sociology 14-16

food desert

a community in which the residents have little or no access to fresh, affordable, healthy foods, usually located in densely populated, urban areas

deprivation amplification

occurs when the risks we already have because of our background or heredity are amplified by social factors
Ex. : Minorities are more likely to expose to harmful surroundings; men are more likely to hold hazardous jobs

transmits norms and values of medicine and medical knowledge
-Regulate, licenses, and legitimizes practitioners
- Polices itself and encroachment on its power

the American medical association (AMA), through its standards and regulation:

Doctor-patient relations are greatly influenced by the structure of the institution
- The way that we interact with doctors is what give them status and power- the norms of the situation emerge from the way we behave

Medicine as social institution: Doctor-Patient Relations

cultural competence

acknowledgement and incorporation of a person's cultural background as part of the treatment process
- This is important because a patient's belief will shape that patient's approach to health care

sick role

describes actions and attitudes expected from someone who is ill

Talcott Parson

suggest that being sick is a form of deviance (it's different from the norm )
- you often get excused from your normal responsibilities, but you have new responsibilities, like seeking treatment and try to get better.

issues in medicine and health care: Health care reform in the united states

health-care reform is a current issue that we hear a-lot about in the media. The premise is that we need to provide better, more affordable health care to all people
- In 2010, the patient protection and affordable care act, known as the ACA or "Obamacare


a policy that allows insurance companies to cancel people's coverage after they get sick

complementary medicine

treatments, practices, or products that can be used in conjunction with conventional Western medicine

alternative medicine

treatments, practices, or products that can be used instead of conventional Western medicine

integrative medicine

combines conventional medicine with complementary practices that are proven to be safe and effective


is an attempt to manipulate the gene pool to improve humans through medical science


in using processes eugenics, its important to consider bioethics- the moral or ethical issues related to scientific or medical advancements