size rule

idea that population of a city is inversely proportional to its rank in hierarchy

central place theory

Walter Christaller that explains how and where central places in the urban hierarchy should be functionally and spatially distributed.

Sunbelt phenomenon

movement of millions of Americans from N and NE states to S a SW regions of US

functional zonation

division of a city into zones (residential/commercial) for certain purposes or functions


area of a city with a relatively uniform land use

central business district

downtown hearth of a central city, high land values, concentration of buildings and commerce; skyscrapers

central city

urban area that isn't suburban; the older or original city with suburbs around it


subsidiary urban area surrounding and connected to the central city; some have commercial districts and shopping malls


movement of upper and middle-class people form urban core areas to the surrounding outskirts to escape pollution and bad social conditions

concentric zone model

structural model of the American central city that suggests the existence of five concentric land-use rings arranged around a common center

edge cities

Joel Garreau-shifting of urbanization away from CBD toward new paths of economic activity at the urban fringe; massive amounts of retail/commercial space, residential areas, and modern buildings

urban realm

generalization of the large, late twentieth century city; widely dispersed, suburban downtowns, shrunken central realm focused on CBD

Griffin-Ford model

model of latin american city showing blend of traditional elements of Latin culture and globalization on the urban scene

disamenity sector

poorest parts of city controlled by gangs or drug-lords

McGee model

model of land-use patterns among the medium sized cities of SE Asia


unplanned slum development on margins of cities; crude dwellings made out of scrap garbage

zoning laws

legal restrictions of land use that determine what types of building and economic activities that are allowed to take place in certain zones (residential/retail/industrial)


illegal process where minorities where denied credit to live in predom-white neighborhoods


rapid change in racial comp of residential blocks in US cities when real estate agents stir up fears of neighborhood decline after encouraging people of color to move to previously white neighborhoods


transformation of an area of a city into a area attractive to tourists and residents alike


rehab of deteriorated housing of low-income residents


homes bought in american suburbs with intent of tearing it down and creating large mansion


super sized mansions in appearance with other homes in area; often in tear-downs in US suburbs

urban sprawl

unrestricted growth of American urban areas of housing, commercial development, and roads over large expanses of land with little concern for planning

new urbanism

urban design (Influence from designers from over 20 countries) that will revive urban areas and create walkable suburban areas w/ diversity of housing and jobs

gated communities

restricted neighborhoods or subdivisions, where entry is limited to residents and guests, high income-based but middle class ones as well

informal economy

economic activity that isn't taxed nor monitored by government; not in GNP

world city

dominant cities in the role of a global political economy; not the largest city, but most controlled

primate city

countries largest city; cultural center and possibly the capital

spaces of comsumption

areas of a city where main purpose is to encourage people to consume goods and services; driven by media